Storms - klloprop/Abaron GitHub Wiki

Storms have forever been a part of Abaron, but with the magic weakening and less fey around and willing to bestow blessings over the lands the storms started growing stronger and stronger. At first this was only a nuisance to farmers, travelers and traders, but the storms grew stronger still.

As our story starts the Dominions, specifically the Starwielders, have started building towers equipped with giagantic horns, so called storm-caller. At first these towers warned against any storm that was rolling in with long soundings of their horn until all the lands where filled with the horns of the various storm-callers.

Soon there came more nuance to the storm callers. The dominion of the Starwielders was interested in studying the storms and published writings about the strength of storms and how to identify them. Soon the storm-callers would call every 5 minutes if a storm was approaching, the amount of times they called within the 5 minutes signalled the strength of the storm.

Each calling in a 5 minute interval corresponds to a level of storm.

Level of Storms

Level 1 Storms

The storm poses threat to life and property, all objects should be secured and citizen should seek shelter. Moderate risk off death if outside during storm. Storms of this strenght can uproot trees and damage buildings.

Level 2 Storms

The storm poses serious threat to life and property. Citizen should immediately abandon all activities and return and reinforce their homes upon the sounding of the horns, if possible retreat to a cellar or storm shelter.

Level 3 Storms

The storm poses extreme threat to life and property. Citizen are advised to immediately seek shelter in deep cellars or storm shelters with the appropriate rating.

Level 4 Storms

There are no recommendations for the event of a level 4 storm.

History and Study

At the start of our adventure only level 1 and 2 storms have been recorded.

It is unclear if there is an origin to these storm or why their power seems to be growing. There is fierce debate about the magicality of storms and their potential antimagical properties. The study of such events proves difficult to this day.

More remains to be uncovered.