Pantheon - klloprop/Abaron GitHub Wiki

The pantheon within this world is comprised of 3 primordial deities who each have their own domain.

The Primordial Deities are

Nocros rules over the underground, the deep seas, everything waiting to be uncovered. Urmis rules over the surface, the ocean the forests, day and night, life and death. Ades rules over the cosmos, everything in the sky, the wind, the stars, over night and death, trickery and the great beyond.

The aspects of primordial Gods

The 3 primordial gods are very far removed from what we understand as a "being" or as "alive" they are not governed by the same rules that we have to adhere to. They are too vast to comprehend, some even consider them forces of nature due to their vastness.

These primordial deities manifest locally in their various aspects. These are often more graspable and find the most following in religious circles.

While it is hard to describe what we call "the primordial gods" with words, they are very real and they influence the world constantly.

While Wizards, Bards, Sorcerers and Druids (etc.) call upon the magic in the world and the leylines, no matter if there direct source are the stars, the roots or something else entirely, Clerics and Paladins draw their power from these primordial gods or an aspect of them. This magic is called primordial magic.

The gods and their realms are heavily WIP, everything you read here may well be changed until the start of the campaign. If you wanna settle on a something for your character please contact me.

NOTE: This is what i think is cool, if you want to do something different with gods for your story/character please please let me know so we can make it work for everybody.

Ades, God of the Stars

Also known as:

  • Lord of the Cosmos


  • magic
  • death/beyond
  • mystery
  • riddles
  • stealth
  • night
  • abstract/eldritch
  • change

Taeyar, God of Machines

Another very new god, quickly gaining popularity. Taeyar is likely an aspect of Ades.


  • Metal
  • Machines
  • Steam(-punk)
  • Creation
  • Innovation
  • Change

Urmis, God of the Wild


  • life
  • nature
  • justice
  • death
  • day
  • family/love/bodily things

Thundall, God of the Storm

A very new and upcoming god, but gaining followers and importance rapidly. Some theorize that Thundall is an aspect of Urmis. Domains:

  • Storm
  • Decay
  • Water/Ocean
  • Electricity
  • Destruction

Nocros, God of the Deep

The third primordial god.


  • burial
  • darkness
  • caves
  • underground
  • secrets