Board: Nucleo F091 - kbonset/RIOT GitHub Wiki


The Nucleo-F091 is a board from ST's Nucleo family supporting a ARM Cortex-M0 STM32F091 microcontroller with 32Kb of RAM and 256Kb of ROM.


STM32F3discovery image nucleo-f091 pinout


Family ARM Cortex-M0
Vendor ST Microelectronics
RAM 32Kb
Flash 256Kb
Frequency up to 48MHz (using the on-board 8MHz Oszillator of the ST-Link)
FPU no
Timers 9 (8x 16-bit, 1x 32-bit [TIM2])
ADCs 1x 12-bit
SPIs 2
I2Cs 2
Vcc 2.0V - 3.6V
Datasheet Datasheet
Reference Manual Reference Manual
Programming Manual Programming Manual
Board Manual Board Manual

RIOT static pin mapping

please refer to this document for the pin mapping as implemenented in boards/nucleo-f091/include/periph_conf.h

User Interface

1 Button:

Pin PC13

1 LEDs:

Color orange
Pin PA5

Implementation Status

Device ID Supported Comments
MCU STM32F091RC partly Energy saving modes not fully utilized
Low-level driver GPIO no
PWM no
UART full
I2C no
SPI no
USB no
Timer full

Flashing the device

The ST Nucleo-F091 board includes an on-board ST-LINK V2 programmer. The easiest way to program the board is to use OpenOCD. Once you have installed OpenOCD (look here for installation instructions), you can flash the board simply by typing

make flash

and debug via GDB by simply typing

make debug

Supported Toolchains

For using the ST Nucleo-F091 board we strongly recommend the usage of the GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors toolchain.