User Scenario - koglak/SWE573 GitHub Wiki

User as Lecturer:

Mary visited website and signed up. She wanted to update her myspace page. Firstly, she created a new course with “Learn Django”. When she hit the create button, new course is displayed on her myspace. She clicked the new created course and website routed her to the course page where she can modify course content. She created new lecture by entering title and content. New lecture is assigned as content of the course. Later, she wanted to add a quiz. She added questions and 4 options for each question. While she is creating the quiz, she selected correct answer for each question. Finally, she hit the create button. The new quiz is assigned as content of the course. Lastly, she wanted to publish a case-study. She entered brief explanation about case-study and published it. When she published it, new case-study is assigned to course page immediately.

User as Student:

John wants to learn Django collaboratively. He heard “Hello world” website from his friends and he signed up to website. After he logged in website, recently published courses, and mostly used labels have been displayed on his home page. He was interested in “Learn Django” course. He clicked the course and website routed him to course page. He read the overview of course and examined the course content such as lecture names, quizzes, and case-studies. He decided to take course, so, he clicked attempt button. He decided to start course later and he logged out. Couple days later, he logged in again and clicked “Learn Page”. He noticed that “Learn Django” course is already available there because he clicked attempt button before.

User as Student:

John started to “Learn Django” course. He entered first lecture and started to read content. He mostly understood basics of Django, however, he is confused due to a question. He entered a comment which explains his confusion under lecture. While he is making a comment, he noticed that many students are also confused and asked similar or different questions below. He thought he is not the only one who does not understand. Therefore, he started to answer few questions if he knows the answer. Later, he attempted the quiz. There was 10 questions and each question had 4 answers. When he finished this attempt, he saw his score. He felt happy because he had 9 correct! He thought that those questions are helpful to learn but he needs more practice. Finally he noticed that there is case study. He clicked the case study and read the content. When he finished his study, he submitted the files and put brief explanation about his work.