3. Use Case Examples and Agile User Stories - korayozgurbuz/SWE573TermProject GitHub Wiki
3.1 Use Case Examples
Case #1: Mehmet Kağan is a Twitter celebrity. Lately he observed that his account gets so many retweet notifications for the tweets he posted. He knows it is a good thing people interacts with his tweets and getting so much attention have always put a smile on his face. However, he knows not all of these accounts are real people and he wonders some of these accounts are fake. Or maybe bot accounts. After doing a little search on the net, he found a web application called K-BOT. Mehmet Kağan has fallen in love with this platform. He now knows the percentage of the real people interactions for his tweets.
Case #2: Koray is a production worker in ADIDAS Etiler branch. He is also responsible to keep track of increasing ADIDAS brand activity in Twitter. His manager asks him to collect some tweets about ADIDAS and group them according to their engagement types, namely tweets from people and tweets from bots. His manager believes that knowing this fact will help them increase their future activities on Twitter. So Koray goes to K-BOT panel and collect tweets about ADIDAS. He was about the count the Bot and Non-Bot account to inform his boss just before he realized that this application automatically groups the tweets into bots and people. It even draws the chart. Koray took the results and report to his boss. K-BOT saved the day. Everyone lived happily ever after.
Case #3: Mefküre Yanardağ recently enrolled to a statistician jobs with her bachelor's degree. For the upcoming probation term, she was asked to prepare a report showing the number of bot accounts that retweets major candidate politicians for the United States presidential election. To get the results, she logged in to K-BOT and searched the username of the candidate politicians. It was a shocking results to see that so many retweets of these politicians are being made from the bot accounts. She concluded that politicians all over the world pays quite a lot money to purchase twitter bots and everything they say about "building for a better world" thing is a complete mess.
3.2 Agile User Stories
User Stories #1: As a regular Twitter user, i should have the option to search for keywords and list the bot accounts tweeting using these keywords, so that i can have an idea of what kind of tweets attract bots. This way, i can tweet in a way that may attracts bots and can increase my engagement and eventually follower number.
User Stories #2: As a Twitter celebrity, i should have the option to group the accounts they retweets my posts into bot and not bot, so that i can determine how often real people pay attention to my tweets.
User Stories #3: As another Twitter celebrity, i should have the option to determine bot accounts that mentioning my username, so that i can check their tweets and sue them if they spread fake news about me.