Interface_Modport - kashyapp1/github_exp GitHub Wiki
- Modport is used to groups and specifies the port directions to the wires/signals declared within the interface. modports are declared inside the interface with the keyword modport.
- modport is an abbreviation for module port.
Characteristics of modports:
- It can have, input, inout, output, and ref.
- By specifying the port directions, modport provides access restrictions for signals.
- The Interface can have any number of modports, the wire declared in the interface can be grouped in many modports.
- We can't assign or drive the value of wire which is declared as modport input. it will give compilation error.
interface <interface_name>;
// signals declaration
modport modport_name(declare signals which is input/output for modport_name);
interface and_intr;
logic input_p,input_q;
logic output_r;
modport design_andg(input input_p,input input_q,output output_r);
modport tb_andg(output input_p,output input_q,input output_r);
endinterface : and_intr
Note:- There are two ways to calling the modport name in design.
- calling the modport name in testbench and design file.
- calling the modport name in top module file.
Top module for AND gate while calling modport name in testbench and design file:
// creating top module
// in this file design,testbench,interface modules are called
module top();
// interfce module called
and_intr inf();
// design module called
and_gate a1(inf);
// testbench module called
tb a2(inf);
endmodule : top
design file for AND gate:
// and gate design file
// module defination for and gate with interface instanciation
module and_gate(and_intr.design_andg inf);
// assign the output using continuous assignment
assign inf.output_r = (inf.input_p) & (inf.input_q);
endmodule : and_gate
testbench file for AND gate:
// testbench file for and gate design
// module defination for testbench with interface instanciation
module tb(and_intr.tb_andg inf);
initial begin
$display("// and gate output using modports\n");
$monitor("input_p=%0b\t input_q=%b\t output_r=%b",inf.input_p,inf.input_q,inf.output_r);
inf.input_p = 0; inf.input_q = 0;
inf.input_p = 1; inf.input_q = 0;
inf.input_p = 0; inf.input_q = 1;
inf.input_p = 1; inf.input_q = 1;
endmodule : tb
Output of AND gate using interface is given below.
Figure.1 AND gate Output
Github lab code link:
Github lab output link: