Releasing - krasserm/streamz GitHub Wiki


  • Branches: r-<x.y.z>
  • Tags: v-<x.y.z>


  • Test for all configured Scala versions:

      sbt:streamz> + test
  • Package for all configured Scala versions:

      sbt:streamz> + publishM2
  • Generate API docs for all configured Scala versions:

      sbt:streamz> + unidoc

Maven artifacts

  • Create zip archive of Maven artifacts in .m2. Archive must contain com as root folder.
    • eg on OSX zip -r com -x "*.DS_Store" assuming com contains only github/krasserm/*
  • On bintray create new version and upload archive. Make sure to check option "explode archive". After upload click "Publish" button. Then the files should be visible at (publish is asynchronous, so it may take up to a minute until all files are visible).

API docs

Commit target/scala-x.y/unidoc content to gh-pages branch and push for publishing API docs.

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