Conclusion - kenrube/Esopoly GitHub Wiki

So, the polyglot is finished.

Was it easy? Far from it. In fact, as always, there was a lot of trial and errors. For example, I spent some time trying to add Befunge, but eventually I came to the conclusion that without a long trial with self-modification this source won't work, because using a rich syntax, it largely conflicts with the rest of the source codes and in particular with the clumsy Malbolge. Artifacts, however, have remained - for example, the fact that the first 2 lines end with v - the instruction to shift the pointer down in Befunge.

It was necessary to watch and that parts of source codes in one language did not lead to fatal results for others. All this in total took a lot of time, but the result was worth: 7 esoteric languages and an encrypted PI number inside.

Beat it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: