Arduino integration for Dolittle Programming Language - kanemunelab/Arduino GitHub Wiki

What we need to make a branch to Arduino?

We are researchers on educational programming languages, and we have our original one, the name is "Dolittle".

In order to support Arduino with Dolittle, we currently embed Arduino programming environment which composed of Wiring and other Arduino libraries, avr-gcc compilers, and avrdude.

We currently make a support for "Studuino" Arduino (Pro Atmega168 8MHz) compatible board with Toshiba TB6552 motor driver IC by Artec co. ltd.. This board is an unofficial 3rd party board for Arduino team.

That's why we need to show what we made our modification with the branch to original open source Arduino IDE repository.

Current Status

Added a definition on "Studuino" board configuration to "hardware/arduino/avr/boards.txt".

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