Why OpenID Connect OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code PKCE Flow for SPA - kdhttps/appauth-angular-gluu GitHub Wiki
The Best Security for Single Page Applications(SPA) is OpenID Connect OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code PKCE Flow
PKCE stands for Proof Key for Code Exchange.
There are many security flows available in OpenID Connect OAuth 2.0. As per your Application requirements and flow choose the flow.
There are three flow for Single Page Application(SPA).
- Implicit flow
- Authorization Code Flow (without PKCE) - This is not really for SPA Applications
- Authorization Code PKCE Flow
Your Single Page Application(Angular, React, etc..)
is acting as an RP(Relying Party)
here now.
:x: Why not implicit flow?
Because it exposes access_token
into the browser URL
and you will not have refresh_token facility because the OP client is not able to call /token endpoint which requires client authentication.
Below is the implicit flow diagram which helps you to understand the whole flow.
:x: Why not Authorization Code Flow (without PKCE) for SPA?
Don't use it. Without PKCE that means You need to store the client secret on your browser to request /token endpoint and get an access token. Store client secret at the browser is a big security risk.
This flow is generally used at the server-side technologies e.g. Node, Java. Where we can safely store client id
and client secret
. In this case, the /token endpoint is protected by Token Endpoint authentication methods. :heavy_check_mark: You don't need PKCE flow if you are managing authentication flow using the server-side technologies.
:heavy_check_mark: Why to use Authorization Code PKCE flow.?
:heart: If you have a SPA(Single Page Application)
, the best security flow for this is the Authorization Code with PKCE flow. Because It does not expose access token to the browser in URL and you don't need client secret at all.
PKCE stands for Proof Key for Code Exchange.
In this case, the /token endpoint is not protected by Token Endpoint authentication methods. OP Server
use code_challenge and code_verifier to verify token request. So you don't need to add any authentication methods
for token endpoint
. If you have any method then remove it using your OP Admin Panel.
PKCE Flow and implementation
First, you need to code_verifier and code_challenge. Below is the code of
to generate code_challenge. code_verifier is just a random string.var code_verifier="s4vqXQA0ePi98eS9Px4jcghBi7UQHRaQl6jMRwLkBj9Eh8g1yxnesereK4jUHdAT0HkLEWBPLZ8z35HX1Ditxf" const crypto = require('crypto') const base64url = require('base64url') var hash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(code_verifier).digest(); var code_challenge = base64url.encode(hash) console.log(code_challenge)
This is a simple Node.js code. For SPA applications, there is the best library available that is AppAuth JS. Check blog here on AppAuth JS integration with Single Page application
Authorization request to OP Server
Use the above generated
and pass it into authorization request.HTTP Get redirect https://your_op_server.com/authorize ?redirect_uri=https://client.com/callback &client_id=[your_client_id] &response_type=code &state=[uuid] &scope=openid%20email%20profile &code_challenge=[code_challenge] &code_challenge_method=S256
OP Server authenticates the user and redirects back to
with code in URL. You can check the above flow diagram. -
Now request to https://your_op_server.com/token with code and code_challenge.
HTTP POST https://your_op_server.com/token content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded accept: application/json Form Data: grant_type: authorization_code client_id: [your_client_id] redirect_uri: [your_callback_url] code: [code] code_verifier: [code_verifier]
This request will return your JSON response with access_token
Request to https://your_op_server.com/usernifo endpoint with access_token and get user info.
I am not forcing you to use PKCE flow
but it is better than the implicit flow
I've integrated the Authorization Code PKCE flow with Single Page Application. Check blog here on AppAuth JS integration with Single Page application
Thank you :blush:!!!