Getting New SAP Developer License Procedure - kazumov/abap GitHub Wiki

  1. Go to [SAP licensing web site][c95a0578]
  2. Select [x] NPL - SAP NetWeaver 7.x (Sybase ASE) license type
  3. In the server terminal window run the command: saplicense -get
  4. The server will return the hardware key like U1845222269
  5. Insert personal data and a hardware key
  6. Check the "I Agree" checkbox
  7. Push button "Generate"
  8. Save the file in ...\Downloads\Distributives\
  9. Login to the SAP with credentials:
Client Login Password
001 SAP* Appl1ance
  1. In the SAP Easy Access window run transaction slicense
  2. In the SAP License Administration transaction right click on an old (marked as a red circle) license end delete it
  3. Push the button "install new license"
  4. Select downloaded NPL.txt file, then "Open" button
  5. Check the expiration date of the license and copy it to the calendar
  6. Close the window
  7. Log in as a Developer