Changelog - krahsdevil/Retropie-CRT-Edition GitHub Wiki

Summary of versions

Current Version EVO FINAL 3.3 GET IT!( Retropie 4.6 RPi 2B/3B/3A+/3B+
Previous Version EVO FINAL 3.0 Retropie 4.6 RPi 2B/3B/3A+/3B+


We have been working on a new, more structured and efficient code for a long time although there is still a lot of work ahead. Special thanks to DSKywalk for all his wisdom and time in this project.

Change history


EVO 3.3 [STABLE/FINAL] [2020/11/09] GET IT!(

*  Fix: Allowed hardware IDs with OC warranty bit activated.
*  Fix: Overclock sd_overclock in 10mhz steps.
*  Fix: RetroArch NetPlay Client Mode.
*  Fix: Hide cursor on game exit.
*  Fix: Street of Rage Remake doesn't work with FASTBOOT enabled.
*  Fix: Wrong orientation for SplatterHouse game in resolution database.
*  New: Added OLED Display configuration for VGA666/PI2SCART.

EVO 3.0 [STABLE/FINAL] [2020/10/12]:

*  Update: Python scripts updated to Python3.
*  Update: Better organization of some options and sections in configuration utility.	 
*  Update: Additional characters for virtual keyboard.
*  Update: PSX Retroarch core updated.
*  New: Support for smsplus-gx.
*  New: Support for Retropie Ports.
*  New: EmulationStation menu fonts change (Thanks to Sirgmagb):
	You can change default EmulationStation menu font for get it more readable at 240p.
	Option available in configuration utility.
*  New: New overclock module (Experimental):
	Warning! Only for advanced users.
	Please, don't use if you don't know what are you doing, this may damage your 
	Raspberry Pi, overheating, loss of information or unstability.
	You can easily change some overclock parameters under configuration utility.
	Only recomended overclock presets for Pi2 are available.
*  New: FASTBOOT for games launching:
        Now you can reduce the launching time enabling this option (available under 
        configuration utility). This will bypass Retropie runcommand and any unnecesary 
        screen reducing the lapsed time between you select a game and emulator starts.
        FASTBOOT will use the same core selected as default for each system or per game by runcommand.
        Core selection will be again available once you disable FASTBOOT and back to RUNCOMMAND.
*  New: Support for new Antonio Villena's piCRT with embedded OLED display:
        You can show some system health and in-game information on included display.
        Display will be automatically disabled during the session if piCRT JAMMA addon is connected.
        Enable and customize it under configuration utility.
*  Fix: Wrong resolution for vector games.
*  Fix: Virtual keyboard cursor movement.
*  Fix: Text scroll in configuration utility.
*  Fix: Sometimes configuration utility hangs on vertical/horizontal mode change.

EVO 2.0 [STABLE/FINAL] [2020/07/12]:

*  Update: New image from Retropie 4.6 (Buster).
*  Update: EmulationStation V.2.9.3RP.
*  Update: Retroarch v1.8.8.
*  Update: Image center utility adapted for TATE mode.
*  Update: No longer support for 270p system resolution, only 240p.
*  Update: RGB cable selector was fully rewrited and now has three options:
               1) VGA666/PI2SCART: For any device based on VGA666 mode.
               2) RGB-PI/PICRT: For any model of both devices, including JAMMA versions.
               3) PI2JAMMA: PI2JAMMA device.
*  New: Support for Sharp X68000.
*  New: New configuration utility:
            Integration of USB Automount utility.
            Integration of RGB Cable Selector utility.
            Integration of some native EmulationStation/Retropie native configs.
            On the fly TV compatibility modes.
            Game statistics and system information.
            Global volume, EQ control and background music.
            Support for WIFI configuration (include virtual keyboard).
            Support for Retroarch NetPlay (include virtual keyboard).
            Xin-Mo USB controller 2 players Fix.
            Support for IPAC/Keyboard autoconfiguration under retroach (2 players) and Emulationstation: 
                Configuration is done based on default MAME controls:
                                PLAYER 1               RETROPAD               PLAYER 2
                        -----------------------        --------         -------------------
                        Label           Key            Button           Label           Key
                        --------        -------        ------           --------        ---
                        P1 START        1              START            P2 START        2
                        P1 COIN         5              SELECT           P2 COIN         6
                        P1 RIGHT        R arrow        RIGHT            P2 RIGHT        G
                        P1 LEFT         L arrow        LEFT             P2 LEFT         D
                        P1 UP           U arrow        UP               P2 UP           R
                        P1 DOWN         D arrow        DOWN             P2 DOWN         F
                        P1 SW 1         L-ctrl         B BTN            P2 SW 1         A
                        P1 SW 2         L-alt          A BTN            P2 SW 2         S
                        P1 SW 3         space          X BTN            P2 SW 3         Q
                        P1 SW 4         L-shift        Y BTN            P2 SW 4         W
                        P1 SW 5         Z              L BTN            P2 SW 5         I
                        P1 SW 6         X              R BTN            P2 SW 6         K

*  Fix: Missing file extension (CHD) for PSX in TATE mode.
*  Fix: Keyboard/Joystick detection fails for omxplayer control in Videoplayer.

EVO 1.1 [STABLE/FINAL] [2020/05/02]:

*  Fix: JAMMA RGB-Pi controls on crt script selectors.
*  Fix: Atari ST exec string and themes.
*  Fix: AdvMAME games database wrong datas for vertical games.
*  Fix: Frequency selector AUTO mode.
*  Fix: PSX_TATE icons for vertical mode themes (Unifliyered, Unifliyered Dark).
*  New: 240p SNES-MINI theme.
*  New: Preinstalled libretro core 'neocd' in addition to lr-fbneo-neocd.
	lr-fbneo-neocd as default.
	Neocd supports:
	    CHD images.
	    Fast boot without loading screens.
        Place a copy of bios '' and '' at '/bios/neocd/' 
        folder for neocd core.
*  Update: EmulationStation 2.9.2.RP:
               OMX Player for video preview enabled by default.
               Fixed OMX Player video positions by Retropie Team.
*  Update: Retropie-Setup 4.5.20
*  Update: Retropie Runcommand
*  Improvement: Original color bars in Megadrive/Master System for some games.

EVO 1.0 [STABLE/FINAL] [2020/04/17]:

*  Fix: Daphne emulator launcher:
        Joystick remap fix (as per EmulationStation config):
        New menu for Joystick remap enabling or disable.
*  New: 240p is default boot resolution:
        More compatible with TV/Monitors.
        Right aspect ratio for screenshots and videos in EmulationStation.
        270p remains in distribution as option.
*  New: New themes adapted for this distribution at 240p (by Dwayne Hurst):
	Horizontal Mode:
               HeyChromey Blue
               HeyChromey Purple
               UniFlyered Color
	Vertical Mode:
             Uniflyered Dark
*  Improvement: Code clean and optimizations and a lot of love.

EVO [Beta 3.5] [2020/03/26]:

*  Fix: Colecovision image missing on some themes.
*  New: Support for LaserDisc games (daphne).
*  New: RGB Cable Selector available on vertical mode.
*  Update: New menu for screen rotation on vertical mode.
*  Update: New menu for USB Automount on vertical mode.
*  Improvement: Code and files cleaning.

EVO [Beta 2.5] [2020/03/11]:

*  Fix: Arcade encapsulator starts after retropie runcommand.
*  Update: Configuration utility v4.0
*  Improvement: Background music less CPU consumption when music is paused.

EVO [Beta 2.4] [2020/03/03]:

*  Fix: SCUMMVM don't start:
        ERROR '...install at least one emulator or core'

EVO [Beta 2.3] [2020/03/02]:

*  Fix: mame2003-plus digital directions doesnt't work:
        Configured 'control mapping' to digital by default as mame2003.
*  Fix: pi2jamma controls:
             'TAB' key generated now with P1Start + P1Button4.
             Inverted 'a' and 'b' under EmulatioStation.
*  Fix: Under 'ARCADE' folder some cores combination don't generate 
             retroarch superresolution (for instance, if advmame is
             default emulator and mame2003 is for a particular ROM).
*  Improvement: New module for emulationstation rotation.

Other internal code optimizations and/or improvements.

EVO [Beta 2.1] [2020/02/23]:

*  Fix: raspi-config black screen when launched from Emulationstation:
*  New: SSH access enabled by default

Minor internal issues.

EVO [Beta 2.0] [2020/02/20]:

*  Fix: -90 and -180 Rotation in Emulationstation 2.9.0RP:
        Now it's necessary to provide screen size.
*  Fix: Vertical size on rotated vertical games.
*  Fix: Screen Center Utility sometimes close unexpectedly.
*  Fix: Background music starts play on boot during video splash.
*  Fix: High CPU consumption on python scritps with pygame.
*  New: First boot control on main emulatiostation script
*  New: First boot system will ask for your RGB Cable:
        Need to have connected at least a USB Joystick or keyboard if not,
        in second boot will enter emulatiostation as usual.
*  New: Dedicated tool for RGB Cable selection and removed from Configuration Utility.
*  New: Added support for Pi2Jamma with RGB Cable Selector Tool (Experimental):
        All keys are auto-configured (ES, Retroarch & Advmame)
*  New: Added support for Jamma RGB-Pi with RGB Cable Selector Tool (Experimental)
        Once configured, user must map buttons first time as standard joystick.
*  New: Added support for Xin Mo USB Controller:
        Two players under the same controller *
*  Improvement: Old/incorrect config and files cleaned.
*  Improvement: Joystick module for CRT Scripts detects devices after load.
*  Improvement: ScummVM: * Menus now are configured automatically to be legibles
			 * Aspect Ratio Control; Now it's possible to force 
                           vertical strech withouth PixelPerect (Selectable
                           from Configuration Utility: 'ScummVM ARC')
*  Improvement: Added restart/Reboot missing messages on some CRT scritps.
*  Updated: Emulationstation 2.9.0RP
*  Updated: Runcommand through 'Retropie Setup'
*  Updated: Retropie Setup to version 4.5.13
*  Updated: RetroArch to version v.1.8.4
*  Updated: ScummVM to version 2.1.0 [Feb 9 2020]
*  Updated: Emulators in 'Main packages section' at 'Retropie Setup', all 
            emulators under this section have been updated to last version
            [current ones at Feb 15 2020]

Other internal code optimizations and/or improvements.

EVO [Beta 1.1] [2019/12/18]:

*  Full code rewriting and improvements for USB Automount
*  Retropie Systems:
     * NEOGEO CD: Added new Retropie system & theme
     * ATARI 800: Added new Retropie system & theme
     * PCENGINE CD: Fix retroarch internal path for saving remaps and others
*  All retroarch resolutions for systems adjusted
*  Screen Center Uilitily Improvement:
     * Both centering tests for 240p and 270p at FRONTEND CENTERING
     * Now scummvm or msdos will be centered with this 240p test
*  FIX ES rotation to -90
*  Other internal fixes and improvements

EVO [Beta 1.0] [2019/11/18]:

*  Full code rewriting and improvements for Background Music.
*  Some internal fixes

EVO [Alpha 1.0]:

*  ALL Legacy 1.0 features included on EVO
*  New launching scripts!:
     * New python scripts for launching and change resolution (thanks to DSKywalk).
     * Full code rewriting and improvements for Screen Center Utility.
*  All retroarch resolutions for systems adjusted
*  New databases compilation for mame/fbneo/advmame and now also for neogeo games:
     * Some resolution fixes solved
     * Horizontal resolution per game added
*  Configuration Utility v3.0
     * New option for enable Auto Horizontal Integer Scaling per game:
         * Only for RetroArch arcade and neogeo games
         * Enable it on Configuration Utility
         * Auto integer scale will be applied on retroarch core
         * Games will be slightly oversized but better internal performance
     * Updated 240p Test Suite (Sega Genesis Version 1.21 [16/10/2019])
*  Added two new compatibility modes for TV/Monitors:
     * MODE1: Classic Triniton Fix
     * MODE2: Compatibility MODE2
     * MODE3: Compatibility MODE3

WARNING: Compatibility MODES will affect directly to main system resolution.
Only try them if your TV/monitor is experiencing issues during emulation or
showing user interface. This could make Retropie CRT Edition unusable with 
your TV! If any problem you can burn again system image on SD.

Legacy [FINAL 1.0] [2019/07/30] GET IT!:

*  Improved resume timing for background music on emulation exit.
*  Fixed es_system.cfg file modifications for CRT.
*  Image fully recreated starting from last Retropie 4.5:
     *  All recent scripts and binaries included on this official version
     *  Raspbian Stretch up to date.

Legacy Beta 2.7:

*  Fixed black screen resuming background music #2.
*  Fixed video player controls with joystick (omxplayer).
*  Fixed FinalBurn --subsystem launching string:
     *  Support for system emulation NEOGEO CD
*  Updated Retropie-Setup to 4.4.15 (d421ef24)
*  Updated EmulationStation to V2.8.3RP
*  Updated FinalBurn Alpha to FinalBurn Neo v0.2.97.44 (189b99f)
*  Updated PSX Retroarch core PCSX-ReARMed to r22 (cadb885) (CHD Support)

Legacy Beta 2.6.2:

*  Fixed black screen resuming background music.
*  Bilinear filter for arcade vertical games running in horizontal mode.
*  New Amstrad CPC in-game super resolution:
    *  1536 x 272 @ 50hz
    *  Close to horizontal pixel perfect
    *  (8x) 192px integer Scale for low resolution (Mode 0)
    *  (4x) 386px Integer Scale for standard resolution (Mode 1).
    *  (2x) 768px Integer Scale for high resolution (Mode 2).

Legacy Beta 2.6.1:

*  Fixed USB Automount Utility centering when launched in 240p mode.

Legacy Beta 2.6:

*  Added new 240p horizontal theme:
    *  Original BubbleGum Theme from Pietze
    *  Added all missing layouts to suit with this Retropie CRT Edition
    *  240P Overscan adjustement on the whole theme for a perfect centering
    *  Full XML config files rewriting
*  Autosaving for theme selection between 240/270p modes.
*  Autochange for 'Launching Images' with different aspect ratios between 240/270p modes.

Notice that 240p themes will not look as expected on 270p mode.

Legacy Beta 2.5.1:

*  Fixed Atari 7800 Emulator Launcher
*  Fixed BASE/FLAT/FOREST Themes for 'arcade'
*  Fixed Music Background; Black Screen on Emulation Exit.
*  Changed Music Background to Resume mode.

Legacy Beta 2.5:

*  Changed 'Screent Utility' to 'Configuration Utility' (v2.1)
*  Added Music Background support for ES (script by madmodder123)
    *  Enable/disable feature from 'Configuration Utility'
    *  Place songs at ./configs/music/ folder
*  Changed Video Player Font (font mod by -krahs-):
    *  Better info/subtitles text visualization and better 
       compatibility with other languages
*  Fixed Colecovision/Lynx Emulator Launchers and themes
*  Changed 'Genesis Plus GX' as default emulator for SEGA CD (compatible with CHD's)
*  Added 'Video View' to classic themes BASE/FLAT/FOREST and BASE Vertical
*  Other interna changes/optimizations

Legacy Beta 2.4:

*  Internal code optimization and cleaned boot config file (By DSkywalk)
*  Fix black screen and exit on DosBox & ScummVM launcher
*  Solved some issues with themes
  *  TATE theme added 'last played', 'all games', 'favourites'
  *  BASE/FLAT/FOREST issues showing game info like 'last played'
  *  BASE/FLAT/FOREST added custom-collections
*  Added basic Video Player (omxplayer) - Place videos at '/roms/videos/' folder
*  MSX Emulation, Libretro core lr-bluemsx pre-installed 

Legacy Beta 2.3 (First Public Release):

*  Fix PSX TATE 'Launching images'
*  Fix N64 allowed emulator process
*  Fix Help Systems/Games images in SNES-MINI Theme (By DSkywalk)
*  Added Spectrum Game 'Justin and The Lost Abbey' from Dantoine Studio (By DSkywalk)
*  Updated retroarch core CAPRICE32 4.5 with CPR support (By DSkywalk)

Legacy Beta 2.2:

*  CRT system over Retropie 4.4 updatable
*  Support for RPi2B/3B/3B+
*  Advmame 3.9, lr-puae and Amiberry pre-installed
*  SNES-MINI Theme by ruckage modified for CRT
*  Fixed BASE/FLAT/FOREST Themes from RGB-Pi Recalbox Project
*  USB Automount Utility for ROMs (USB external storage):
  *  Switch for turn-on/off
  *  USB Hotplug and EJECT option
  *  Auto-rename folders from recalboxUSB (from Recalbox RGB-Pi project)
*  Screen Utility:
  *  RGB Output MODE (RGB-Pi > VGA666 > PI2SCART)
  *  240p or 270p resolution for System/ES
  *  Vertical Games Rotation (only games)
  *  Switch between TATE and YOKO mode (Frontend and games rotation)
  *  Frequency selector mode (Always 50/60hz, Manual or Auto)
  *  Compatibility for some SONY TV (red color issues) through MODES (Trinitron FIX)
  *  Dynamic Screen Centering Utility for Games and System/ES
  *  Integrated 240p Test Suite (Artemio Urbina)