Trees - kenhendricks00/DiscreteMathematics GitHub Wiki
Tree: T
A connected graph, without any cycles, made of nodes with one being a root. Tree has a shortest path between two arbitrary nodes.
A vertex in a graph
The starting node, usually at the top of the tree
Parent Node
A node that exists a level above an arbitrary node
Child Node
A node that exists a level below an arbitrary node
Sibling Node
A node that has a same parent node as that of an arbitrary node
Leaf Node
A node that has no child node
Interior Node
A node that is neither a root node nor a leaf node
Ancestor Node
All nodes that are included in the path from the root node to an arbitrary node
Descendant Node
All nodes that are included in the path from an arbitrary node to a leaf node
Number of child nodes an arbitrary node has
Binary Tree
A tree with max degree of 2
Complete Binary Tree
A binary tree in which every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled, and all nodes are as far left as possible
Full Binary Tree
A tree in which every node other than the leaves has two children
Skewed Binary Tree
A type of binary tree in which all the nodes have only either one child or no child