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search from text in buffer


  • In Normal mode, type "ayw to yank a word
  • Press escape, and then / to search
  • Then press CTRL-R and a to put register a



  • Press Ctrl-O to jump back to the previous (older) location.
  • Press Ctrl-I (same as Tab) to jump forward to the next (newer) location.

Display the jump list for the current window with:


great in combination with gf (go to file) and gd (go to definition)

change word at multiple positions

Type yiw to copy the current word. Move the cursor to a new location, then type ciw<C-R>0<Esc> to change the word, replacing it with the copied text. After moving the cursor to a new location, press . to repeat the operation (the current word will be replaced with the word that was originally copied

from instead of ciw this can also be applied to next search with cgn instead.

wrap line at textwidth (i.e. 80 characters by default)

gq + Enter

VSCODE specific vim

use search in explorer

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