Map Entities - kirillbrest123/deathmatch-unlimited GitHub Wiki

Hammer FGD

If you're making a map in Hammer, you probably want to install DMU FGD from here. See Valve Developer Wiki if you're confused on how to add it to your Hammer

Map Entitites

This is a list of entities that you can use with MMM and Hammer. For comfortable MMM editing experience I advise you to play in Sandbox game mode (not to be confused with GMod's Sandbox gamemode) with sandbox mode (dmu_server_sandbox) enabled. All keyvalues can be accessed with C-Menu. Don't forget to make your entities permament and hit 'Save'!


Key Values

  • (Main)Weapon - Weapon that will be spawned if defined in DMU.Weapons table (i.e it's defined in the config and current game mode doesn't overwrite it OR current game mode does overwrite weapons and it's present).
  • Fallback Weapon - Weapon that will be spawned if main weapon isn't defined in DMU.Weapons.
  • Fallback Rarity - Rarity of a weapon that will be spawned if both main and fallback weapon are not defined in DMU.Weapons
  • Respawn Time - Self explanatory. If set to '0' will use the default respawn time for weapons (`dmu_server_weapon_respawn_time')

Example and suggested use:

  • (Main)Weapon = dmu_railgun // will spawn on default config
  • Fallback Weapon = weapon_crossbow // will spawn on config with hl2 weapons
  • Fallback Rarity = Very Rare // will spawn if some other config is used
  • Respawn Time = 0 // default respawn time is used

dmu_pickup_medkit / dmu_pickup_healthvial / dmu_pickup_battery

Key Values

  • Respawn Time - Self explanatory. If set to '0' will use the default respawn time for pickups ('dmu_server_pickup_respawn_time')



Key Values

  • Identifier - The letter that will appear on screen while capturing the hill


This is trigger_dmu_hold_zone but for MMM. Hills get deleted automatically when playing in a game mode that doesn't use them. Also note that a hill can't be moved around when dmu_server_sandbox is 0. This is done to avoid shenanigans with collisions.

Key Values

  • Identifier - You get the idea

Removing replaced weapon/item spawns

If you don't like weapon spawns on a specific map, you can use MMM's entity blacklist to remove all entities with a provided classname (NOTE: this is DMU specific functionality). See this page for a list of all hl2 weapons that get replaced. On TTT maps ttt_random_weapon entities get replaced.