HOW TO USE THIS PLUGIN - knighthat/JASP GitHub Wiki


To do this, all you have to do is holding a pickaxe (doesn’t matter what it is made of) with Silk Touch enchantment.

You can get the enchantment by using this command /enchant <player_name> silktouch - minecraft.command.enchant permission is needed unless you are opped.


There are two methods to do this, each of them requires different permission to be able to complete the action.

  1. Using command
    • /jasp set <mob> [amount] is what we are using in this section.
    • By holding spawner(s) on your main/right hand, enter the command and replace with mob’s name you want the spawner to spawn, and amount of spawners you need to replace with a new mob.

  1. Using spawn egg
    • By holding a spawn egg which includes mob you want the spawner to spawn, right-click on the spawner to complete the transfer
    • Permission jasp.changemob.[mob] is required. Or jasp.changemob.* to allow a player to change all type of mobs.


Just place the spawner down and ta-da, you just create floating name and lore right above your spawner

But in order to have holograms, spawner has to have its own name and lore in order to let plugin identify and create one for you. To be able to add name and lore, check the section down below.


Allows you to change or set name of holding spawner. By using command /jasp setname <name> - jasp.command.setname permission is needed.

Name length can be restricted by setting in CONFIG.YML. But can be bypassed by giving player this permission jasp.namelength.bypass


Want to add more than a name to your spawner, huh? Don't worry, I got your back.
This feature allows you to add, set, remove, and reset description (or lore) of your spawner. And it is as simple as following these picture below.

  1. Adding more line to lore
  2. Adjusting text in a particular line
  3. Removing a line
  4. Starting over

Unlike name, lore modification doesn't have any restricted (except for number of characters can be typed inside the textbox, because I have no control to that one.)
P/S: All line of lore will be written above the spawner's statistic


Shows information of the spawner, which includes minimum delay, maximum delay, required player range, spawn range, spawn count, spawned type.


Yes, it's available on this plugin. No more spending time to learn all the commands by heart, it sucks. All the available commands will be will by each argument as you type in the textbox. Even more, you can use mouse to select command you want, or use arrow keys and tab or enter key to finish command.

Some argument can be left blank, such as amount of spawner you want this command to apply on. Default number is 1.


More convenience? Of course, all commands from /jasp help can be clicked and get what it shows when you move the cursor onto the text


Want your texts look alive, here is how.

  • Step 1: Get yourself a color picker You can search for "RGB color picker" on Google or using THIS website.
  • Step 2: Choose your favorite color By moving the point to where the color which is showing meets your expectation.
  • Step 3: Choose method There are two separate methods besides using &, which are HEX and RGB.
    1. With HEX Find need to find the value where it says HEX or starts with #.
      Then put #<code> before the text you want to be colorized.
    2. With RGB This one is a little bit tricky, but quite easy if you know the rule.
      The formula for this is #(R, G, B) with R, G, and B are the value you copy from the picker
      Finally, put all the code in front of the text you want to be painted.
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