Transformations - kazumov/abap GitHub Wiki

Type to table transformations

             .--- working area ---> table ------.
---> type ---|                                  |--->
             '------ table ---> working area ---'
                         (line of...)
* (a) set the type
types begin of box,
   color(10) type c,
   width type f,
   height type f,
end of box.

Type -> working area -> table

* (b) create the working area
data w_box type box.
* (c) create the table
data t_box like standard table of w_box.
* or (c.1)
data t_box type standard table of box. 

Type -> table -> working area

* (b) create the table
data t_box type standard table of box.
* (c) create the working area
data w_box like line of t_box.
* or (c.1) 
data w_box type box.