Weapons - kirillbrest123/deathmatch-unlimited GitHub Wiki

Weapon Rarities

There are 4+1 weapon rarities in DMU:

  • Common (white)
  • Uncommon (blue)
  • Rare (purple)
  • Very rare (orange)
  • Starter - weapons that are given to players on respawn if the game mode does so. Starter weapons don't spawn at weapon spawners unless they also are also a part of a different rarity

Weapon rarities are used for 3 things:

  • Figure out what should be in place of a replaced weapon on HL2DM maps when 'Replace Weapons' is enabled (e.g. RPGs and crossbows get replaced by a random very rare weapon)
  • Figure out what weapon should weapon spawners spawn if main and fallback weapons are not a part of current game mode's weapons (see dmu.fgd for more info)
  • Figure out what weapon should be used by bots. Bots will prefer to use the highest rarity weapon with ammo that they have. Weapons with no set rarity have the lowest priority.

Besides that, weapon rarities are mostly cosmetic.

HL2 weapons rarities

Below is a list of all HL2 weapons and weapon rarity that they're replaced with. You can use this list as a reference when making a config around HL2 weapons.

  • Common
    • 9mm Pistol
    • Crowbar
    • Stunstick
    • Frag grenade
  • Uncommon
    • SMG
    • Shotgun
    • Gravity Gun
  • Rare
    • .357 Magnum
    • AR2
    • SLAM
  • Very rare
    • RPG
    • Crossbow