Welcome to Quick Tour.
Here we will see an app created in Buosl, and we will explain each function used.
Simple Buosl app
window.init (x buosl.default ,y buosl.default ,w buosl.default ,h buosl.default )
window.setup ( tools )
window.setup ( mini-text: MyApp )
window.setup ( themes )
window.import ( buosl_logo )
window.ui.setup ( buosl.default )
window.setup ( topbar: buosl.default ,icon: buosl_logo ,title: My Buosl App )
window.ui.text (x -100 ,y 100 ,size 10 ,text meow. :3 buosl supports text )
window.ui.color ( #333 )
window.ui.hover.color ( #00ff00 )
window.ui.input.text.color ( #ff0000 )
window.ui.input (x -100 ,y 50 ,w 120 ,h 20 ,id id_here ,border 10 ,text inputss !!! )
window.ui.input.complete (id id_here ,text meow )
Output preview:
Now lets break down each part.
Focus on GREEN
+ window.init (x buosl.default ,y buosl.default ,w buosl.default ,h buosl.default )
window.setup ( tools )
window.setup ( mini-text: MyApp )
window.setup ( themes )
window.import ( buosl_logo )
window.ui.setup ( buosl.default )
window.setup ( topbar: buosl.default ,icon: buosl_logo ,title: My Buosl App )
window.ui.text (x -100 ,y 100 ,size 10 ,text meow. :3 buosl supports text )
window.ui.color ( #333 )
window.ui.hover.color ( #00ff00 )
window.ui.input.text.color ( #ff0000 )
window.ui.input (x -100 ,y 50 ,w 120 ,h 20 ,id id_here ,border 10 ,text inputss !!! )
window.ui.input.complete (id id_here ,text meow )
Line syntax:
+ window.init (x X Position for app on screen ,y Y Position for app on screen ,w WIDTH of the app ,h HEIGHT of the app )
Values reasoning:
is a placeholder for OriginOS default configurations.
Window Setup
Focus on GREEN
window.init (x buosl.default ,y buosl.default ,w buosl.default ,h buosl.default )
+ window.setup ( tools )
+ window.setup ( mini-text: MyApp )
+ window.setup ( themes )
window.import ( buosl_logo )
window.ui.setup ( buosl.default )
+ window.setup ( topbar: buosl.default ,icon: buosl_logo ,title: My Buosl App )
window.ui.text (x -100 ,y 100 ,size 10 ,text meow. :3 buosl supports text )
window.ui.color ( #333 )
window.ui.hover.color ( #00ff00 )
window.ui.input.text.color ( #ff0000 )
window.ui.input (x -100 ,y 50 ,w 120 ,h 20 ,id id_here ,border 10 ,text inputss !!! )
window.ui.input.complete (id id_here ,text meow )
Line syntax:
+ window.setup ( tools )
+ window.setup ( mini-text: The text to display when app is minimised )
+ window.setup ( themes )
+ window.setup ( topbar: The topbar preset to use ,icon: icon to use ,title: title of the app on topbar )
Values reasoning:
is a placeholder for Buosl topbar version.
loads OriginOS window tools.
loads OriginOS user themes.
Window Import
Focus on GREEN
window.init (x buosl.default ,y buosl.default ,w buosl.default ,h buosl.default )
window.setup ( tools )
window.setup ( mini-text: MyApp )
window.setup ( themes )
+ window.import ( buosl_logo )
window.ui.setup ( buosl.default )
window.setup ( topbar: buosl.default ,icon: buosl_logo ,title: My Buosl App )
window.ui.text (x -100 ,y 100 ,size 10 ,text meow. :3 buosl supports text )
window.ui.color ( #333 )
window.ui.hover.color ( #00ff00 )
window.ui.input.text.color ( #ff0000 )
window.ui.input (x -100 ,y 50 ,w 120 ,h 20 ,id id_here ,border 10 ,text inputss !!! )
window.ui.input.complete (id id_here ,text meow )
Line syntax:
+ window.import ( data to load )
Values reasoning:
loads buosl logo as buosl_logo
Window UI Setup
Focus on GREEN
window.init (x buosl.default ,y buosl.default ,w buosl.default ,h buosl.default )
window.setup ( tools )
window.setup ( mini-text: MyApp )
window.setup ( themes )
window.import ( buosl_logo )
+ window.ui.setup ( buosl.default )
window.setup ( topbar: buosl.default ,icon: buosl_logo ,title: My Buosl App )
window.ui.text (x -100 ,y 100 ,size 10 ,text meow. :3 buosl supports text )
window.ui.color ( #333 )
window.ui.hover.color ( #00ff00 )
window.ui.input.text.color ( #ff0000 )
window.ui.input (x -100 ,y 50 ,w 120 ,h 20 ,id id_here ,border 10 ,text inputss !!! )
window.ui.input.complete (id id_here ,text meow )
Line syntax:
+ window.ui.setup ( buosl version to set up )
Values reasoning:
sets up default buosl version.
Window UI Text
Focus on GREEN
window.init (x buosl.default ,y buosl.default ,w buosl.default ,h buosl.default )
window.setup ( tools )
window.setup ( mini-text: MyApp )
window.setup ( themes )
window.import ( buosl_logo )
window.ui.setup ( buosl.default )
window.setup ( topbar: buosl.default ,icon: buosl_logo ,title: My Buosl App )
+ window.ui.text (x -100 ,y 100 ,size 10 ,text meow. :3 buosl supports text )
window.ui.color ( #333 )
window.ui.hover.color ( #00ff00 )
window.ui.input.text.color ( #ff0000 )
window.ui.input (x -100 ,y 50 ,w 120 ,h 20 ,id id_here ,border 10 ,text inputss !!! )
window.ui.input.complete (id id_here ,text meow )
Line syntax:
+ window.ui.text (x X position to add the text on the window ,y Y position to add the text on the window ,size Size of the text ,text Text to write )
Values reasoning:
Window UI Color
Focus on GREEN
window.init (x buosl.default ,y buosl.default ,w buosl.default ,h buosl.default )
window.setup ( tools )
window.setup ( mini-text: MyApp )
window.setup ( themes )
window.import ( buosl_logo )
window.ui.setup ( buosl.default )
window.setup ( topbar: buosl.default ,icon: buosl_logo ,title: My Buosl App )
window.ui.text (x -100 ,y 100 ,size 10 ,text meow. :3 buosl supports text )
+ window.ui.color ( #333 )
window.ui.hover.color ( #00ff00 )
window.ui.input.text.color ( #ff0000 )
window.ui.input (x -100 ,y 50 ,w 120 ,h 20 ,id id_here ,border 10 ,text inputss !!! )
window.ui.input.complete (id id_here ,text meow )
Line syntax:
+ window.ui.color ( hex color code )
Values reasoning:
Window UI Hover Color
Focus on GREEN
window.init (x buosl.default ,y buosl.default ,w buosl.default ,h buosl.default )
window.setup ( tools )
window.setup ( mini-text: MyApp )
window.setup ( themes )
window.import ( buosl_logo )
window.ui.setup ( buosl.default )
window.setup ( topbar: buosl.default ,icon: buosl_logo ,title: My Buosl App )
window.ui.text (x -100 ,y 100 ,size 10 ,text meow. :3 buosl supports text )
window.ui.color ( #333 )
+ window.ui.hover.color ( #00ff00 )
window.ui.input.text.color ( #ff0000 )
window.ui.input (x -100 ,y 50 ,w 120 ,h 20 ,id id_here ,border 10 ,text inputss !!! )
window.ui.input.complete (id id_here ,text meow )
Line syntax:
+ window.ui.hover.color ( hex color code )
Values reasoning:
Window UI Input Text Color
Focus on GREEN
window.init (x buosl.default ,y buosl.default ,w buosl.default ,h buosl.default )
window.setup ( tools )
window.setup ( mini-text: MyApp )
window.setup ( themes )
window.import ( buosl_logo )
window.ui.setup ( buosl.default )
window.setup ( topbar: buosl.default ,icon: buosl_logo ,title: My Buosl App )
window.ui.text (x -100 ,y 100 ,size 10 ,text meow. :3 buosl supports text )
window.ui.color ( #333 )
window.ui.hover.color ( #00ff00 )
+ window.ui.input.text.color ( #ff0000 )
window.ui.input (x -100 ,y 50 ,w 120 ,h 20 ,id id_here ,border 10 ,text inputss !!! )
window.ui.input.complete (id id_here ,text meow )
Line syntax:
+ window.ui.input.text.color ( hex color code )
Values reasoning:
Window UI Input Element
Focus on GREEN
window.init (x buosl.default ,y buosl.default ,w buosl.default ,h buosl.default )
window.setup ( tools )
window.setup ( mini-text: MyApp )
window.setup ( themes )
window.import ( buosl_logo )
window.ui.setup ( buosl.default )
window.setup ( topbar: buosl.default ,icon: buosl_logo ,title: My Buosl App )
window.ui.text (x -100 ,y 100 ,size 10 ,text meow. :3 buosl supports text )
window.ui.color ( #333 )
window.ui.hover.color ( #00ff00 )
window.ui.input.text.color ( #ff0000 )
+ window.ui.input (x -100 ,y 50 ,w 120 ,h 20 ,id id_here ,border 10 ,text inputss !!! )
window.ui.input.complete (id id_here ,text meow )
Line syntax:
+ window.ui.input (x X position for input ,y Y position for input ,w WIDTH of input ,h HEIGHT of input ,id ID_OF_INPUT ,border border radius ,text Placeholder text )
Values reasoning:
Window UI Input Complete
Focus on GREEN
window.init (x buosl.default ,y buosl.default ,w buosl.default ,h buosl.default )
window.setup ( tools )
window.setup ( mini-text: MyApp )
window.setup ( themes )
window.import ( buosl_logo )
window.ui.setup ( buosl.default )
window.setup ( topbar: buosl.default ,icon: buosl_logo ,title: My Buosl App )
window.ui.text (x -100 ,y 100 ,size 10 ,text meow. :3 buosl supports text )
window.ui.color ( #333 )
window.ui.hover.color ( #00ff00 )
window.ui.input.text.color ( #ff0000 )
window.ui.input (x -100 ,y 50 ,w 120 ,h 20 ,id id_here ,border 10 ,text inputss !!! )
+ window.ui.input.complete (id id_here ,text meow )
Line syntax:
+ window.ui.input.complete (id ID_OF_THE_INPUT_TO_COMPLETE ,text Text to write in the input )
Values reasoning:
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