Wish List Features - kororo/conff GitHub Wiki
This special wiki page is to organise all features with format of background of the feature, some technical information and examples.
General Stuff
- Clean up tests
- Use
in longer tests. Should make test output easier to read - Break up large test files into smaller parts that test a single piece of functionality
- Use
- Add documentation using Sphinx
T1: Multi-languages and unicodes
- Develop support to accept multi languages and unicodes.
- Test to verify is required
T2: Exception and Error
- Display error/exception with line number/expression that causes
- Add circular dependencies errors
- Add test to test circular dependencies, syntax error and runtime errors
T3: simpleeval options
- Check safety on the evaluator, expose more of its options such as (MAX_STRING)
T4: Refactor built-in features
- Add options to extend structure in template
- Integrate with Jinja2, template in JSON/YAML as string or file then covert back to object
- Rearrange current functions to be built-in functions
- Improve F.extend to allow list to be extended
- Add options to extend structure in template
- Integrate with Jinja2, template in JSON/YAML as string or file then covert back to object
- Separate current functions into built-in and restructure it
T5: More conff input and output interactions
- Allow conff to update existing config object
- Have more converter from/to excel, xml, and JSON
T6: Implementation for F.template
- Implement and test F.template including README description