Interface_Modport - kashyapp1/github_exp GitHub Wiki


  • Modport is used to groups and specifies the port directions to the wires/signals declared within the interface. modports are declared inside the interface with the keyword modport.
  • modport is an abbreviation for module port.

Characteristics of modports:

  • It can have, input, inout, output, and ref.
  • By specifying the port directions, modport provides access restrictions for signals.
  • The Interface can have any number of modports, the wire declared in the interface can be grouped in many modports.
  • We can't assign or drive the value of wire which is declared as modport input. it will give compilation error.


interface <interface_name>;
// signals declaration
modport modport_name(declare signals which is input/output for modport_name);


interface and_intr;
logic input_p,input_q;
logic output_r;
modport design_andg(input input_p,input input_q,output output_r);
modport tb_andg(output input_p,output input_q,input output_r);
endinterface : and_intr

Note:- There are two ways to calling the modport name in design.

  1. calling the modport name in testbench and design file.
  2. calling the modport name in top module file.

Top module for AND gate while calling modport name in testbench and design file:

 // creating top module 
 // in this file design,testbench,interface modules are called
 module top();
 // interfce module called
 and_intr inf();
 // design module called
 and_gate a1(inf);
 // testbench module called   
 tb a2(inf);
 endmodule : top

design file for AND gate:

 // and gate design file  
 // module defination for and gate with interface instanciation  
    module and_gate(and_intr.design_andg inf);
 // assign the output using continuous assignment
   assign inf.output_r = (inf.input_p) & (inf.input_q); 
 endmodule : and_gate   

testbench file for AND gate:

// testbench file for and gate design
// module defination for testbench with interface instanciation
module tb(and_intr.tb_andg inf);

 initial begin
   $display("// and gate output using modports\n");
   $monitor("input_p=%0b\t input_q=%b\t output_r=%b",inf.input_p,inf.input_q,inf.output_r);
   inf.input_p = 0; inf.input_q = 0; 
   inf.input_p = 1; inf.input_q = 0; 
   inf.input_p = 0; inf.input_q = 1;     
   inf.input_p = 1; inf.input_q = 1; 
endmodule : tb

Output of AND gate using interface is given below.


                           Figure.1 AND gate Output

Github lab code link:

Github lab output link: