RPi simple 1 action button - kowwwalski/docs GitHub Wiki
Yepp, it's just RPi that doing some stuff on button press (in my case it's played HOMM3 new week sound)
Download and write to SD-card latest raspbian lite image from official site:
Boot up and configure your RPi with raspi-config utility (ssh, for example)
Install system and software updates with:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
Install cli-media-player:
sudo apt install mpg123
Make a project directory for all your files and scripts
(mkdir -p %project_folder_name%
, I don't think there's is a problem with that case)
Copy your soundfile to RPi via scp utility or with your favorite way:
scp %path/to/file% username@rpi_hostname:%fullpath/to/project_folder_name%
(may require sudo
Install GPIO python modules:
sudo apt install python-gpiozero python3-gpiozero
(install python-rpi.gpio and python3-rpi.gpio if you need it, but not in my case)
Check your RPi GPIO connectors via pinout
command. There's some pseudo-graphics output.
We need just 1 GND and 1 GPIO.
(on my RPi 1 model B: 6pin = GND, 7pin = GPIO)
I prefer to connect any periferials when RPi power is off.
(for safety reasons, or I'm some kind of paranoid)
So shutdown rpi with:
sudo poweroff now
(you can skip sudo
when you run poweroff
directly on device, but via ssh-connection it's required)
Connect your button to GND and GPIO connectors and boot RPi up again.
Now we can create python-script like this one:
import os
from gpiozero import Button
soundFile = "/path/to/soundfile.mp3"
button = Button(4)
while True:
if button.is_pressed:
os.system("mpg123 " + soundFile)
We can set up our script to background running on each system startup.
Create a shell-script like this one:
nohup /path/to/python-script.py >/dev/null 2>&1 &
And add a rule into the our user's crontab (don't use sudo
crontab -e
(choose your favorite editor)
add string like:
@reboot /path/to/shell-script.sh
After next reboot we can just push the button to play our media-file.