ProSnippets Geometry - kataya/arcgis-pro-sdk GitHub Wiki

Language:              C#  
Subject:               Geometry  
Contributor:           ArcGIS Pro SDK Team <[email protected]>  
Organization:          esri,  
Date:                  12/11/2020  
ArcGIS Pro:            2.7  
Visual Studio:         2017, 2019  
.NET Target Framework: 4.8  


Construct a SpatialReference - from a well-known ID

// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.

// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
SpatialReference sr3857 = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(3857);

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (SpatialReferenceBuilder srBuilder = new SpatialReferenceBuilder(3857))
    // do something with the builder

    sr3857 = srBuilder.ToSpatialReference();

Construct a SpatialReference - from a string

// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.

string wkt = "GEOGCS[\"MyGCS84\",DATUM[\"D_WGS_1984\",SPHEROID[\"WGS_1984\",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0.0],UNIT[\"Radian\",1.0]]";

// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
SpatialReference sr = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(wkt);

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (SpatialReferenceBuilder builder = new SpatialReferenceBuilder(wkt))
    // do something with the builder

    SpatialReference anotherSR = builder.ToSpatialReference();

Use WGS84 SpatialReference

SpatialReference wgs84 = SpatialReferences.WGS84;
bool isProjected = wgs84.IsProjected;     // false
bool isGeographic = wgs84.IsGeographic;   // true

Construct a SpatialReference with a vertical coordinate system - from well-known IDs

// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.

// see a list of vertical coordinate systems at

// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
// 4326 = GCS_WGS_1984
// 115700 = vertical WGS_1984
SpatialReference sr4326_115700 = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(4326, 115700);

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (SpatialReferenceBuilder sb = new SpatialReferenceBuilder(4326, 115700))
    // spatialReferenceBuilder properties
    // sb.wkid = 4326
    // sb.Wkt = "GEOGCS["MyGCS84",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT[\"Radian\",1.0]]"
    // = GCS_WGS_1984
    // sb.vcsWkid = 115700
    // sb.VcsWkt = "VERTCS["WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PARAMETER["Vertical_Shift",0.0],PARAMETER["Direction",1.0],UNIT["Meter",1.0]]

    // do something with the builder

    sr4326_115700 = sb.ToSpatialReference();

Construct a SpatialReference with a vertical coordinate system - from a string

// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.

// custom VCS - use vertical shift of -1.23 instead of 0
string custom_vWkt = @"VERTCS[""SHD_height"",VDATUM[""Singapore_Height_Datum""],PARAMETER[""Vertical_Shift"",-1.23],PARAMETER[""Direction"",-1.0],UNIT[""Meter"",1.0]]";

// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
SpatialReference sr4326_customVertical = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(4326, custom_vWkt);
// sr4326_customVertical.wkid = 4326
// sr4326_customVertical.vert_wkid = 0
// sr4326_customVertical.vert_wkt = custom_vWkt
// sr4326_customVertical.hasVcs = true

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (SpatialReferenceBuilder sb = new SpatialReferenceBuilder(4326, custom_vWkt))
    // do something with the builder

    sr4326_customVertical = sb.ToSpatialReference();

Construct a SpatialReference with a custom PCS - from a string

// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.

// Custom PCS, Predefined GCS
string customWkt = "PROJCS[\"WebMercatorMile\",GEOGCS[\"GCS_WGS_1984\",DATUM[\"D_WGS_1984\",SPHEROID[\"WGS_1984\",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0.0],UNIT[\"Degree\",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION[\"Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere\"],PARAMETER[\"False_Easting\",0.0],PARAMETER[\"False_Northing\",0.0],PARAMETER[\"Central_Meridian\",0.0],PARAMETER[\"Standard_Parallel_1\",0.0],PARAMETER[\"Auxiliary_Sphere_Type\",0.0],UNIT[\"Mile\",1609.344000614692]]";

// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
SpatialReference spatialReference = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(customWkt);
// spatialReference.Wkt = customWkt
// spatialReference.Wkid = 0
// spatialReference.VcsWkid = 0
// spatialReference.GcsWkid = 4326

SpatialReference gcs = spatialReference.Gcs;
// gcs.Wkid = 4326
// gcs.IsGeographic = true
// sr.GcsWkt = gcs.Wkt

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (SpatialReferenceBuilder sb = new SpatialReferenceBuilder(customWkt))
    // do something with the builder

    spatialReference = sb.ToSpatialReference();

SpatialReference Properties

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  // use the builder constructor
  using (SpatialReferenceBuilder srBuilder = new SpatialReferenceBuilder(3857))
    // spatial reference builder properties
    int builderWkid = srBuilder.Wkid;
    string builderWkt = srBuilder.Wkt;
    string builderName = srBuilder.Name;

    double xyScale = srBuilder.XYScale;
    double xyTolerance = srBuilder.XYTolerance;
    double xyResolution = srBuilder.XYResolution;
    Unit unit = srBuilder.Unit;

    double zScale = srBuilder.ZScale;
    double zTolerance = srBuilder.ZTolerance;
    Unit zUnit = srBuilder.ZUnit;

    double mScale = srBuilder.MScale;
    double mTolerance = srBuilder.MTolerance;

    double falseX = srBuilder.FalseX;
    double falseY = srBuilder.FalseY;
    double falseZ = srBuilder.FalseZ;
    double falseM = srBuilder.FalseM;

    // get the spatial reference
    SpatialReference sr3857 = srBuilder.ToSpatialReference();

    // spatial reference properties
    int srWkid = sr3857.Wkid;
    string srWkt = sr3857.Wkt;
    string srName = sr3857.Name;

    xyScale = sr3857.XYScale;
    xyTolerance = sr3857.XYTolerance;
    xyResolution = sr3857.XYResolution;
    unit = sr3857.Unit;

    zScale = sr3857.ZScale;
    zTolerance = sr3857.ZTolerance;
    zUnit = sr3857.ZUnit;

    mScale = sr3857.MScale;
    mTolerance = sr3857.MTolerance;

    falseX = sr3857.FalseX;
    falseY = sr3857.FalseY;
    falseZ = sr3857.FalseZ;
    falseM = sr3857.FalseM;

    bool hasVcs = sr3857.HasVcs;

Import and Export Spatial Reference

SpatialReference srWithVertical = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(4326, 6916);

string xml = srWithVertical.ToXML();
SpatialReference importedSR = SpatialReferenceBuilder.FromXML(xml);
// importedSR.Wkid = 4326
// importedSR.VcsWkid = 6916

string json = srWithVertical.ToJson();
importedSR = SpatialReferenceBuilder.FromJson(json);
// importedSR.Wkid = 4326
// importedSR.VcsWkid = 6916

Determine grid convergence for a SpatialReference at a given point

Coordinate2D coordinate = new Coordinate2D(10, 30);
double angle = SpatialReferences.WGS84.ConvergenceAngle(coordinate);
// angle = 0

SpatialReference srUTM30N = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(32630);
coordinate.X = 500000;
coordinate.Y = 550000;
angle = srUTM30N.ConvergenceAngle(coordinate);
// angle = 0

MapPoint pointWGS84 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(10, 50, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
MapPoint pointUTM30N = GeometryEngine.Instance.Project(pointWGS84, srUTM30N) as MapPoint;

coordinate = (Coordinate2D)pointUTM30N;
// get convergence angle and convert to degrees
angle = srUTM30N.ConvergenceAngle(coordinate) * 180 / Math.PI;
// angle = 10.03


var cimMapDefinition = MapView.Active.Map.GetDefinition();
// use if map's sr does not have a vertical coordinate system
var datumTransformations = cimMapDefinition.DatumTransforms;
// use if map's sr has a vertical coordinate system
var hvDatumTransformations = cimMapDefinition.HVDatumTransforms;

SpatialReference Datum and datum properties

// Get datum of a spatial reference
SpatialReference srWgs84 = SpatialReferences.WGS84;
Datum datum = srWgs84.Datum;
// datum.Name = "D_WGS_1984"
// datum.Wkid = 6326
// datum.SpheroidName = "WGS_1984"
// datum.SpheroidWkid = 7030
// datum.SpheroidFlattening = 0.0033528106647474805
// datum.SpheroidSemiMajorAxis = 6378137.0
// datum.SpheroidSemiMinorAxis = 6356752.3142451793

// Custom WKT
string wyomingWkt = "PROJCS[\"Wyoming_State_Pl_NAD_1927\",GEOGCS[\"GCS_North_American_1927\",DATUM[\"D_North_American_1927_Perry\",SPHEROID[\"Clarke_1866_Chase\",6378210.0,250.0]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0.0],UNIT[\"Degree\",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION[\"Transverse_Mercator\"],PARAMETER[\"false_easting\",500000.0],PARAMETER[\"false_northing\",0.0],PARAMETER[\"central_meridian\",-107.3333333],PARAMETER[\"scale_factor\",0.9999412],PARAMETER[\"latitude_of_origin\",40.66666667],UNIT[\"Foot_US\",0.3048006096012192]]";
SpatialReference srFromWkt = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(wyomingWkt);
datum = srWgs84.Datum;
// datum.Name = "D_North_American_1927_Perry"
// datum.Wkid = 0
// datum.SpheroidName = "Clarke_1866_Chase"
// datum.SpheroidWkid = 0
// datum.SpheroidFlattening = 0.004
// datum.SpheroidSemiMajorAxis = 6378210.0
// datum.SpheroidSemiMinorAxis = 6352697.16


Vector Polar Coordinates

Coordinate3D polarVector = new Coordinate3D(0, 7, 0);
Tuple<double, double, double> polarComponents = polarVector.QueryPolarComponents();
// polarComponents.Item1 = 0  (azimuth)
// polarComponents.Item2 = 0 (inclination)
// polarComponents.Item3 = 7 (magnitude)

polarVector.SetPolarComponents(Math.PI / 4, Math.PI / 2, 8);
polarComponents = polarVector.QueryComponents();
// polarComponents.Item1 = 0 (x)
// polarComponents.Item2 = 0 (y)
// polarComponents.Item3 = 7 (z)

Getting vector inclination

Coordinate3D v = new Coordinate3D(0, 0, 7);
double inclination = v.Inclination;         // inclination = PI/2

v.SetComponents(-2, -3, 0);
inclination = v.Inclination;                // inclination = 0

v.SetComponents(0, 0, -2);
inclination = v.Inclination;                // inclination = -PI/2

Getting vector azimuth

Coordinate3D vector = new Coordinate3D(0, 7, 0);
double azimuth = vector.Azimuth;      // azimuth = 0

vector.SetComponents(1, 1, 42);
azimuth = vector.Azimuth;
double degrees = AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertFromRadians(azimuth);       // degrees = 45

vector.SetComponents(-8, 8, 2);
azimuth = vector.Azimuth;
degrees = AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertFromRadians(azimuth);              // degrees = 315

Vector Operations

// Easy 3D vectors
Coordinate3D v = new Coordinate3D(0, 1, 0);
// v.Magnitude = 1

Coordinate3D other = new Coordinate3D(-1, 0, 0);
// other.Magnitude = -1

double dotProduct = v.DotProduct(other);      // dotProduct = 0

Coordinate3D crossProduct = v.CrossProduct(other);
// crossProduct.X = 0
// crossProduct.Y = 0
// crossProduct.Z = 1

Coordinate3D addVector = v.AddCoordinate3D(other);
// addVector.X = -1
// addVector.Y = 1
// addVector.Z = 0

// Rotate around x-axis
Coordinate3D w = v;
w.Rotate(Math.PI, other);
// w.X = 0
// w.Y = -1
// w.Z = 0

// w.X = 0
// w.Y = -0.5
// w.Z = 0

// w.X = 0
// ww.Y = 2
// w.Z = 0
// w.Magnitude = 2

w.Move(3, 2, 0);
// w.X = 3
// w.Y = 4
// w.Z = 0
// w.Magnitude = 5

Builder Properties

Builder Properties

// list of points
List<MapPoint> points = new List<MapPoint>
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(0, 0, 2, 3, 1),
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 1, 5, 6),
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2, 1, 6),
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(0, 0)

// will have attributes because it is created with convenience method
Polyline polylineWithAttrs = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(points);

bool hasZ = polylineWithAttrs.HasZ;          // hasZ = true
bool hasM = polylineWithAttrs.HasM;          // hasM = true
bool hasID = polylineWithAttrs.HasID;        // hasID = true

// will have attributes because it is created with convenience method
Polygon polygonWithAttrs = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(points);
hasZ = polygonWithAttrs.HasZ;               // hasZ = true
hasM = polygonWithAttrs.HasM;               // hasM = true
hasID = polygonWithAttrs.HasID;             // hasID = true

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  // will not have attributes because it is passed something other than an attributed polyline
  using (PolylineBuilder polylineB = new PolylineBuilder(points))
    hasZ = polylineB.HasZ;                      // hasZ = false
    hasM = polylineB.HasM;                      // hasM = false
    hasID = polylineB.HasID;                    // hasID = false

  // will have attributes because it is passed an attributed polyline
  using (PolylineBuilder polylineB = new PolylineBuilder(polylineWithAttrs))
    hasZ = polylineB.HasZ;                      // hasZ = true
    hasM = polylineB.HasM;                      // hasM = true
    hasID = polylineB.HasID;                    // hasID = true

  // will not have attributes because it is passed something other than an attributed polygon
  using (PolygonBuilder polygonB = new PolygonBuilder(points))
    hasZ = polygonB.HasZ;                       // hasZ = false
    hasM = polygonB.HasM;                       // hasM = false
    hasID = polygonB.HasID;                     // hasID = false

  // will have attributes because it is passed an attributed polygon
  using (PolygonBuilder polygonB = new PolygonBuilder(polygonWithAttrs))
    hasZ = polygonB.HasZ;                       // hasZ = true
    hasM = polygonB.HasM;                       // hasM = true
    hasID = polygonB.HasID;                     // hasID = true


Construct a MapPoint

// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.

// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
// create a 3d point with M
MapPoint pt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0);

MapPoint ptWithM = null;

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (MapPointBuilder mb = new MapPointBuilder(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0))
    // do something with the builder

    ptWithM = mb.ToGeometry();

MapPoint clone = ptWithM.Clone() as MapPoint;
MapPoint anotherM = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(ptWithM);

// builderEx constructors don't need to run on the MCT.
MapPointBuilderEx builderEx = new MapPointBuilderEx(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
builderEx.HasM = true;
builderEx.M = 4.0;

pt = builderEx.ToGeometry() as MapPoint;

// or another alternative with builderEx constructor
builderEx = new MapPointBuilderEx(1.0, 2.0, true, 3.0, true, 4.0, false, 0);
pt = builderEx.ToGeometry() as MapPoint;

MapPoint Builder Properties

// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.

MapPoint point1 = null;
MapPoint point2 = null;

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (MapPointBuilder mb = new MapPointBuilder(1.0, 2.0, 3.0))
    bool bhasZ = mb.HasZ;          // hasZ = true
    bool bhasM = mb.HasM;          // hasM = false
    bool bhasID = mb.HasID;        // hasID = false

    // do something with the builder

    point1 = mb.ToGeometry();

    // change some of the builder properties
    mb.X = 11;
    mb.Y = 22;
    mb.HasZ = false;
    mb.HasM = true;
    mb.M = 44;
    // create another point
    point2 = mb.ToGeometry();

double x = point1.X;                  // x = 1.0
double y = point1.Y;                  // y = 2.0
double z = point1.Z;                  // z = 3.0
double m = point1.M;                  // m = Nan
int ID = point1.ID;                   // ID = 0
bool hasZ = point1.HasZ;              // hasZ = true
bool hasM = point1.HasM;              // hasM = false
bool hasID = point1.HasID;            // hasID = false
bool isEmpty = point1.IsEmpty;        // isEmpty = false

bool isEqual = point1.IsEqual(point2);    // isEqual = false

// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
MapPoint point3 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(point1);
x = point3.X;                   // x = 1.0
y = point3.Y;                   // y = 2.0
z = point3.Z;                   // z = 3.0
m = point3.M;                   // m = Nan
ID = point3.ID;                 // ID = 0
hasZ = point3.HasZ;             // hasZ = true
hasM = point3.HasM;             // hasM = false
hasID = point3.HasID;           // hasID = false

// builderEx constructors don't need to run on the MCT.
MapPointBuilderEx builderEx = new MapPointBuilderEx(point1);
x = builderEx.X;              // x = 1.0
y = builderEx.Y;              // y = 2.0
z = builderEx.Z;              // z = 3.0
m = builderEx.M;              // m = Nan
ID = builderEx.ID;            // ID = 0
hasZ = builderEx.HasZ;        // hasZ = true
hasM = builderEx.HasM;        // hasM = false
hasID = builderEx.HasID;      // hasID = false
isEmpty = builderEx.IsEmpty;     // isEmpty = false

MapPoint point4 = builderEx.ToGeometry() as MapPoint;

MapPoint IsEqual

MapPoint pt1 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
int ID = pt1.ID;           // ID = 5
bool hasID = pt1.HasID;     // hasID = true

MapPoint pt2 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 2, 3, 4, 0);
ID = pt2.ID;        // ID = 0
hasID = pt2.HasID;  // hasID = true

MapPoint pt3 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 2, 3, 4);
ID = pt3.ID;          // ID = 0
hasID = pt3.HasID;    // hasID = false

MapPoint pt4 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 2, 3, 44);
ID = pt4.ID;          // ID = 0
hasID = pt4.HasID;    // hasID = false
bool hasM = pt4.HasM; // hasM = true

MapPoint pt5 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 2, 3);
ID = pt5.ID;          // ID = 0
hasID = pt5.HasID;    // hasID = false
hasM = pt5.HasM;      // hasM = false

bool isEqual = pt1.IsEqual(pt2);   // isEqual = false, different IDs
isEqual = pt2.IsEqual(pt3);        // isEqual = false, HasId is different
isEqual = pt4.IsEqual(pt3);        // isEqual = false, different Ms
isEqual = pt1.IsEqual(pt5);        // isEqual = false, pt has M, id but pt5 does not.  

Zoom to a specified point

//Create a point
var pt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(x, y, SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(4326));
//Buffer it - for purpose of zoom
var poly = GeometryEngine.Instance.Buffer(pt, buffer_size);

//do we need to project the buffer polygon?
if (!MapView.Active.Map.SpatialReference.IsEqual(poly.SpatialReference))
  //project the polygon
  poly = GeometryEngine.Instance.Project(poly, MapView.Active.Map.SpatialReference);

// Must run on MCT.
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Zoom - add in a delay for animation effect
  MapView.Active.ZoomTo(poly, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 3));


Construct a Polyline - from an enumeration of MapPoints

// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.

MapPoint startPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0);
MapPoint endPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 1.0);

List<MapPoint> list = new List<MapPoint>();

// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(list, SpatialReferences.WGS84);

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (PolylineBuilder pb = new PolylineBuilder(list))
    pb.SpatialReference = SpatialReferences.WGS84;
    Polyline polyline2 = pb.ToGeometry();

Get the points of a Polyline

// get the points as a readonly Collection
ReadOnlyPointCollection pts = polyline.Points;
int numPts = polyline.PointCount;

// OR   get an enumeration of the points
IEnumerator<MapPoint> enumPts = polyline.Points.GetEnumerator();

// OR   get the point coordinates as a readonly list of Coordinate2D
IReadOnlyList<Coordinate2D> coordinates = polyline.Copy2DCoordinatesToList();

// OR   get the point coordinates as a readonly list of Coordinate3D
IReadOnlyList<Coordinate3D> coordinates3D = polyline.Copy3DCoordinatesToList();

// OR   get a subset of the collection as Coordinate2D using preallocated memory

IList<Coordinate2D> coordinate2Ds = new List<Coordinate2D>(10);   // allocate some space
ICollection<Coordinate2D> subsetCoordinates2D = coordinate2Ds;    // assign
pts.Copy2DCoordinatesToList(1, 2, ref subsetCoordinates2D);       // copy 2 elements from index 1 into the allocated list
                                                                  // coordinate2Ds.Count = 2
                                                                  // do something with the coordinate2Ds

// without allocating more space, obtain a different set of coordinates
pts.Copy2DCoordinatesToList(5, 9, ref subsetCoordinates2D);       // copy 9 elements from index 5 into the allocated list
                                                                  // coordinate2Ds.Count = 9

// OR   get a subset of the collection as Coordinate3D using preallocated memory

IList<Coordinate3D> coordinate3Ds = new List<Coordinate3D>(15);   // allocate some space
ICollection<Coordinate3D> subsetCoordinates3D = coordinate3Ds;    // assign
pts.Copy3DCoordinatesToList(3, 5, ref subsetCoordinates3D);       // copy 5 elements from index 3 into the allocated list
                                                                  // coordinate3Ds.Count = 5

// OR   get a subset of the collection as MapPoint using preallocated memory

IList<MapPoint> mapPoints = new List<MapPoint>(7);   // allocate some space
ICollection<MapPoint> subsetMapPoint = mapPoints;    // assign
pts.CopyPointsToList(1, 4, ref subsetMapPoint);      // copy 4 elements from index 1 into the allocated list
                                                     // mapPoints.Count = 4

Get the parts of a Polyline

int numParts = polyline.PartCount;
// get the parts as a readonly collection
ReadOnlyPartCollection parts = polyline.Parts;

Enumerate the parts of a Polyline

ReadOnlyPartCollection polylineParts = polyline.Parts;

// enumerate the segments to get the length
double len = 0;
IEnumerator<ReadOnlySegmentCollection> segments = polylineParts.GetEnumerator();
while (segments.MoveNext())
  ReadOnlySegmentCollection seg = segments.Current;
  foreach (Segment s in seg)
    len += s.Length;

    // perhaps do something specific per segment type
    switch (s.SegmentType)
      case SegmentType.Line:
      case SegmentType.Bezier:
      case SegmentType.EllipticArc:

// or use foreach pattern
foreach (var part in polyline.Parts)
  foreach (var segment in part)
    len += segment.Length;

    // perhaps do something specific per segment type
    switch (segment.SegmentType)
      case SegmentType.Line:
      case SegmentType.Bezier:
      case SegmentType.EllipticArc:

Reverse the order of points in a Polyline

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (PolylineBuilder polylineBuilder = new PolylineBuilder(polyline))
    Polyline reversedPolyline = polylineBuilder.ToGeometry();

Get the segments of a Polyline

ICollection<Segment> collection = new List<Segment>();
polyline.GetAllSegments(ref collection);
int numSegments = collection.Count;    // = 10

IList<Segment> iList = collection as IList<Segment>;
for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++)
  // do something with iList[i]

// use the segments to build another polyline
Polyline polylineFromSegments = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(collection);

Build a multi-part Polyline

List<MapPoint> firstPoints = new List<MapPoint>();
firstPoints.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0));
firstPoints.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 2.0));
firstPoints.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 2.0));
firstPoints.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 1.0));

List<MapPoint> nextPoints = new List<MapPoint>();
nextPoints.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(11.0, 1.0));
nextPoints.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(11.0, 2.0));
nextPoints.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(12.0, 2.0));
nextPoints.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(12.0, 1.0));

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (PolylineBuilder pBuilder = new PolylineBuilder(firstPoints))

    Polyline polyline = pBuilder.ToGeometry();
    // polyline p has 2 parts

    polyline = pBuilder.ToGeometry();
    // polyline p has 1 part

StartPoint of a Polyline

//Method 1: Get the start point of the polyline by converting the polyline into a collection of points and getting the first point
//sketchGeometry is a Polyline
//get the sketch as a point collection
var pointCol = ((Multipart)sketchGeometry).Points;
//Get the start point of the line
var firstPoint = pointCol[0];

//Method 2: Convert polyline into a collection of linesegments and getting the "StartPoint" of the first line segment.
var polylineGeom = sketchGeometry as ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Polyline;
var polyLineParts = polylineGeom.Parts;

ReadOnlySegmentCollection polylineSegments = polyLineParts.First();

//get the first segment as a LineSegment
var firsLineSegment = polylineSegments.First() as LineSegment;

//Now get the start Point
var startPoint = firsLineSegment.StartPoint;

Construct a Clothoid by Angle

MapPoint startPoint = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(0, 0);
double tangentDirection = Math.PI / 6;
esriArcOrientation orientation = esriArcOrientation.esriArcCounterClockwise;
double startRadius = double.PositiveInfinity;
double endRadius = 0.2;
esriClothoidCreateMethod createMethod = esriClothoidCreateMethod.ByAngle;
double angle = Math.PI / 2;
esriCurveDensifyMethod densifyMethod = esriCurveDensifyMethod.ByLength;
double densifyParameter = 0.1;

Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(startPoint, tangentDirection, startRadius, endRadius, orientation, createMethod, angle, densifyMethod, densifyParameter, SpatialReferences.WGS84);

int numPoints = polyline.PointCount;
MapPoint queryPoint = polyline.Points[numPoints - 2];

MapPoint pointOnPath;
double radiusCalculated, tangentDirectionCalculated, lengthCalculated, angleCalculated;

PolylineBuilder.QueryClothoidParameters(queryPoint, startPoint, tangentDirection, startRadius, endRadius, orientation, createMethod, angle, out pointOnPath, out radiusCalculated, out tangentDirectionCalculated, out lengthCalculated, out angleCalculated, SpatialReferences.WGS84);

Construct a Clothoid by Length

MapPoint startPoint = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(0, 0);
MapPoint queryPoint = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3.8, 1);
double tangentDirection = 0;
esriArcOrientation orientation = esriArcOrientation.esriArcCounterClockwise;
double startRadius = double.PositiveInfinity;
double endRadius = 1;
esriClothoidCreateMethod createMethod = esriClothoidCreateMethod.ByLength;
double curveLength = 10;
MapPoint pointOnPath;
double radiusCalculated, tangentDirectionCalculated, lengthCalculated, angleCalculated;

PolylineBuilder.QueryClothoidParameters(queryPoint, startPoint, tangentDirection, startRadius, endRadius, orientation, createMethod, curveLength, out pointOnPath, out radiusCalculated, out tangentDirectionCalculated, out lengthCalculated, out angleCalculated, SpatialReferences.WGS84);

// pointOnPath = (3.7652656620171379, 1.0332006103128575)
// radiusCalculated = 2.4876382887687227
// tangentDirectionCalculated = 0.80797056423543978
// lengthCalculated = 4.0198770235802987
// angleCalculated = 0.80797056423544011

queryPoint = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.85, 2.6);

PolylineBuilder.QueryClothoidParameters(queryPoint, startPoint, tangentDirection, startRadius, endRadius, orientation, createMethod, curveLength, out pointOnPath, out radiusCalculated, out tangentDirectionCalculated, out lengthCalculated, out angleCalculated, SpatialReferences.WGS84);

// pointOnPath = (1.8409964973501549, 2.6115979967308132)
// radiusCalculated = 1
// tangentDirectionCalculated = -1.2831853071795867
// lengthCalculated = 10
// angleCalculated = 5

tangentDirection = Math.PI / 4;
orientation = esriArcOrientation.esriArcClockwise;
startRadius = double.PositiveInfinity;
endRadius = 0.8;
createMethod = esriClothoidCreateMethod.ByLength;
curveLength = 10;

Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(startPoint, tangentDirection, startRadius, endRadius, orientation, createMethod, curveLength, esriCurveDensifyMethod.ByLength, 0.5, SpatialReferences.WGS84);

Split Polyline at distance

// create list of points
MapPoint startPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0);
MapPoint endPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 1.0);

List<MapPoint> list = new List<MapPoint>();

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  // use the PolylineBuilder as we wish to manipulate the geometry
  using (PolylineBuilder polylineBuilder = new PolylineBuilder(list))
    // split at a distance 0.75
    polylineBuilder.SplitAtDistance(0.75, false);
    // get the polyline
    Polyline p = polylineBuilder.ToGeometry();
    // polyline p should have 3 points  (1,1), (1.75, 1), (2,1)

    // add another path
    MapPoint p1 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(4.0, 1.0);
    MapPoint p2 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(6.0, 1.0);
    MapPoint p3 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(7.0, 1.0);
    List<MapPoint> pts = new List<MapPoint>();

    p = polylineBuilder.ToGeometry();

    // polyline p has 2 parts.  Each part has 3 points

    // split the 2nd path half way - dont create a new path
    polylineBuilder.SplitPartAtDistance(1, 0.5, true, false);

    p = polylineBuilder.ToGeometry();

    // polyline p still has 2 parts; but now has 7 points 


Construct a Polygon - from an enumeration of MapPoints

// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.

MapPoint pt1 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0);
MapPoint pt2 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 2.0);
MapPoint pt3 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 2.0);
MapPoint pt4 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 1.0);

List<MapPoint> list = new List<MapPoint>() { pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4 };

// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(list, SpatialReferences.WGS84);

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (PolygonBuilder polygonBuilder = new PolygonBuilder(list))
    polygonBuilder.SpatialReference = SpatialReferences.WGS84;
    polygon = polygonBuilder.ToGeometry();

Construct a Polygon - from an Envelope

// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.

MapPoint minPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0);
MapPoint maxPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 2.0);

// Create an envelope
Envelope env = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(minPt, maxPt);

// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
Polygon polygonFromEnv = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(env);

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (PolygonBuilder polygonBuilder = new PolygonBuilder(env))
    polygonBuilder.SpatialReference = SpatialReferences.WGS84;
    polygonFromEnv = polygonBuilder.ToGeometry();

Get the points of a Polygon

// get the points as a readonly Collection
ReadOnlyPointCollection pts = polygon.Points;

// get an enumeration of the points
IEnumerator<MapPoint> enumPts = polygon.Points.GetEnumerator();

// get the point coordinates as a readonly list of Coordinate2D
IReadOnlyList<Coordinate2D> coordinates = polygon.Copy2DCoordinatesToList();

// get the point coordinates as a readonly list of Coordinate3D
IReadOnlyList<Coordinate3D> coordinates3D = polygon.Copy3DCoordinatesToList();

Get the parts of a Polygon

// get the parts as a readonly collection
ReadOnlyPartCollection parts = polygon.Parts;

Enumerate the parts of a Polygon

int numSegments = 0;
IEnumerator<ReadOnlySegmentCollection> segments = polygon.Parts.GetEnumerator();
while (segments.MoveNext())
  ReadOnlySegmentCollection seg = segments.Current;
  numSegments += seg.Count;
  foreach (Segment s in seg)
    // do something with the segment

Get the segments of a Polygon

List<Segment> segmentList = new List<Segment>(30);
ICollection<Segment> collection = segmentList;
polygon.GetAllSegments(ref collection);
// segmentList.Count = 4
// segmentList.Capacity = 30

// use the segments to build another polygon
Polygon polygonFromSegments = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(collection);

Build a donut polygon

List<Coordinate2D> outerCoordinates = new List<Coordinate2D>();
outerCoordinates.Add(new Coordinate2D(10.0, 10.0));
outerCoordinates.Add(new Coordinate2D(10.0, 20.0));
outerCoordinates.Add(new Coordinate2D(20.0, 20.0));
outerCoordinates.Add(new Coordinate2D(20.0, 10.0));

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  // use the PolygonBuilder as we wish to manipulate the parts
  using (PolygonBuilder pb = new PolygonBuilder(outerCoordinates))
    Polygon donut = pb.ToGeometry();
    double area = donut.Area;       // area = 100

    // define the inner polygon as anti-clockwise
    List<Coordinate2D> innerCoordinates = new List<Coordinate2D>();
    innerCoordinates.Add(new Coordinate2D(13.0, 13.0));
    innerCoordinates.Add(new Coordinate2D(17.0, 13.0));
    innerCoordinates.Add(new Coordinate2D(17.0, 17.0));
    innerCoordinates.Add(new Coordinate2D(13.0, 17.0));

    donut = pb.ToGeometry();

    area = donut.Area;    // area = 84.0

    area = GeometryEngine.Instance.Area(donut);    // area = 84.0

Create an N-sided regular polygon

// <summary>
// Create an N-sided regular polygon.  A regular sided polygon is a polygon that is equiangular (all angles are equal in measure) 
// and equilateral (all sides are equal in length).  See
// </summary>
// <param name="numSides">The number of sides in the polygon.</param>
// <param name="center">The center of the polygon.</param>
// <param name="radius">The distance from the center of the polygon to a vertex.</param>
// <param name="rotation">The rotation angle in radians of the start point of the polygon. The start point will be
// rotated counterclockwise from the positive x-axis.</param>
// <returns>N-sided regular polygon.</returns>
// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Number of sides is less than 3.</exception>
public Polygon CreateRegularPolygon(int numSides, Coordinate2D center, double radius, double rotation)
  if (numSides < 3)
    throw new ArgumentException();

  Coordinate2D[] coords = new Coordinate2D[numSides + 1];

  double centerX = center.X;
  double centerY = center.Y;
  double x = radius * Math.Cos(rotation) + centerX;
  double y = radius * Math.Sin(rotation) + centerY;
  Coordinate2D start = new Coordinate2D(x, y);
  coords[0] = start;

  double da = 2 * Math.PI / numSides;
  for (int i = 1; i < numSides; i++)
    x = radius * Math.Cos(i * da + rotation) + centerX;
    y = radius * Math.Sin(i * da + rotation) + centerY;

    coords[i] = new Coordinate2D(x, y);

  coords[numSides] = start;

  return PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(coords);

Get the exterior rings of a polygon - polygon.GetExteriorRing

public void GetExteriorRings(Polygon inputPolygon)
  if (inputPolygon == null || inputPolygon.IsEmpty)

  // polygon part count
  int partCount = inputPolygon.PartCount;
  // polygon exterior ring count
  int numExtRings = inputPolygon.ExteriorRingCount;
  // get set of exterior rings for the polygon
  IList<Polygon> extRings = inputPolygon.GetExteriorRings();

  // test each part for "exterior ring"
  for (int idx = 0; idx < partCount; idx++)
    bool isExteriorRing = inputPolygon.IsExteriorRing(idx);


Construct an Envelope

// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.

MapPoint minPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0);
MapPoint maxPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 2.0);

// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
Envelope envelope = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(minPt, maxPt);

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (EnvelopeBuilder builder = new EnvelopeBuilder(minPt, maxPt))
    // do something with the builder

    envelope = builder.ToGeometry();

// builderEx constructors don't need to run on the MCT.
EnvelopeBuilderEx builderEx = new EnvelopeBuilderEx(minPt, maxPt);
envelope = builderEx.ToGeometry() as Envelope;

Construct an Envelope - from a JSON string

string jsonString = "{ \"xmin\" : 1, \"ymin\" : 2,\"xmax\":3,\"ymax\":4,\"spatialReference\":{\"wkid\":4326}}";
Envelope envFromJson = EnvelopeBuilder.FromJson(jsonString);

Union two Envelopes

// use the convenience builders - don't need to run on the MCT.
Envelope env1 = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(0, 0, 1, 1, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
Envelope env2 = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 1.5, SpatialReferences.WGS84);

Envelope env3 = env1.Union(env2);

double area = env3.Area;
double depth = env3.Depth;
double height = env3.Height;
double width = env3.Width;
double len = env3.Length;

MapPoint centerPt = env3.Center;
Coordinate2D coord = env3.CenterCoordinate;

bool isEmpty = env3.IsEmpty;
int pointCount = env3.PointCount;

// coordinates
//env3.XMin, env3.XMax, env3.YMin, env3.YMax
//env3.ZMin, env3.ZMax, env3.MMin, env3.MMax

bool isEqual = env1.IsEqual(env2);    // false

// or use the builder constructor - need to run on the MCT.
using (var builder = new EnvelopeBuilder(0, 0, 1, 1, SpatialReferences.WGS84))
  env3 = builder.Union(env2);     // builder is updated to the result
  depth = builder.Depth;
  height = builder.Height;
  width = builder.Width;

  centerPt = builder.Center;
  coord = builder.CenterCoordinate;

  isEmpty = builder.IsEmpty;

// or use the builderEx constructors = don't need to run on the MCT.
EnvelopeBuilderEx builderEx = new EnvelopeBuilderEx(0, 0, 1, 1, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
builderEx.Union(env2);      // builder is updated to the result

depth = builderEx.Depth;
height = builderEx.Height;
width = builderEx.Width;

centerPt = builderEx.Center;
coord = builderEx.CenterCoordinate;

isEmpty = builderEx.IsEmpty;

env3 = builderEx.ToGeometry() as Envelope;

Intersect two Envelopes

// use the convenience builders - don't need to run on the MCT.
Envelope env1 = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(0, 0, 1, 1, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
Envelope env2 = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 1.5, SpatialReferences.WGS84);

bool intersects = env1.Intersects(env2); // true
Envelope env3 = env1.Intersection(env2);

// or use the builder constructor - need to run on the MCT.
using (var builder = new EnvelopeBuilder(0, 0, 1, 1, SpatialReferences.WGS84))
  intersects = builder.Intersects(env2);  // true
  env3 = builder.Intersection(env2);

// or use the builderEx constructors = don't need to run on the MCT.
EnvelopeBuilderEx builderEx = new EnvelopeBuilderEx(0, 0, 1, 1, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
intersects = builderEx.Intersects(env2);
builderEx.Intersection(env2);   // note this sets the builder to the intersection
env3 = builderEx.ToGeometry() as Envelope;

Expand an Envelope

// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.

// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
Envelope envelope = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(100.0, 100.0, 500.0, 500.0);

// shrink the envelope by 50%
Envelope result = envelope.Expand(0.5, 0.5, true);

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (EnvelopeBuilder eBuilder = new EnvelopeBuilder(100.0, 100.0, 500.0, 500.0))
    // shrink by 50%
    eBuilder.Expand(0.5, 0.5, true);

    result = eBuilder.ToGeometry();

// builderEx constructors don't need to run on the MCT.
EnvelopeBuilderEx builderEx = new EnvelopeBuilderEx(100.0, 100.0, 500.0, 500.0);
builderEx.Expand(0.5, 0.5, true);
envelope = builderEx.ToGeometry() as Envelope;

Update Coordinates of an Envelope

Coordinate2D minCoord = new Coordinate2D(1, 3);
Coordinate2D maxCoord = new Coordinate2D(2, 4);

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (EnvelopeBuilder builder = new EnvelopeBuilder(minCoord, maxCoord))
    // builder.XMin, YMin, Zmin, MMin  = 1, 3, 0, double.Nan
    // builder.XMax, YMax, ZMax, MMax = 2, 4, 0, double.Nan

    // set XMin.  if XMin > XMax; both XMin and XMax change
    builder.XMin = 6;
    // builder.XMin, YMin, ZMin, MMin  = 6, 3, 0, double.Nan
    // builder.XMax, YMax, ZMax, MMax = 6, 4, 0, double.Nan

    // set XMax
    builder.XMax = 8;
    // builder.XMin, YMin, ZMin, MMin  = 6, 3, 0, double.Nan
    // builder.XMax, YMax, ZMax, MMax = 8, 4, 0, double.Nan

    // set XMax.  if XMax < XMin, both XMin and XMax change
    builder.XMax = 3;
    // builder.XMin, YMin, ZMin, MMin  = 3, 3, 0, double.Nan
    // builder.XMax, YMax, ZMax, MMax = 3, 4, 0, double.Nan

    // set YMin
    builder.YMin = 2;
    // builder.XMin, YMin, ZMin, MMin  = 3, 2, 0, double.Nan
    // builder.XMax, YMax, ZMax, MMax = 3, 4, 0, double.Nan

    // set ZMin.  if ZMin > ZMax, both ZMin and ZMax change
    builder.ZMin = 3;
    // builder.XMin, YMin, ZMin, MMin  = 3, 2, 3, double.Nan
    // builder.XMax, YMax, ZMax, MMax = 3, 4, 3, double.Nan

    // set ZMax.  if ZMax < ZMin. both ZMin and ZMax change
    builder.ZMax = -1;
    // builder.XMin, YMin, ZMin, MMin  = 3, 2, -1, double.Nan
    // builder.XMax, YMax, ZMax, MMax = 3, 4, -1, double.Nan

    builder.SetZCoords(8, -5);
    // builder.XMin, YMin, ZMin, MMin  = 3, 2, -5, double.Nan
    // builder.XMax, YMax, ZMax, MMax = 3, 4, 8, double.Nan

    Coordinate2D c1 = new Coordinate2D(0, 5);
    Coordinate2D c2 = new Coordinate2D(1, 3);
    builder.SetXYCoords(c1, c2);
    // builder.XMin, YMin, ZMin, MMin  = 0, 3, -5, double.Nan
    // builder.XMax, YMax, ZMax, MMax = 1, 5, 8, double.Nan



Construct a Multipoint - from an enumeration of MapPoints

// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.

List<MapPoint> list = new List<MapPoint>();
list.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0));
list.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 2.0));
list.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 2.0));
list.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 1.0));

// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
Multipoint multiPoint = MultipointBuilder.CreateMultipoint(list);
int ptCount = multiPoint.PointCount;

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (MultipointBuilder mpb = new MultipointBuilder(list))
    // do something with the builder

    Multipoint mPt = mpb.ToGeometry();

    ptCount = mpb.PointCount;

// or use the builderEx constructors = don't need to run on the MCT.
MultipointBuilderEx builderEx = new MultipointBuilderEx(list);
multiPoint = builderEx.ToGeometry() as Multipoint;
ptCount = builderEx.PointCount;

Modify the points of a Multipoint

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  // assume a multiPoint has been built from 4 points
  // the modified multiPoint will have the first point removed and the last point moved

  using (MultipointBuilder mpb = new MultipointBuilder(multipoint))
    // remove the first point

    // modify the coordinates of the last point
    MapPoint pt = mpb.GetMapPoint(mpb.PointCount - 1);
    mpb.RemovePoint(mpb.PointCount - 1);

    MapPoint newPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(pt.X + 1.0, pt.Y + 2.0);

    Multipoint modifiedMultiPoint = mpb.ToGeometry();

// or use the builderEx constructors = don't need to run on the MCT.
MultipointBuilderEx builderEx = new MultipointBuilderEx(multipoint);
// remove the first point
// modify the coordinates of the last point
var ptEx = builderEx.GetPoint(builderEx.PointCount - 1);
builderEx.RemovePoint(builderEx.PointCount - 1);

var newPtEx = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(ptEx.X + 1.0, ptEx.Y + 2.0);
Multipoint modifiedMultiPointEx = builderEx.ToGeometry() as Multipoint;

Retrieve Points, 2D Coordinates, 3D Coordinates from a multipoint

ReadOnlyPointCollection points = multipoint.Points;
IReadOnlyList<Coordinate2D> coords2d = multipoint.Copy2DCoordinatesToList();
IReadOnlyList<Coordinate3D> coords3d = multipoint.Copy3DCoordinatesToList();

Line Segment

Construct a LineSegment using two MapPoints

// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.

MapPoint startPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0);
MapPoint endPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 1.0);

// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
LineSegment lineFromMapPoint = LineBuilder.CreateLineSegment(startPt, endPt);

// coordinate2D
Coordinate2D start2d = (Coordinate2D)startPt;
Coordinate2D end2d = (Coordinate2D)endPt;

LineSegment lineFromCoordinate2D = LineBuilder.CreateLineSegment(start2d, end2d);

// coordinate3D
Coordinate3D start3d = (Coordinate3D)startPt;
Coordinate3D end3d = (Coordinate3D)endPt;

LineSegment lineFromCoordinate3D = LineBuilder.CreateLineSegment(start3d, end3d);

// lineSegment
LineSegment anotherLineFromLineSegment = LineBuilder.CreateLineSegment(lineFromCoordinate3D);

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (LineBuilder lb = new LineBuilder(startPt, endPt))
    // do something with the builder

    lineFromMapPoint = lb.ToSegment();

  using (LineBuilder lb = new LineBuilder(start2d, end2d))
    // do something with the builder

    lineFromCoordinate2D = lb.ToSegment();

  using (LineBuilder lb = new LineBuilder(start3d, end3d))
    // do something with the builder

    lineFromCoordinate3D = lb.ToSegment();

  using (LineBuilder lb = new LineBuilder(lineFromCoordinate3D))
    // do something with the builder

    LineSegment lineFromLineSegment = lb.ToSegment();

Alter LineSegment Coordinates

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  // use the builder constructor
  using (LineBuilder lb = new LineBuilder(lineSegment))
    // find the existing coordinates
    lb.QueryCoords(out startPt, out endPt);

    // or use 
    //startPt = lb.StartPoint;
    //endPt = lb.EndPoint;

    // update the coordinates
    lb.SetCoords(GeometryEngine.Instance.Move(startPt, 10, 10) as MapPoint, GeometryEngine.Instance.Move(endPt, -10, -10) as MapPoint);

    // or use 
    //lb.StartPoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.Move(startPt, 10, 10) as MapPoint;
    //lb.EndPoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.Move(endPt, -10, -10) as MapPoint;

    LineSegment anotherLineSegment = lb.ToSegment();

Cubic Bezier

Construct a Cubic Bezier - from Coordinates

// Use a builder convenience method or a builder constructor.

MapPoint startPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0, 3.0);
MapPoint endPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 2.0, 3.0);

Coordinate2D ctrl1Pt = new Coordinate2D(1.0, 2.0);
Coordinate2D ctrl2Pt = new Coordinate2D(2.0, 1.0);

// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT
CubicBezierSegment bezier = CubicBezierBuilder.CreateCubicBezierSegment(startPt, ctrl1Pt, ctrl2Pt, endPt, SpatialReferences.WGS84);

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (CubicBezierBuilder cbb = new CubicBezierBuilder(startPt, ctrl1Pt, ctrl2Pt, endPt))
    // do something with the builder

    CubicBezierSegment anotherBezier = cbb.ToSegment();

Construct a Cubic Bezier - from MapPoints

// Use a builder convenience method or a builder constructor.

MapPoint startPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
MapPoint endPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 2.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84);

MapPoint ctrl1Pt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 2.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
MapPoint ctrl2Pt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 1.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84);

// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT
CubicBezierSegment anotherBezier = CubicBezierBuilder.CreateCubicBezierSegment(startPt, ctrl1Pt, ctrl2Pt, endPt);

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (CubicBezierBuilder cbb = new CubicBezierBuilder(startPt, ctrl1Pt, ctrl2Pt, endPt))
    // do something with the builder

    CubicBezierSegment bezier = cbb.ToSegment();

Construct a Cubic Bezier - from an enumeration of MapPoints

// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.

MapPoint startPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
MapPoint endPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 2.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84);

MapPoint ctrl1Pt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 2.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
MapPoint ctrl2Pt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 1.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84);

List<MapPoint> listMapPoints = new List<MapPoint>();

// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT
CubicBezierSegment bezier = CubicBezierBuilder.CreateCubicBezierSegment(listMapPoints);

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (CubicBezierBuilder cbb = new CubicBezierBuilder(listMapPoints))
    // do something with the builder

    bezier = cbb.ToSegment();

Cubic Bezier Builder Properties

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  // retrieve the bezier curve's control points
  using (CubicBezierBuilder cbb = new CubicBezierBuilder(bezierSegment))
    MapPoint startPt = cbb.StartPoint;
    Coordinate2D ctrlPt1 = cbb.ControlPoint1;
    Coordinate2D ctrlPt2 = cbb.ControlPoint2;
    MapPoint endPt = cbb.EndPoint;

    // or use the QueryCoords method
    cbb.QueryCoords(out startPt, out ctrlPt1, out ctrlPt2, out endPt);

Cubic Bezier Properties

// retrieve the bezier curve's control points
CubicBezierSegment cb = CubicBezierBuilder.CreateCubicBezierSegment(bezierSegment);
MapPoint startPt = cb.StartPoint;
Coordinate2D ctrlPt1 = cb.ControlPoint1;
Coordinate2D ctrlPt2 = cb.ControlPoint2;
MapPoint endPt = cb.EndPoint;

bool isCurve = cb.IsCurve;
double len = cb.Length;

Construct a Polyline - from a Cubic Bezier

Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(bezierSegment);


Construct a Circular Arc - using an interior point

// Construct a circular arc from (2, 1) to (1, 2) with interior pt (1 + sqrt(2)/2, 1 + sqrt(2)/2).
// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.

MapPoint fromPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2, 1);
MapPoint toPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 2);
Coordinate2D interiorPt = new Coordinate2D(1 + Math.Sqrt(2) / 2, 1 + Math.Sqrt(2) / 2);

// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
EllipticArcSegment circularArc = EllipticArcBuilder.CreateEllipticArcSegment(fromPt, toPt, interiorPt);

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (EllipticArcBuilder cab = new EllipticArcBuilder(fromPt, toPt, interiorPt))
    // do something with the builder

    EllipticArcSegment anotherCircularArc = cab.ToSegment();

Construct a Circular Arc - using a chord length and bearing

// Construct a circular arc counterclockwise from (2, 1) to (1, 2) such that the embedded 
// circle has center point at (1, 1) and radius = 1.
// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.

MapPoint fromPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2, 1, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
double chordLength = Math.Sqrt(2);
double chordBearing = 3 * Math.PI / 4;
double radius = 1;
esriArcOrientation orientation = esriArcOrientation.esriArcCounterClockwise;
MinorOrMajor minorOrMajor = MinorOrMajor.Minor;

// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
EllipticArcSegment circularArc = EllipticArcBuilder.CreateEllipticArcSegment(fromPt, chordLength, chordBearing, radius, orientation, minorOrMajor);

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (EllipticArcBuilder cab = new EllipticArcBuilder(fromPt, chordLength, chordBearing, radius, orientation, minorOrMajor))
    // do something with the builder

    EllipticArcSegment anotherCircularArc = cab.ToSegment();

Construct a Circular Arc - using a center point, angle and radius

// Construct a circular arc with center point at (0, 0), from angle = 0, 
// central angle = pi/2, radius = 1.
// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.

SpatialReference sr4326 = SpatialReferences.WGS84;
Coordinate2D centerPt = new Coordinate2D(0, 0);
double fromAngle = 0;
double centralAngle = Math.PI / 2;
double radius = 1;

// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
EllipticArcSegment circularArc = EllipticArcBuilder.CreateEllipticArcSegment(fromAngle, centralAngle, centerPt, radius, sr4326);

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (EllipticArcBuilder cab = new EllipticArcBuilder(fromAngle, centralAngle, centerPt, radius, sr4326))
    // do something with the builder

    EllipticArcSegment otherCircularArc = cab.ToSegment();

Construct a Circular Arc - using a center point and rotation angle

// Construct an elliptic arc centered at (1,1), startAngle = 0, centralAngle = PI/2, 
// rotationAngle = 0, semiMajorAxis = 1, minorMajorRatio = 0.5.
// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.

Coordinate2D centerPt = new Coordinate2D(1, 1);

// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
EllipticArcSegment circularArc = EllipticArcBuilder.CreateEllipticArcSegment(centerPt, 0, Math.PI / 2, 0, 1, 0.5);

double semiMajor;
double semiMinor;
circularArc.GetAxes(out semiMajor, out semiMinor);
// semiMajor = 1, semiMinor = 0.5

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (EllipticArcBuilder cab = new EllipticArcBuilder(centerPt, 0, Math.PI / 2, 0, 1, 0.5))
    // do something with the builder

    EllipticArcSegment otherCircularArc = cab.ToSegment();

Construct a Circular Arc - using a center point and orientation

// Construct a circular arc from (2, 1) to (1, 2) 
// with center point at (1, 1) and orientation counterclockwise.
// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.

MapPoint toPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 2);
MapPoint fromPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2, 1);
Coordinate2D centerPtCoord = new Coordinate2D(1, 1);

// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
EllipticArcSegment circularArc = EllipticArcBuilder.CreateEllipticArcSegment(fromPt, toPt, centerPtCoord, esriArcOrientation.esriArcCounterClockwise);

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (EllipticArcBuilder cab = new EllipticArcBuilder(fromPt, toPt, centerPtCoord, esriArcOrientation.esriArcCounterClockwise))
    // do something with the builder

    EllipticArcSegment otherCircularArc = cab.ToSegment();

Construct a Circular Arc - using two segments and radius

// Construct a segment from (100, 100) to (50, 50) and another segment from (100, 100) to (150, 50).
// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.

LineSegment segment1 = LineBuilder.CreateLineSegment(new Coordinate2D(100, 100), new Coordinate2D(50, 50));
LineSegment segment2 = LineBuilder.CreateLineSegment(new Coordinate2D(100, 100), new Coordinate2D(150, 50));

// Construct the hint point to determine where the arc will be constructed.
Coordinate2D hintPoint = new Coordinate2D(100, 75);

// Call QueryFilletRadius to get the minimum and maximum radii that can be used with these segments.
var minMaxRadii = EllipticArcBuilder.QueryFilletRadiusRange(segment1, segment2, hintPoint);

// Use the maximum radius to create the arc.
double maxRadius = minMaxRadii.Item2;

// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
EllipticArcSegment circularArc = EllipticArcBuilder.CreateEllipticArcSegment(segment1, segment2, maxRadius, hintPoint);

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (EllipticArcBuilder cab = new EllipticArcBuilder(segment1, segment2, maxRadius, hintPoint))
    // do something with the builder

    EllipticArcSegment otherCircularArc = cab.ToSegment();

Construct a Circle

// Construct a circle with center at (-1,-1), radius = 2, and oriented clockwise.
// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.

Coordinate2D centerPtCoord = new Coordinate2D(-1, -1);

// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
EllipticArcSegment circle = EllipticArcBuilder.CreateEllipticArcSegment(centerPtCoord, 2, esriArcOrientation.esriArcClockwise);
// circle.IsCircular = true
// circle.IsCounterClockwise = false
// circle.IsMinor = false

double startAngle, rotationAngle, centralAngle, semiMajor, semiMinor;
Coordinate2D actualCenterPt;
circle.QueryCoords(out actualCenterPt, out startAngle, out centralAngle, out rotationAngle, out semiMajor, out semiMinor);

// semiMajor = 2.0
// semiMinor = 2.0
// startAngle = PI/2
// centralAngle = -2*PI
// rotationAngle = 0
// endAngle = PI/2

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (EllipticArcBuilder builder = new EllipticArcBuilder(centerPtCoord, 2, esriArcOrientation.esriArcClockwise))
    // do something with the builder

    EllipticArcSegment otherCircle = builder.ToSegment();

Construct an Ellipse

// Construct an ellipse centered at (1, 2) with rotationAngle = -pi/6,  
// semiMajorAxis = 5, minorMajorRatio = 0.2, oriented clockwise.
// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.

Coordinate2D centerPt = new Coordinate2D(1, 2);

// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
EllipticArcSegment ellipse = EllipticArcBuilder.CreateEllipticArcSegment(centerPt, -1 * Math.PI / 6, 5, 0.2, esriArcOrientation.esriArcClockwise);

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (EllipticArcBuilder builder = new EllipticArcBuilder(centerPt, -1 * Math.PI / 6, 5, 0.2, esriArcOrientation.esriArcClockwise))
    // do something with the builder

    EllipticArcSegment anotherEllipse = builder.ToSegment();

Elliptic Arc Builder Properties

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  // retrieve the curve's control points
  using (EllipticArcBuilder builder = new EllipticArcBuilder(arcSegment))
    MapPoint startPt = builder.StartPoint;
    MapPoint endPt = builder.EndPoint;
    Coordinate2D centerPt = builder.CenterPoint;
    bool isCircular = builder.IsCircular;
    bool isMinor = builder.IsMinor;
    double startAngle = builder.StartAngle;
    double endAngle = builder.EndAngle;
    double centralAngle = builder.CentralAngle;
    double rotationAngle = builder.RotationAngle;
    esriArcOrientation orientation = builder.Orientation;

Elliptic Arc Properties

// retrieve the curve's control points
EllipticArcSegment arc = EllipticArcBuilder.CreateEllipticArcSegment(arcSegment);
MapPoint startPt = arc.StartPoint;
MapPoint endPt = arc.EndPoint;
Coordinate2D centerPt = arc.CenterPoint;
bool isCircular = arc.IsCircular;
bool isMinor = arc.IsMinor;
bool isCounterClockwise = arc.IsCounterClockwise;
bool isCurve = arc.IsCurve;
double len = arc.Length;
double ratio = arc.MinorMajorRatio;

double semiMajorAxis, semiMinorAxis;
// get the axes
arc.GetAxes(out semiMajorAxis, out semiMinorAxis);
// or use the properties
// semiMajorAxis = arc.SemiMajorAxis;
// semiMinorAxis = arc.SemiMinorAxis;

double startAngle, centralAngle, rotationAngle;
// or use QueryCoords to get complete information
arc.QueryCoords(out centerPt, out startAngle, out centralAngle, out rotationAngle, out semiMajorAxis, out semiMinorAxis);

// use properties to get angle information
//double endAngle = arc.EndAngle;
//centralAngle = arc.CentralAngle;
//rotationAngle = arc.RotationAngle;
//startAngle = arc.StartAngle;


Construct GeometryBag

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (GeometryBagBuilder builder = new GeometryBagBuilder(SpatialReferences.WGS84))
    GeometryBag emptyBag = builder.ToGeometry();
    // emptyBag.IsEmpty = true

    MapPoint point = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 2, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
    // builder.CountGeometries = 1

    GeometryBag geometryBag = builder.ToGeometry();
    // geometryBag.PartCount = 1
    // geometryBag.PointCount = 1
    // geometryBag.IsEmpty = false

    IReadOnlyList<Geometry> geometries = geometryBag.Geometries;
    // geometries.Count = 1
    // geometries[0] is MapPoint with a sr of WGS84

    bool isEqual = geometryBag.IsEqual(emptyBag);   // isEqual = false

    List<Coordinate2D> coords2D = new List<Coordinate2D>()
    new Coordinate2D(0, 0),
    new Coordinate2D(0, 1),
    new Coordinate2D(1, 1),
    new Coordinate2D(1, 0)

    Multipoint multipoint = MultipointBuilder.CreateMultipoint(coords2D, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
    builder.InsertGeometry(0, multipoint);
    geometryBag = builder.ToGeometry();
    // geometryBag.PartCount = 2

    geometries = geometryBag.Geometries;
    // geometries.Count = 2
    // geometries[0] is Multipoint
    // geometries[1] is MapPoint

    Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(coords2D, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
    geometryBag = builder.ToGeometry();
    // geometryBag.PartCount = 2

    geometries = geometryBag.Geometries;
    // geometries.Count = 2
    // geometries[0] is Multipoint
    // geometries[1] is Polyline          

Construct GeometryBag - from an enumeration of geometries

// Use a builder convenience method or use a builder constructor.

MapPoint point = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(10, 20);
List<Coordinate2D> coords = new List<Coordinate2D>() { new Coordinate2D(50, 60), new Coordinate2D(-120, -70), new Coordinate2D(40, 60) };
Multipoint multipoint = MultipointBuilder.CreateMultipoint(coords, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(coords);

string json = "{\"rings\":[[[0,0],[0,1],[1,1],[1,0],[0,0]],[[3,0],[3,1],[4,1],[4,0],[3,0]]]}";
Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilder.FromJson(json);

var geometries = new List<Geometry>() { point, multipoint, polyline, polygon };

// Builder convenience methods don't need to run on the MCT.
GeometryBag bag = GeometryBagBuilder.CreateGeometryBag(geometries, SpatialReferences.WGS84);

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (var builder = new GeometryBagBuilder(geometries, SpatialReferences.WGS84))
    // builder.CountGeometries = 4

    // do something with the builder

    bag = builder.ToGeometry();
    // bag.PartCount = 4
    // bag.PointCount = 17

Construct GeometryBag - from JSON, Xml

const string jsonString = "{\"geometries\":[{\"x\":1,\"y\":2},{\"rings\":[[[0,0],[0,4],[3,4],[3,0],[0,0]]]}],\"spatialReference\":{\"wkid\":4326,\"latestWkid\":4326}}";
GeometryBag geometryBag = GeometryBagBuilder.FromJson(jsonString);

string xml = geometryBag.ToXML();
GeometryBag xmlString = GeometryBagBuilder.FromXML(xml);

Construct GeometryBag - adding or inserting an enumeration of geometries

MapPoint point = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(10, 20);
List<Coordinate2D> coords = new List<Coordinate2D>() { new Coordinate2D(50, 60), new Coordinate2D(-120, -70), new Coordinate2D(40, 60) };
Multipoint multipoint = MultipointBuilder.CreateMultipoint(coords, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(coords);

string json = "{\"rings\":[[[0,0],[0,1],[1,1],[1,0],[0,0]],[[3,0],[3,1],[4,1],[4,0],[3,0]]]}";
Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilder.FromJson(json);

var geometries = new List<Geometry>() { point, multipoint, polyline, polygon };

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  using (var builder = new GeometryBagBuilder(SpatialReferences.WGS84))
    // builder.CountGeometries = 0

    // builder.CountGeometries = 4

    GeometryBag geomBag = builder.ToGeometry();
    // bag.PartCount = 4    (point, multipoint, polyline, polygon)

    geometries = new List<Geometry>() { point, polyline };
    builder.InsertGeometries(1, geometries);
    // builder.CountGeometries = 6
    geomBag = builder.ToGeometry();
    // bag.PartCount = 6    (point, point, polyline, multipoint, polyline, polygon)


Construct Multipatch via Extrusion of Polygon or Polyline

// build a polygon
string json = "{\"hasZ\":true,\"rings\":[[[0,0,0],[0,1,0],[1,1,0],[1,0,0],[0,0,0]]],\"spatialReference\":{\"wkid\":4326}}";
Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilder.FromJson(json);

// extrude the polygon by an offset to create a multipatch
Multipatch multipatch = GeometryEngine.Instance.ConstructMultipatchExtrude(polygon, 2);

// a different polygon
json = "{\"hasZ\":true,\"rings\":[[[0,0,1],[0,1,2],[1,1,3],[1,0,4],[0,0,1]]],\"spatialReference\":{\"wkid\":4326}}";
polygon = PolygonBuilder.FromJson(json);

// extrude between z values to create a multipatch
multipatch = GeometryEngine.Instance.ConstructMultipatchExtrudeFromToZ(polygon, -10, 20);

// extrude along the axis defined by the coordinate to create a multipatch
Coordinate3D coord = new Coordinate3D(10, 18, -10);
multipatch = GeometryEngine.Instance.ConstructMultipatchExtrudeAlongVector3D(polygon, coord);

// build a polyline
json = "{\"hasZ\":true,\"paths\":[[[400,800,1000],[800,1400,1500],[1200,800,2000],[1800,1800,2500],[2200,800,3000]]],\"spatialReference\":{\"wkid\":3857}}";
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.FromJson(json);

// extrude to a specific z value to create a multipatch
multipatch = GeometryEngine.Instance.ConstructMultipatchExtrudeToZ(polyline, 500);

Coordinate3D fromCoord = new Coordinate3D(50, 50, -500);
Coordinate3D toCoord = new Coordinate3D(200, 50, 1000);

// extrude between two coordinates to create a multipatch
multipatch = GeometryEngine.Instance.ConstructMultipatchExtrudeAlongLine(polyline, fromCoord, toCoord);

Multipatch Properties

// standard geometry properties
bool hasZ = multipatch.HasZ;
bool hasM = multipatch.HasM;
bool hasID = multipatch.HasID;
bool isEmpty = multipatch.IsEmpty;
var sr = multipatch.SpatialReference;

// number of patches (parts)
int patchCount = multiPatch.PartCount;
// number of points
int pointCount = multiPatch.PointCount;

// retrieve the points as MapPoints
ReadOnlyPointCollection points = multipatch.Points;
// or as 3D Coordinates
IReadOnlyList<Coordinate3D> coordinates = multipatch.Copy3DCoordinatesToList();

// multipatch materials
bool hasMaterials = multiPatch.HasMaterials;
int materialCount = multiPatch.MaterialCount;

// multipatch textures
bool hasTextures = multiPatch.HasTextures;
int textureVertexCount = multiPatch.TextureVertexCount;

// normals
bool hasNormals = multiPatch.HasNormals;

// properties for an individual patch (if multipatch.PartCount > 0)
int patchPriority = multiPatch.GetPatchPriority(patchIndex);
esriPatchType patchType = multiPatch.GetPatchType(patchIndex);

// patch points
int patchPointCount = multiPatch.GetPatchPointCount(patchIndex);
int pointStartIndex = multiPatch.GetPatchStartPointIndex(patchIndex);
// the patch Points are then the points in multipatch.Points from pointStartIndex to pointStartIndex + patchPointCount 

// if the multipatch has materials 
if (hasMaterials)
  // does the patch have a material?  
  //   materialIndex = -1 if the patch does not have a material; 
  //   0 <= materialIndex < materialCount if the patch does have materials
  int materialIndex = multipatch.GetPatchMaterialIndex(patchIndex);

  // properties for an individual material (if multipatch.MaterialCount > 0)
  var color = multipatch.GetMaterialColor(materialIndex);
  var edgeColor = multipatch.GetMaterialEdgeColor(materialIndex);
  var edgeWidth = multipatch.GetMaterialEdgeWidth(materialIndex);
  var shiness = multipatch.GetMaterialShininess(materialIndex);
  var percent = multipatch.GetMaterialTransparencyPercent(materialIndex);
  var cullBackFace = multipatch.IsMaterialCullBackface(materialIndex);

  // texture properties
  bool isTextured = multipatch.IsMaterialTextured(materialIndex);
  if (isTextured)
    int columnCount = multipatch.GetMaterialTextureColumnCount(materialIndex);
    int rowCount = multipatch.GetMaterialTextureRowCount(materialIndex);
    int bpp = multipatch.GetMaterialTextureBytesPerPixel(materialIndex);
    esriTextureCompressionType compressionType = multipatch.GetMaterialTextureCompressionType(materialIndex);
    var texture = multipatch.GetMaterialTexture(materialIndex);

// texture coordinates (if multipatch.HasTextures = true)
if (hasTextures)
  int numPatchTexturePoints = multiPatch.GetPatchTextureVertexCount(patchIndex);
  var coordinate2D = multiPatch.GetPatchTextureCoordinate(patchIndex, 0);

  ICollection<Coordinate2D> textureCoordinates = new List<Coordinate2D>(numPatchTexturePoints);
  multiPatch.GetPatchTextureCoordinates(patchIndex, ref textureCoordinates);

// patch normals (if multipatch.HasNormals = true)
if (hasNormals)
  //  number of normal coordinates = multipatch.GetPatchPointCount(patchIndex)
  Coordinate3D patchNormal = multipatch.GetPatchNormal(patchIndex, 0);
  ICollection<Coordinate3D> normalCoordinates = new List<Coordinate3D>(patchPointCount);
  multipatch.GetPatchNormals(patchIndex, ref normalCoordinates);

Construct Multipatch

// export to binary xml
string binaryXml = multiPatch.ToBinaryXML();

// import from binaryXML - methods need to run on the MCT
Multipatch binaryMultipatch = MultipatchBuilder.FromBinaryXML(binaryXml);

// xml export / import
string xml = multiPatch.ToXML();
Multipatch xmlMultipatch = MultipatchBuilder.FromXML(xml);

// esriShape export/import
byte[] buffer = multiPatch.ToEsriShape();
Multipatch esriPatch = MultipatchBuilder.FromEsriShape(buffer);

// or use GeometryEngine
Multipatch patchImport = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromEsriShape(EsriShapeImportFlags.esriShapeImportDefaults, buffer, multiPatch.SpatialReference) as Multipatch;

Construct Multipatch via MultipatchBuilderEx

var coords_face1 = new List<Coordinate3D>()
  new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071,41.902603910000039,62.552700000000186),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071,41.902603910000039,59.504700000004959),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071,41.902576344000067,59.504700000004959),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071,41.902603910000039,62.552700000000186),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071,41.902576344000067,59.504700000004959),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071,41.902576344000067,62.552700000000186),

var coords_face2 = new List<Coordinate3D>()
  new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071, 41.902576344000067, 62.552700000000186),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071, 41.902576344000067, 59.504700000004959),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902576344000067, 59.504700000004959),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071, 41.902576344000067, 62.552700000000186),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902576344000067, 59.504700000004959),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902576344000067, 62.552700000000186),

var coords_face3 = new List<Coordinate3D>()
  new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902576344000067, 62.552700000000186),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902576344000067, 59.504700000004959),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902603910000039, 59.504700000004959),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902576344000067, 62.552700000000186),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902603910000039, 59.504700000004959),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902603910000039, 62.552700000000186),

var coords_face4 = new List<Coordinate3D>()
  new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902576344000067, 59.504700000004959),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071, 41.902576344000067, 59.504700000004959),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071, 41.902603910000039, 59.504700000004959),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902576344000067, 59.504700000004959),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071, 41.902603910000039, 59.504700000004959),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902603910000039, 59.504700000004959),

var coords_face5 = new List<Coordinate3D>()
  new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902603910000039, 59.504700000004959),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071, 41.902603910000039, 59.504700000004959),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071, 41.902603910000039, 62.552700000000186),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902603910000039, 59.504700000004959),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071, 41.902603910000039, 62.552700000000186),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902603910000039, 62.552700000000186),

var coords_face6 = new List<Coordinate3D>()
  new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902603910000039, 62.552700000000186),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071, 41.902603910000039, 62.552700000000186),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071, 41.902576344000067, 62.552700000000186),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902603910000039, 62.552700000000186),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495461061000071, 41.902576344000067, 62.552700000000186),
  new Coordinate3D(12.495488442000067, 41.902576344000067, 62.552700000000186),

// materials
var materialRed = new BasicMaterial();
materialRed.Color = System.Windows.Media.Colors.Red;

var materialTransparent = new BasicMaterial();
materialTransparent.Color = System.Windows.Media.Colors.White;
materialTransparent.TransparencyPercent = 80;

var blueTransparent = new BasicMaterial(materialTransparent);
blueTransparent.Color = System.Windows.Media.Colors.SkyBlue;

// create a list of patch objects
var patches = new List<Patch>();

// create the multipatchBuilderEx object
var mpb = new ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.MultipatchBuilderEx();

// make each patch using the appropriate coordinates and add to the patch list
var patch = mpb.MakePatch(esriPatchType.Triangles);
patch.Coords = coords_face1;

patch = mpb.MakePatch(esriPatchType.Triangles);
patch.Coords = coords_face2;

patch = mpb.MakePatch(esriPatchType.Triangles);
patch.Coords = coords_face3;

patch = mpb.MakePatch(esriPatchType.Triangles);
patch.Coords = coords_face4;

patch = mpb.MakePatch(esriPatchType.Triangles);
patch.Coords = coords_face5;

patch = mpb.MakePatch(esriPatchType.Triangles);
patch.Coords = coords_face6;

patches[0].Material = materialRed;
patches[1].Material = materialTransparent;
patches[2].Material = materialRed;
patches[3].Material = materialRed;
patches[4].Material = materialRed;
patches[5].Material = blueTransparent;

// assign the patches to the multipatchBuilder
mpb.Patches = patches;

// check which patches currently contain the material
var red = mpb.QueryPatchIndicesWithMaterial(materialRed);
//   red should be [0, 2, 3, 4]

// call ToGeometry to get the multipatch
multipatch = mpb.ToGeometry() as Multipatch;

Construct Multipatch from another Multipatch

// create the multipatchBuilderEx object
var builder = new ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.MultipatchBuilderEx(multipatch);

// check some properties
bool hasM = builder.HasM;
bool hasZ = builder.HasZ;
bool hasID = builder.HasID;
bool isEmpty = builder.IsEmpty;
bool hasNormals = builder.HasNormals;

var patches = builder.Patches;
int patchCount = patches.Count;

// if there's some patches
if (patchCount > 0)
  int pointCount = builder.GetPatchPointCount(0);

  // replace the first point in the first patch
  if (pointCount > 0)
    // get the first point
    var pt = builder.GetPoint(0, 0);
    builder.SetPoint(0, 0, newPoint);

  // check which patches currently contain the texture
  var texture = builder.QueryPatchIndicesWithTexture(brickTextureResource);

  // assign a texture material
  patches[0].Material = brickMaterialTexture;

// update the builder for M awareness
builder.HasM = true;
// synchronize the patch attributes to match the builder attributes
//   in this instance because we just set HasM to true on the builder, each patch will now get a default M value for it's set of coordinates

// call ToGeometry to get the multipatch
multipatch = builder.ToGeometry() as Multipatch;

// multipatch.HasM will be true

Construct Multipoint from a 3D model file

  var model = ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.MultipatchBuilderEx.From3DModelFile(@"c:\Temp\My3dModelFile.dae");
  bool isEMpty = model.IsEmpty;
catch (FileNotFoundException)
  // file not found
catch (ArgumentException)
  // File extension is unsupported or cannot read the file

Create BasicMaterial

// Create BasicMaterial with default values
BasicMaterial material = new BasicMaterial();
System.Windows.Media.Color color = material.Color;         // color = Colors.Black
System.Windows.Media.Color edgeColor = material.EdgeColor; // edgeColor = Colors.Black
int edgeWidth = material.EdgeWidth;                        // edgeWidth = 0
int transparency = material.TransparencyPercent;           // transparency = 0
int shininess = material.Shininess;                        // shininess = 0
bool cullBackFace = material.CullBackFace;                 // cullBackFace = false

// Modify the properties
material.Color = System.Windows.Media.Colors.Red;
material.EdgeColor = System.Windows.Media.Colors.Blue;
material.EdgeWidth = 10;
material.TransparencyPercent = 50;
material.Shininess = 25;
material.CullBackFace = true;

Create BasicMaterial with JPEG texture

// read the jpeg into a buffer
System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(@"C:\temp\myImageFile.jpg");
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();

System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat format = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg;
image.Save(memoryStream, format);
byte[] imageBuffer = memoryStream.ToArray();

var jpgTexture = new JPEGTexture(imageBuffer);

// texture properties
int bpp = jpgTexture.BytesPerPixel;
int columnCount = jpgTexture.ColumnCount;
int rowCount = jpgTexture.RowCount;

// build the textureResource and the material
BasicMaterial material = new BasicMaterial();
material.TextureResource = new TextureResource(jpgTexture);

Create BasicMaterial with Uncompressed texture

UncompressedTexture uncompressedTexture1 = new UncompressedTexture(new byte[10 * 12 * 3], 10, 12, 3);

// texture properties
int bpp = uncompressedTexture1.BytesPerPixel;
int columnCount = uncompressedTexture1.ColumnCount;
int rowCount = uncompressedTexture1.RowCount;

// build the textureResource and the material
TextureResource tr = new TextureResource(uncompressedTexture1);
BasicMaterial material = new BasicMaterial();
material.TextureResource = tr;

Get the texture image of a multipatch

// <summary>
// This method gets the material texture image of a multipatch.
// This method must be called on the MCT. Use QueuedTask.Run.
// </summary>
// <param name="multipatch">The input multipatch.</param>
// <param name="patchIndex">The index of the patch (part) for which to get the material texture.</param>
public void GetMultipatchTextureImage(Multipatch multipatch, int patchIndex)
  int materialIndex = multipatch.GetPatchMaterialIndex(patchIndex);
  if (!multipatch.IsMaterialTextured(materialIndex))

  esriTextureCompressionType compressionType = multipatch.GetMaterialTextureCompressionType(materialIndex);
  string ext = compressionType == esriTextureCompressionType.CompressionJPEG ? ".jpg" : ".dat";
  byte[] textureBuffer = multipatch.GetMaterialTexture(materialIndex);

  Stream imageStream = new MemoryStream(textureBuffer);
  System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(imageStream);
  image.Save(@"C:\temp\myImage" + ext);

Get the normal coordinate of a multipatch

// <summary>
// This method gets the normal coordinate of a multipatch and does something with it.
// This method must be called on the MCT. Use QueuedTask.Run.
// </summary>
// <param name="multipatch">The input multipatch.</param>
// <param name="patchIndex">The index of the patch (part) for which to get the normal.</param>
public void DoSomethingWithNormalCoordinate(Multipatch multipatch, int patchIndex)
  if (multipatch.HasNormals)
    // If the multipatch has normals, then the number of normals is equal to the number of points.
    int numNormals = multipatch.GetPatchPointCount(patchIndex);

    for (int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < numNormals; pointIndex++)
      Coordinate3D normal = multipatch.GetPatchNormal(patchIndex, pointIndex);

      // Do something with the normal coordinate.

Get the normals of a multipatch

// <summary>
// This method gets the normal coordinate of a multipatch and does something with it.
// This method must be called on the MCT. Use QueuedTask.Run.
// </summary>
// <param name="multipatch">The input multipatch.</param>
public void DoSomethingWithNormalCoordinates(Multipatch multipatch)
  if (multipatch.HasNormals)
    // Allocate the list only once
    int numPoints = multipatch.PointCount;
    ICollection<Coordinate3D> normals = new List<Coordinate3D>(numPoints);

    // The parts of a multipatch are also called patches
    int numPatches = multipatch.PartCount;

    for (int patchIndex = 0; patchIndex < numPatches; patchIndex++)
      multipatch.GetPatchNormals(patchIndex, ref normals);

      // Do something with the normals for this patch.

Get the material properties of a multipatch

public void GetMaterialProperties(Multipatch multipatch, int patchIndex)
  if (multipatch.HasMaterials)
    // Get the material index for the specified patch.
    int materialIndex = multipatch.GetPatchMaterialIndex(patchIndex);

    System.Windows.Media.Color color = multipatch.GetMaterialColor(materialIndex);
    int tranparencyPercent = multipatch.GetMaterialTransparencyPercent(materialIndex);
    bool isBackCulled = multipatch.IsMaterialCullBackface(materialIndex);

    if (multipatch.IsMaterialTextured(materialIndex))
      int bpp = multipatch.GetMaterialTextureBytesPerPixel(materialIndex);
      int columnCount = multipatch.GetMaterialTextureColumnCount(materialIndex);
      int rowCount = multipatch.GetMaterialTextureRowCount(materialIndex);


Get the individual parts of a multipart feature

public IEnumerable<Geometry> MultipartToSinglePart(Geometry inputGeometry)
  // list holding the part(s) of the input geometry
  List<Geometry> singleParts = new List<Geometry>();

  // check if the input is a null pointer or if the geometry is empty
  if (inputGeometry == null || inputGeometry.IsEmpty)
    return singleParts;

  // based on the type of geometry, take the parts/points and add them individually into a list
  switch (inputGeometry.GeometryType)
    case GeometryType.Envelope:
      singleParts.Add(inputGeometry.Clone() as Envelope);
    case GeometryType.Multipatch:
      singleParts.Add(inputGeometry.Clone() as Multipatch);
    case GeometryType.Multipoint:
      var multiPoint = inputGeometry as Multipoint;

      foreach (var point in multiPoint.Points)
        // add each point of collection as a standalone point into the list
    case GeometryType.Point:
      singleParts.Add(inputGeometry.Clone() as MapPoint);
    case GeometryType.Polygon:
      var polygon = inputGeometry as Polygon;

      foreach (var polygonPart in polygon.Parts)
        // use the PolygonBuilder turning the segments into a standalone 
        // polygon instance
    case GeometryType.Polyline:
      var polyline = inputGeometry as Polyline;

      foreach (var polylinePart in polyline.Parts)
        // use the PolylineBuilder turning the segments into a standalone
        // polyline instance
    case GeometryType.Unknown:

  return singleParts;

Get the outermost rings of a polygon

public Polygon GetOutermostRings(Polygon inputPolygon)
  if (inputPolygon == null || inputPolygon.IsEmpty)
    return null;

  List<Polygon> internalRings = new List<Polygon>();

  // explode the parts of the polygon into a list of individual geometries
  // see the "Get the individual parts of a multipart feature" snippet for MultipartToSinglePart method defintion
  var parts = MultipartToSinglePart(inputPolygon);

  // get an enumeration of clockwise geometries (area > 0) ordered by the area
  var clockwiseParts = parts.Where(geom => ((Polygon)geom).Area > 0).OrderByDescending(geom => ((Polygon)geom).Area);

  // for each of the exterior rings
  foreach (var part in clockwiseParts)
    // add the first (the largest) ring into the internal collection
    if (internalRings.Count == 0)
      internalRings.Add(part as Polygon);

    // use flag to indicate if current part is within the already selection polygons
    bool isWithin = false;

    foreach (var item in internalRings)
      if (GeometryEngine.Instance.Within(part, item))
        isWithin = true;

    // if the current polygon is not within any polygon of the internal collection
    // then it is disjoint and needs to be added to 
    if (isWithin == false)
      internalRings.Add(part as Polygon);

  using (PolygonBuilder outerRings = new PolygonBuilder())
    // now assemble a new polygon geometry based on the internal polygon collection
    foreach (var ring in internalRings)

    // return the final geometry of the outer rings
    return outerRings.ToGeometry();

Retrieve Geometry from Geodatabase

Retrieve Geometry from Geodatabase

// methods need to run on the MCT
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
    // open a gdb
    using (ArcGIS.Core.Data.Geodatabase gdb = new ArcGIS.Core.Data.Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(@"c:\Temp\MyDatabase.gdb"))))
      //Open a featureClass 
      using (ArcGIS.Core.Data.FeatureClass featureClass = gdb.OpenDataset<ArcGIS.Core.Data.FeatureClass>("Polygon"))
        // find a field 
        ArcGIS.Core.Data.FeatureClassDefinition featureClassDefinition = featureClass.GetDefinition();
        int fldIndex = featureClassDefinition.FindField("SomeField");
        if (fldIndex == -1)

        ArcGIS.Core.Data.QueryFilter filter = new ArcGIS.Core.Data.QueryFilter
          WhereClause = "OBJECTID = 6"

        // get the row
        using (ArcGIS.Core.Data.RowCursor rowCursor = featureClass.Search(filter, false))
          while (rowCursor.MoveNext())
            using (var row = rowCursor.Current)
              long oid = row.GetObjectID();

              // get the shape from the row
              ArcGIS.Core.Data.Feature feature = row as ArcGIS.Core.Data.Feature;
              Polygon polygon = feature.GetShape() as Polygon;

              // get the attribute from the row (assume it's a double field)
              double value = (double)row.GetOriginalValue(fldIndex);

              // do something here
  catch (Exception ex)
    // error - handle appropriately

Import, Export Geometries

Import and Export Geometries to well-known Text

// create a point with z, m
MapPoint point = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(100, 200, 300, 400, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);

// set the flags
WKTExportFlags wktExportFlags = WKTExportFlags.wktExportDefaults;
WKTImportFlags wktImportFlags = WKTImportFlags.wktImportDefaults;

// export and import
string wktString = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToWKT(wktExportFlags, point);
MapPoint importPoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromWKT(wktImportFlags, wktString, SpatialReferences.WebMercator) as MapPoint;

double x = importPoint.X;       // x = 100
double y = importPoint.Y;       // y = 200
bool hasZ = importPoint.HasZ;   // hasZ = true
double z = importPoint.Z;       // z = 300
bool hasM = importPoint.HasM;   // hasM = true
double m = importPoint.M;       // m = 400

// export without z
WKTExportFlags exportFlagsNoZ = WKTExportFlags.wktExportStripZs;
wktString = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToWKT(exportFlagsNoZ, point);
importPoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromWKT(wktImportFlags, wktString, SpatialReferences.WebMercator) as MapPoint;

x = importPoint.X;        // x = 100
y = importPoint.Y;        // y = 200
hasZ = importPoint.HasZ;  // hasZ = false
z = importPoint.Z;        // z = 0
hasM = importPoint.HasM;  // hasM = true
m = importPoint.M;        // m = 400

// export without m
WKTExportFlags exportFlagsNoM = WKTExportFlags.wktExportStripMs;
wktString = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToWKT(exportFlagsNoM, point);
importPoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromWKT(wktImportFlags, wktString, SpatialReferences.WebMercator) as MapPoint;

x = importPoint.X;        // x = 100
y = importPoint.Y;        // y = 200
hasZ = importPoint.HasZ;  // hasZ = true
z = importPoint.Z;        // z = 300
hasM = importPoint.HasM;  // hasM = false
m = importPoint.M;        // m = Nan

// export without z, m
wktString = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToWKT(exportFlagsNoZ | exportFlagsNoM, point);
importPoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromWKT(wktImportFlags, wktString, SpatialReferences.WebMercator) as MapPoint;

x = importPoint.X;        // x = 100
y = importPoint.Y;        // y = 200
hasZ = importPoint.HasZ;  // hasZ = false
z = importPoint.Z;        // z = 0
hasM = importPoint.HasM;  // hasM = false
m = importPoint.M;        // m = Nan

Import and Export Geometries to well-known Binary

// create a polyline
List<Coordinate2D> coords = new List<Coordinate2D>
  new Coordinate2D(0, 0),
  new Coordinate2D(0, 1),
  new Coordinate2D(1, 1),
  new Coordinate2D(1, 0)

Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(coords, SpatialReferences.WGS84);

WKBExportFlags wkbExportFlags = WKBExportFlags.wkbExportDefaults;
WKBImportFlags wkbImportFlags = WKBImportFlags.wkbImportDefaults;

// export and import
byte[] buffer = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToWKB(wkbExportFlags, polyline);
Geometry geometry = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromWKB(wkbImportFlags, buffer, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
Polyline importPolyline = geometry as Polyline;

// alternatively, determine the size for the buffer
int bufferSize = GeometryEngine.Instance.GetWKBSize(wkbExportFlags, polyline);
buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
// export
bufferSize = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToWKB(wkbExportFlags, polyline, ref buffer);
// import
importPolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromWKB(wkbImportFlags, buffer, SpatialReferences.WGS84) as Polyline;

Import and Export Geometries to EsriShape

// create an envelope
List<MapPoint> coordsZM = new List<MapPoint>
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1001, 1002, 1003, 1004),
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2001, 2002, Double.NaN, 2004),
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3001, -3002, 3003, 3004),
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1001, -4002, 4003, 4004)

Envelope envelope = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(coordsZM[0], coordsZM[2], SpatialReferences.WGS84);

// export and import
EsriShapeExportFlags exportFlags = EsriShapeExportFlags.esriShapeExportDefaults;
EsriShapeImportFlags importFlags = EsriShapeImportFlags.esriShapeImportDefaults;
byte[] buffer = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToEsriShape(exportFlags, envelope);
Polygon importedPolygon = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromEsriShape(importFlags, buffer, envelope.SpatialReference) as Polygon;
Envelope importedEnvelope = importedPolygon.Extent;

// export without z,m
buffer = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToEsriShape(EsriShapeExportFlags.esriShapeExportStripZs | EsriShapeExportFlags.esriShapeExportStripMs, envelope);
importedPolygon = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromEsriShape(importFlags, buffer, SpatialReferences.WGS84) as Polygon;
importedEnvelope = importedPolygon.Extent;

bool hasZ = importedEnvelope.HasZ;      // hasZ = false
bool hasM = importedEnvelope.HasM;      // hasM = false

// export with shapeSize
int bufferSize = GeometryEngine.Instance.GetEsriShapeSize(exportFlags, envelope);
buffer = new byte[bufferSize];

bufferSize = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToEsriShape(exportFlags, envelope, ref buffer);
importedPolygon = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromEsriShape(importFlags, buffer, envelope.SpatialReference) as Polygon;
importedEnvelope = importedPolygon.Extent;

// or use the envelope and envelopeBuilder classes
buffer = envelope.ToEsriShape();
// buffer represents a polygon as there is not an envelope Esri shape buffer
// EnvelopeBuilder.FromEsriShape takes a polygon Esri shape buffer and returns the extent of the polygon.
importedEnvelope = EnvelopeBuilder.FromEsriShape(buffer);

Import and Export Geometries to JSON

// MapPoint
string inputString = "{\"x\":1,\"y\":2,\"spatialReference\":{\"wkid\":4326,\"latestWkid\":4326}}";
Geometry geometry = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromJSON(JSONImportFlags.jsonImportDefaults, inputString);

MapPoint importPoint = geometry as MapPoint;
// importPoint = 1, 2
// importPoint.SpatialReference.WKid = 4326

// use the MapPointBuilder convenience method
MapPoint importPoint2 = MapPointBuilder.FromJson(inputString);
// importPoint2 = 1, 2
// impointPoint2.SpatialReference.Wkid = 4326

string outputString = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToJSON(JSONExportFlags.jsonExportDefaults, importPoint);
// outputString =  "{\"x\":1,\"y\":2,\"spatialReference\":{\"wkid\":4326,\"latestWkid\":4326}}"

string outputString2 = importPoint.ToJson();

inputString = "{\"spatialReference\":{\"wkid\":4326},\"z\":3,\"m\":4,\"x\":1,\"y\":2}";
importPoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromJSON(JSONImportFlags.jsonImportDefaults, inputString) as MapPoint;
// importPoint.HasM = true
// importPoint.HasZ = true
// importPoint.X = 1
// importPoint.Y = 2
// importPoint.M = 4
// importPoint.Z = 3

importPoint2 = MapPointBuilder.FromJson(inputString);

// export to json - skip spatial reference
outputString = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToJSON(JSONExportFlags.jsonExportSkipCRS, importPoint);
// outputString = "{\"x\":1,\"y\":2,\"z\":3,\"m\":4}"

// export from mappoint, skipping the sr - same as GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToJSON w JSONExportFlags.jsonExportSkipCRS
outputString2 = importPoint.ToJson(true);

// Multipoint
List<Coordinate2D> coords = new List<Coordinate2D>()
  new Coordinate2D(100, 200),
  new Coordinate2D(201, 300),
  new Coordinate2D(301, 400),
  new Coordinate2D(401, 500)

Multipoint multipoint = MultipointBuilder.CreateMultipoint(coords, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);

inputString = "{\"points\":[[100,200],[201,300],[301,400],[401,500]],\"spatialReference\":{\"wkid\":3857}}";
Multipoint importMultipoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromJSON(JSONImportFlags.jsonImportDefaults, inputString) as Multipoint;
// importMultipoint.IsEqual(multipoint) = true

ReadOnlyPointCollection points = importMultipoint.Points;
// points.Count = 4
// points[0] = 100, 200
// points[1] = 201, 300
// points[2] = 301, 400
// points[3] = 401, 500

// use the Multipointbuilder convenience method
Multipoint importMultipoint2 = MultipointBuilder.FromJson(inputString);
// importMultipoint2.IsEqual(multipoint) = true

// export to json
outputString = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToJSON(JSONExportFlags.jsonExportDefaults, multipoint);
// outputString = inputString

// or use the multipoint itself
outputString2 = multipoint.ToJson();

// Polyline
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(coords, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);

// export without the spatial reference
outputString = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToJSON(JSONExportFlags.jsonExportSkipCRS, polyline);
// import
geometry = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromJSON(JSONImportFlags.jsonImportDefaults, outputString);
Polyline importPolyline = geometry as Polyline;
// importPolyline.SpatialReference = null

points = importPolyline.Points;
// points.Count = 4
// points[0] = 100, 200
// points[1] = 201, 300
// points[2] = 301, 400
// points[3] = 401, 500

// use the polylineBuilder convenience method 
Polyline importPolyline2 = PolylineBuilder.FromJson(outputString);
// importPolyline2 = importPolyline

outputString2 = importPolyline2.ToJson();
// outputString2 = outputString

// Polygon
Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(coords, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);

// export without the spatial reference
outputString = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToJSON(JSONExportFlags.jsonExportSkipCRS, polygon);
// import
geometry = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromJSON(JSONImportFlags.jsonImportDefaults, outputString);

Polygon importPolygon = geometry as Polygon;
// importPolygon.SpatialReference = null
points = importPolygon.Points;
// points.Count = 5

// polygonBuilder convenience method
Polygon importPolyon2 = PolygonBuilder.FromJson(outputString);
// importPolygon2 = importPolygon

// export from the polygon
outputString2 = importPolyon2.ToJson(true);

// Empty polygon
polygon = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
outputString = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToJSON(JSONExportFlags.jsonExportDefaults, polygon);
importPolygon = GeometryEngine.Instance.ImportFromJSON(JSONImportFlags.jsonImportDefaults, outputString) as Polygon;

// importPolygon.IsEmpty = true
// importPolygon.SpatialReference.Wkid = 3857

Import and Export Geometries to XML

MapPoint minPoint = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 1, 1, 1, 3);
MapPoint maxPoint = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(5, 5, 5);

//  MapPoint
string xml = minPoint.ToXML();
MapPoint minPointImport = MapPointBuilder.FromXML(xml);
// minPointImport = minPoint

// Envelope
Envelope envelopeWithID = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(minPoint, maxPoint);

// Envelopes don't have IDs
// envelopeWithID.HasID = false
// envelopeWithID.HasM = true
// envelopeWithID.HasZ = true

xml = envelopeWithID.ToXML();
Envelope envelopeImport = EnvelopeBuilder.FromXML(xml);

// Multipoint
List<MapPoint> list = new List<MapPoint>();

Multipoint multiPoint = MultipointBuilder.CreateMultipoint(list);

xml = multiPoint.ToXML();
Multipoint multipointImport = MultipointBuilder.FromXML(xml);
// multipointImport.PointCount == 2
// multipointImport.HasID = true
// multipointImport.HasM = true
// multipointImport.HasZ= true


Create Geographic Transformation

// create from wkid
GeographicTransformation gt1478 = ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.GeographicTransformation.Create(1478);
string name = gt1478.Name;
string wkt = gt1478.Wkt;
int wkid = gt1478.Wkid;

// create from wkt
GeographicTransformation another_gt1478 = ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.GeographicTransformation.Create(wkt);

// inverse
GeographicTransformation inverse_gt148 = another_gt1478.GetInverse() as GeographicTransformation;
bool isForward = inverse_gt148.IsForward;

Create Composite Geographic Transformation

// Create singleton from wkid
CompositeGeographicTransformation cgt = ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.CompositeGeographicTransformation.Create(108272);
int count = cgt.Count;    // count = 1

IList<GeographicTransformation> gts = cgt.Transformations as IList<GeographicTransformation>;
gts.Add(ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.GeographicTransformation.Create(1437, false));
count = cgt.Count;        // count = 2

// create from an enumeration
CompositeGeographicTransformation another_cgt = ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.CompositeGeographicTransformation.Create(gts);
GeographicTransformation gt0 = another_cgt[0];
GeographicTransformation gt1 = another_cgt[1];

// get the inverse
CompositeGeographicTransformation inversed_cgt = another_cgt.GetInverse() as CompositeGeographicTransformation;
// inversed_cgt[0] is same as gt1
// inversed_cgt[1] is same as gt0

var wkt = gt0.Wkt;
// create from string 
CompositeGeographicTransformation third_cgt = ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.CompositeGeographicTransformation.Create(wkt, gt0.IsForward);
count = third_cgt.Count;        // count = 1

// create from josn
string json = cgt.ToJson();
CompositeGeographicTransformation joson_cgt = DatumTransformation.CreateFromJson(json) as CompositeGeographicTransformation;

Create Projection Transformation

// methods need to be on the MCT
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  SpatialReference sr4267 = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(4267);
  SpatialReference sr4326 = SpatialReferences.WGS84;
  SpatialReference sr3857 = SpatialReferences.WebMercator;

  // Create transformation from  4267 -> 3857
  ProjectionTransformation projTransFromSRs = ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.ProjectionTransformation.Create(sr4267, sr3857);

  // create an envelope
  Envelope env = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(new Coordinate2D(2, 2), new Coordinate2D(3, 3), sr4267);

  // Project with one geo transform 4267 -> 3857
  Envelope projectedEnvEx = GeometryEngine.Instance.ProjectEx(env, projTransFromSRs) as Envelope;

  // Create inverse transformation, 3857 -> 4267
  ProjectionTransformation projTransFromSRsInverse = ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.ProjectionTransformation.Create(sr3857, sr4267);
  // Project the projected envelope back using the inverse transformation
  Envelope projectedEnvBack = GeometryEngine.Instance.ProjectEx(projectedEnvEx, projTransFromSRsInverse) as Envelope;

  bool isEqual = env.IsEqual(projectedEnvBack);

Create HV Datum Transformation

// Create from wkid
HVDatumTransformation hv110018 = HVDatumTransformation.Create(110018);
int wkid = hv110018.Wkid;
bool isForward = hv110018.IsForward;    // isForward = true
string name = hv110018.Name;            // Name = WGS_1984_To_WGS_1984_EGM2008_1x1_Height

// Create from wkt
string wkt = hv110018.Wkt;
HVDatumTransformation hv110018FromWkt = HVDatumTransformation.Create(wkt);

// Get the inverse
HVDatumTransformation hv110018Inverse = hv110018.GetInverse() as HVDatumTransformation;
// hv110018Inverse.IsForward = false

Create Composite HV Datum Transformation

HVDatumTransformation hv1 = HVDatumTransformation.Create(108034);
HVDatumTransformation hv2 = HVDatumTransformation.Create(108033, false);
List<HVDatumTransformation> hvs = new List<HVDatumTransformation>() { hv1, hv2 };

// create from enumeration
CompositeHVDatumTransformation compositehv = CompositeHVDatumTransformation.Create(hvs);
int count = compositehv.Count;      // count = 2

List<HVDatumTransformation> transforms = compositehv.Transformations as List<HVDatumTransformation>;
HVDatumTransformation tranform = transforms[0];
// transform.Wkid = 108034

// get inverse
CompositeHVDatumTransformation inverse_compositehv = compositehv.GetInverse() as CompositeHVDatumTransformation;

// create from xml
string xml = compositehv.ToXML();
CompositeHVDatumTransformation xml_compositehv = CompositeHVDatumTransformation.CreateFromXML(xml);

// create from json
string json = compositehv.ToJson();
CompositeHVDatumTransformation json_compositehv = DatumTransformation.CreateFromJson(json) as CompositeHVDatumTransformation;

Determine Transformations

// methods need to run on the MCT
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  // find the first transformation used between spatial references 4267 and 4326
  SpatialReference sr4267 = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(4267);
  SpatialReference sr4326 = SpatialReferences.WGS84;

  List<ProjectionTransformation> transformations = ProjectionTransformation.FindTransformations(sr4267, sr4326);
  // transformations.Count = 1
  ProjectionTransformation projTrans = transformations[0];
  CompositeGeographicTransformation compositeGT = projTrans.Transformation as CompositeGeographicTransformation;
  GeographicTransformation gt = compositeGT[0];
  // gt.Wkid = 15851
  // gt.Name = "NAD_1927_To_WGS_1984_79_CONUS"
  // gt.IsForward = true

  // find the first five transformation used between spatial references 4267 and 4326
  transformations = ProjectionTransformation.FindTransformations(sr4267, sr4326, numResults: 5);
  // transformations.Count = 5
  projTrans = transformations[0];
  compositeGT = projTrans.Transformation as CompositeGeographicTransformation;
  // compositeGT.Count = 1
  // compositeGT[0].Wkid = 15851
  // compositeGT[0].Name = "NAD_1927_To_WGS_1984_79_CONUS"
  // compositeGT[0].IsForward = true

  projTrans = transformations[1];
  compositeGT = projTrans.Transformation as CompositeGeographicTransformation;
  // compositeGT.Count = 1
  // compositeGT[0].Wkid = 1173
  // compositeGT[0].Name = "NAD_1927_To_WGS_1984_4"
  // compositeGT[0].IsForward = true

  projTrans = transformations[2];
  compositeGT = projTrans.Transformation as CompositeGeographicTransformation;
  // compositeGT.Count = 1
  // compositeGT[0].Wkid = 1172
  // compositeGT[0].Name = "NAD_1927_To_WGS_1984_3"
  // compositeGT[0].IsForward = true

  projTrans = transformations[3];
  compositeGT = projTrans.Transformation as CompositeGeographicTransformation;
  // compositeGT.Count = 2
  // compositeGT[0].Wkid = 1241
  // compositeGT[0].Name = "NAD_1927_To_NAD_1983_NADCON"
  // compositeGT[0].IsForward = true

  // compositeGT[1].Wkid = 108190
  // compositeGT[1].Name = "WGS_1984_(ITRF00)_To_NAD_1983"
  // compositeGT[1].IsForward = false

  projTrans = transformations[4];
  compositeGT = projTrans.Transformation as CompositeGeographicTransformation;
  // compositeGT.Count = 2
  // compositeGT[0].Wkid = 1241
  // compositeGT[0].Name = "NAD_1927_To_NAD_1983_NADCON"
  // compositeGT[0].IsForward = true

  // compositeGT[1].Wkid = 1515
  // compositeGT[1].Name = "NAD_1983_To_WGS_1984_5"
  // compositeGT[1].IsForward = true

  // find the first transformation used between spatial references 4267 and 4326 within Alaska

  // Alaska
  Envelope envelope = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(-161, 61, -145, 69);
  transformations = ProjectionTransformation.FindTransformations(sr4267, sr4326, envelope);
  // transformations.Count = 1
  projTrans = transformations[0];
  compositeGT = projTrans.Transformation as CompositeGeographicTransformation;
  // compositeGT.Count = 2
  // compositeGT[0].Wkid = 1243
  // compositeGT[0].Name = "NAD_1927_To_NAD_1983_Alaska"
  // compositeGT[0].IsForward = true

  // compositeGT[1].Wkid = 108190
  // compositeGT[1].Name = "WGS_1984_(ITRF00)_To_NAD_1983"
  // compositeGT[1].IsForward = false

  // find the first geographic transformation used between two spatial references with VCS  (use vertical = false)

  SpatialReference inSR = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(4269, 115702);
  SpatialReference outSR = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(4326, 3855);

  // Even though each spatial reference has a VCS, vertical = false should return geographic transformations.
  transformations = ProjectionTransformation.FindTransformations(inSR, outSR);
  // transformations.Count = 1
  projTrans = transformations[0];
  compositeGT = projTrans.Transformation as CompositeGeographicTransformation;
  // compositeGT.Count = 1
  // compositeGT[0].Wkid = 108190
  // compositeGT[0].Name = ""WGS_1984_(ITRF00)_To_NAD_1983"
  // compositeGT[0].IsForward = false

  // find the first vertical transformation used between two spatial references with VCS  (use vertical = true)

  transformations = ProjectionTransformation.FindTransformations(inSR, outSR, vertical: true);
  // transformations.Count = 1
  projTrans = transformations[0];

  CompositeHVDatumTransformation compositeHV = projTrans.Transformation as CompositeHVDatumTransformation;
  // compositeHV.Count = 2
  // compositeHV[0].Wkid = 1188
  // compositeHV[0].Name = "NAD_1983_To_WGS_1984_1"
  // compositeHV[0].IsForward = true

  // compositeHV[1].Wkid = 110019
  // compositeHV[1].Name = "WGS_1984_To_WGS_1984_EGM2008_2.5x2.5_Height"
  // compositeHV[1].IsForward = true

MapPoint GeoCoordinateString

MapPoint - GeoCoordinateString Conversion

SpatialReference sr = SpatialReferences.WGS84;
SpatialReference sr2 = SpatialReferences.WebMercator;

// create some points
MapPoint point0 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(0, 0, sr);
MapPoint point1 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(10, 20, sr);
MapPoint point2 = GeometryEngine.Instance.Project(point1, sr2) as MapPoint;
MapPoint pointEmpty = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(sr);
MapPoint pointwithNoSR = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 1);
MapPoint pointZM = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 2, 3, 4, sr);

// convert to MGRS
ToGeoCoordinateParameter mgrsParam = new ToGeoCoordinateParameter(GeoCoordinateType.MGRS);
string geoCoordString = point0.ToGeoCoordinateString(mgrsParam);        // 31NAA6602100000

// use the builder to create a new point from the string.  Coordinates are the same 
MapPoint outPoint = MapPointBuilder.FromGeoCoordinateString(geoCoordString, sr, GeoCoordinateType.MGRS);    // outPoint.x = 0; outPoint.Y = 0

geoCoordString = point1.ToGeoCoordinateString(mgrsParam);             // 32QPH0460911794
outPoint = MapPointBuilder.FromGeoCoordinateString(geoCoordString, sr, GeoCoordinateType.MGRS);       // outPoint.X = 10; outPoint.Y = 20

// z, m are not transformed
geoCoordString = pointZM.ToGeoCoordinateString(mgrsParam);
outPoint = MapPointBuilder.FromGeoCoordinateString(geoCoordString, sr, GeoCoordinateType.MGRS);     // outPoint.X = 1; outPoint.Y = 2; outPoint.Z = Nan; outPoint.M = Nan;

// set the number of digits to 2 and convert
mgrsParam.NumDigits = 2;
geoCoordString = point1.ToGeoCoordinateString(mgrsParam);             // 32QPH0512
outPoint = MapPointBuilder.FromGeoCoordinateString(geoCoordString, sr, GeoCoordinateType.MGRS);     // outPoint.X = 10; outPoint.Y = 20

// convert to UTM
ToGeoCoordinateParameter utmParam = new ToGeoCoordinateParameter(GeoCoordinateType.UTM);
geoCoordString = point0.ToGeoCoordinateString(utmParam);        // 31N 166021 0000000
geoCoordString = point1.ToGeoCoordinateString(utmParam);        // 32Q 604609 2211793

// convert to DMS
ToGeoCoordinateParameter dmsParam = new ToGeoCoordinateParameter(GeoCoordinateType.DMS);
geoCoordString = point0.ToGeoCoordinateString(dmsParam);        // 00 00 00.00N 000 00 00.00E
geoCoordString = point1.ToGeoCoordinateString(dmsParam);        // 20 00 00.00N 010 00 00.00E

// convert to DDM
ToGeoCoordinateParameter ddmParam = new ToGeoCoordinateParameter(GeoCoordinateType.DDM);
geoCoordString = point0.ToGeoCoordinateString(ddmParam);        // 00 00.0000N 000 00.0000E
geoCoordString = point1.ToGeoCoordinateString(ddmParam);        // 20 00.0000N 010 00.0000E

// convert to DD
ToGeoCoordinateParameter ddParam = new ToGeoCoordinateParameter(GeoCoordinateType.DD);
geoCoordString = point0.ToGeoCoordinateString(ddParam);       // 00.000000N 000.000000E
geoCoordString = point1.ToGeoCoordinateString(ddParam);       // 20.000000N 010.000000E


AngularUnit - Convert between degrees and radians

// convert 45 degrees to radians
double radians = AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertToRadians(45);

// convert PI to degrees
double degrees = AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertFromRadians(Math.PI);

AngularUnit - Create an AngularUnit with a factory code

  // create a Grad unit
  var grad = AngularUnit.CreateAngularUnit(9105);
  string unitName = grad.Name;                        // Grad
  double conversionFactor = grad.ConversionFactor;    // 0.015708
  double radiansPerUnit = grad.RadiansPerUnit;
  int factoryCode = grad.FactoryCode;                 // 9105

  // convert 10 grads to degrees
  double val = grad.ConvertTo(10, AngularUnit.Degrees);

  // convert 10 radians to grads
  val = grad.ConvertFromRadians(10);
catch (ArgumentException)
  // ArgumentException will be thrown by CreateAngularUnit in the following scenarios
  // - if the factory code used is a non-angular factory code  (i.e. it corresponds to square meters which is an area unit code)
  // - if the factory code used is invalid (i.e. it is negative or doesn't correspond to any factory code)

AngularUnit - Create a Custom AngularUnit

// custom unit - 3 radians per unit
var myAngularUnit = AngularUnit.CreateAngularUnit("myCustomAngularUnit", 3);
string Name = myAngularUnit.Name;                   // myCustomAngularUnit
double Factor = myAngularUnit.ConversionFactor;     // 3
int Code = myAngularUnit.FactoryCode;               // 0 because it is a custom angular unit
double radiansUnit = myAngularUnit.RadiansPerUnit;  // 3

// convert 10 degrees to my unit
double converted = AngularUnit.Degrees.ConvertTo(10, myAngularUnit);
// convert it back to degrees
converted = myAngularUnit.ConvertTo(converted, AngularUnit.Degrees);

// convert 1 radian into my angular units
converted = myAngularUnit.ConvertFromRadians(1);

// get the wkt
string wkt = myAngularUnit.Wkt;

// create an angular unit from this wkt
var anotherAngularUnit = AngularUnit.CreateAngularUnit(wkt);
// anotherAngularUnit.ConversionFactor = 3
// anotherAngularUnit.FactoryCode = 0    
// anotherAngularUnit.RadiansPerUnit = 3


LinearUnit - Convert between feet and meters

// convert 10 feet to meters
double metres = LinearUnit.Feet.ConvertToMeters(10);

// convert 20 meters to feet
double feet = LinearUnit.Feet.ConvertFromMeters(20.0);

LinearUnit - Convert between centimeters and millimeters

// convert 11 centimeters to millimeters
double mm = LinearUnit.Centimeters.ConvertTo(11, LinearUnit.Millimeters);

// convert the result back to centimeters
double cm = LinearUnit.Millimeters.ConvertTo(mm, LinearUnit.Centimeters);

// convert the millimeter result back to meters
double meters = LinearUnit.Millimeters.ConvertToMeters(mm);

LinearUnit - Create a LinearUnit with a factory code

  // create a british 1936 foot
  var britFoot = LinearUnit.CreateLinearUnit(9095);
  string unitName = britFoot.Name;                        //  "Foot_British_1936"
  double conversionFactor = britFoot.ConversionFactor;    // 0.3048007491
  double metersPerUnit = britFoot.MetersPerUnit;
  int factoryCode = britFoot.FactoryCode;                 // 9095

  // convert 10 british 1936 feet to centimeters
  double val = britFoot.ConvertTo(10, LinearUnit.Centimeters);

  // convert 10 m to british 1936 feet
  val = britFoot.ConvertFromMeters(10);
catch (ArgumentException)
  // ArgumentException will be thrown by CreateLinearUnit in the following scenarios
  // - if the factory code used is a non-linear factory code  (i.e. it corresponds to square meters which is an area unit code)
  // - if the factory code used is invalid (i.e. it is negative or doesn't correspond to any factory code)

LinearUnit - Create a Custom LinearUnit

// create a custom linear unit - there are 0.33 meters per myLinearUnit
var myLinearUnit = LinearUnit.CreateLinearUnit("myCustomLinearUnit", 0.33);
string name = myLinearUnit.Name;                          // myCustomLinearUnit
double convFactor = myLinearUnit.ConversionFactor;        // 0.33
int code = myLinearUnit.FactoryCode;                      // 0 for custom units
double metersUnit = myLinearUnit.MetersPerUnit;           // 0.33
string toString = myLinearUnit.ToString();                // same as Name - myCustomLinearUnit

// convert 10 centimeters to myLinearUnit 
double convertedVal = LinearUnit.Centimeters.ConvertTo(10, myLinearUnit);

// get the wkt
string lu_wkt = myLinearUnit.Wkt;

// create an angular unit from this wkt
var anotherLinearUnit = LinearUnit.CreateLinearUnit(lu_wkt);
// anotherLinearUnit.ConversionFactor = 0.33
// anotherLinearUnit.FactoryCode = 0    
// anotherLinearUnit.MetersPerUnit = 0.33


AreaUnit - Convert between square feet and square meters

// convert 700 square meters to square feet
double sqFeet = AreaUnit.SquareFeet.ConvertFromSquareMeters(700);

// convert 1100 square feet to square meters
double sqMeters = AreaUnit.SquareFeet.ConvertToSquareMeters(1000);

AreaUnit - Convert between hectares and acres

// convert 2 hectares to acres
double acres = AreaUnit.Hectares.ConvertTo(2, AreaUnit.Acres);

AreaUnit - Convert between hectares and square miles

// convert 300 hectares to square miles
double sqMiles = AreaUnit.Hectares.ConvertTo(300, AreaUnit.SquareMiles);

AreaUnit - How many Square meters in various units

double sqMetersPerUnit = AreaUnit.Acres.SquareMetersPerUnit;
sqMetersPerUnit = AreaUnit.Ares.SquareMetersPerUnit;
sqMetersPerUnit = AreaUnit.Hectares.SquareMetersPerUnit;
sqMetersPerUnit = AreaUnit.SquareKilometers.SquareMetersPerUnit;
sqMetersPerUnit = AreaUnit.SquareMiles.SquareMetersPerUnit;
sqMetersPerUnit = AreaUnit.SquareYards.SquareMetersPerUnit;

AreaUnit - Create an AreaUnit


  var myFactoryCodeInit = AreaUnit.CreateAreaUnit(109439);     // 109439 is the factory code for square miles

  var myWktUnit = AreaUnit.CreateAreaUnit("HECTARE_AREAUNIT[\"H\",10000.0]");

  var myCustomUnit = AreaUnit.CreateAreaUnit("myAreaUnit", 12);
catch (ArgumentException)
  // ArgumentException will be thrown by CreateAreaUnit in the following scenarios
  // - if the factory code used is a non-areal factory code  (i.e. it corresponds to degrees which is an angular unit code)
  // - if the factory code used is invalid (i.e. it is negative or doesn't correspond to any factory code)
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️