Flow: Resource editing - kamilmadejek/kpt-backstage-plugins GitHub Wiki

Basic flow

  1. Open Nephio WebUI webpage on the testing environment.

  1. Main page lists package repositories divided in four different groups. Proceed to mgmt-staging repository by clicking on its link. This repository belongs to Team Blueprints group which (in general) allows both viewing and making changes to its repositories (read & write access).


  1. The repository page lists all packages which belong to the repository. Packages are versioned sets of resource files; the versions of packages are called revisions. The envelope icon in "Status" column marks packages with their latest revision in Draft status. Draft revisions can be edited, proposed for publishing, approved, and then published as versioned revisions.
    Proceed to some package with revision in a draft mode, e.g. cert-manager.


  1. Depending on whether the package has existing published revision, you will proceed to either a page for published revision or draft revision. If you can see View Draft Revision button in page's header, click on it in order to proceed to a draft revision.


  1. This page presents contents of latest draft revision of a chosen package. At the moment, the page is in a default "view" mode, which means we can view the resources, but not edit them. You can click on the resources shown on this page to open a viewer dialog which allows to see the resource contents - both in "table" or text (YAML) form.
    In order to enable resource editing, click on an Edit button.


  1. The package revision page is now open in "edit" mode. Clicking on a listed resource now opens an editor dialog which allows to introduce changes to resource contents. Some of the editors have dedicated GUI; some resource types are not supported and editor defaults to a simple text editor.
    Scroll down the list and find a resource of type Deployment. Click on it.


  1. The editor allows modification of a resource through a collection of nested sections of controls. Show YAML View / Show Formatted View button switches modes of editor between GUI and text editor; changes introduced in one editor are reflected in the other. Changes made to a resource can be saved or dismissed using Save and Cancel buttons.


The Deployment editor is the most complex of the already implemented editors. At this moment there are ~20 editors at different levels of complexity.