09. VirtualBox, Docker Images and Install Scripts - krakenrf/krakensdr_docs GitHub Wiki
We currently have a VirtualBox virtual machine image that is in beta. The image is based on Ubuntu 22.04 and has the KrakenSDR Direction Finding and GNU Radio with KrakenSDR Source block preinstalled.
Download Here (Most recent date is newest image): https://mega.nz/folder/MaFCyAyJ#TCl1uCNVAHkCbnSsrG56bQ
username/password: krakenrf/krakensdr
The image is provided as an OVA file, so in VirtualBox go to File->Import to use it. Make sure to double check your network interface after import, and ensure that it's in bridged mode.
Note that this uses the VirtualBox USB3.0 implementation as we have found that the USB2.0 implementation is too slow and drops samples. The USB3.0 implementation works well. In order to use the USB3.0 implementation you will need the Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack from https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads installed to your VirtualBox.
We recommend allocating 8GB of RAM and 4 CPU cores to the system. We have tested the image on a 6th gen and 11th gen intel CPU. The 6th gen runs the DOA software well. The GNU Radio code struggles to keep up on 6th gen. The 11th gen is capable of handling everything.
Linux Hosts NOTE: Note that on Linux hosts you will need to run the following command first, in order to allow for USB pass through to work.
sudo adduser $USER vboxusers
Virtual Box Version: Note that the latest version 7.0.0 of Virtual Box is significantly more stable when running long term. Earlier versions can sometimes throw kernel errors after a few hours, resulting in USB drops (unrelated to the KrakenSDR software). Please ensure that you upgrade to this latest version.
Virtual Box Disk Sizing: By default the disk size is minimized to prevent the download image file being huge. If you find that you are low on space, please resize the disk in the Virtual Box settings.
Third parties have created a Docker container that you can use for installing a ready to use image of the DOA software on x86 machines. Note that the Docker container will not work on Windows, due Docker not supporting USB passthrough from Windows to a Linux image. Also note that the Docker container is immutable, so any settings changes you save will not persist once the image is restarted.
Docker Image Repository: https://github.com/godsic/krakensdr-containers/
NOTE: To reiterate this Docker container is only for x86 machines.
Install Scripts
These scripts will automatically install the drivers, all dependencies and the DOA software package in the krakensdr_doa
Start the software with the start scripts in the krakensdr_doa
x86 64 Bit Systems
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/krakenrf/krakensdr_docs/main/install_scripts/krakensdr_x86_install_doa.sh
sudo chmod +x krakensdr_x86_install_doa.sh
Reboot your system after the script finishes.
ARM64 Systems
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/krakenrf/krakensdr_docs/main/install_scripts/krakensdr_aarch64_install_doa.sh
sudo chmod +x krakensdr_aarch64_install_doa.sh
Reboot your system after the script finishes.
Note: If installing on a Raspberry Pi, please ensure that you are using the 64-bit version of Raspbian as the script expects a 64-bit system.
LATEST 22.04 UBUNTU UPDATE CLANG COMPILE PROBLEMS: It appears that a recent Ubuntu update is breaking clang, hence the compilation of KFR is failing on x64 systems. The fix is simply sudo apt-get install g++-12