Vagrant - kamialie/knowledge_corner GitHub Wiki
Vagrant VM is called a box. Vagrant downloads images to the local cache (home
directory .vagrant.d
), which is specific to provider (f.e. VirtualBox) and
also includes it's own Vagrantfile
. Custom Vagrantfile
is used to overwrite
default settings.
Vagrant includes its own SSH client. While connecting to a box, account name
and password are both vargrant
By default Vagrant creates a directory /vagrant
inside a box, which is synced
with Vagrant environment directory on host.
Port forwarding
The following line sets up port forwarding with the host (last argument restricts access only from host, removing it has the effect of exposing access to outside world): "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 8080, host_ip: ""
Private network
To get dynamic IP for Vagrant box add type: "dhcp"
argument, instead of static
one, defined in default configuration: "private_network", type: "dhcp"
Public networks
Enable hypervisor to be used with Vagrant. VirtualBox and Hyper-V are built-in providers. Vagrant also has support for building Docker containers.
When starting a box with up
command, specify different provider other than
VirtualBox with --provider
Scripts that can be defined in Vagrantfile
or in external files. By default,
provisioners run only the first time box starts (that is on first up
, but not
). Use --provision
parameter with vagrant up
to force run
provisioners. This can also be configured inside Vagrantfile
with run: "always"
on the provisioner.
Define new object (box) in Vagrantfile with config.vm.define
block. All
statements are the same inside, f.e. provisioners, provider, etc.
Essentially creating a new base box from an existing box.
Vagrantfile load order:
- packaged Vagrantfile
- Vagrantfile at
(user-profile defaults) - local environment Vagrantfile
Local Vagrantfile is used to configure the future box. While packaging, another
Vagrantfile can be included, which will provide default values for the box.
Vagrantfile created by vagrant init
will always have just the name of the box.
Package a box:
# Build the box
$ vagrant up
# Package the box
# NAME usually ends with .box
$ vagrant package --vagrantfile vagrant_file/Vagrantfile --output NAME
# Add the new box to local cache
# FILE_NAME is the output of previous command
$ vagrant box add BOX_NAME FILE_NAME
# Now change the directory and use the BOX_NAME to boot up new box
$ mkdir test && cd $_
$ vagrant init BOX_NAME
$ vagrant up
All commands regarding interaction with Vagrant box can be run locally (in
Vagrant environment) or globally, by providing box ID as the last argument.
Acquire ID by running global status
Initialize current directory as Vagrant environment; creates Vagrantfile
set the image name (from Vagrant Cloud):
# Downloads, if not present, the specified image and starts it:
$ vagrant up
# Check the status
$ vagrant status # in Vagrant environement
$ vagrant global-status # can be run from anywhere, lists all machines
# Connect to the box
$ vagrant ssh # in Vagrant environement
# Stop the machine (sends `SHUT_DOWN` signal, so that the machine can stop
# gracefully)
$ vagrant halt
# Completely delete associated files for the current box
$ vagrant destroy
# Restart the box - shortcut for hault and up commands, which makes the
# changes in Vagrantfile to take effect
$ vagrant reload
# List boxes installed in local cache
$ vagrant box list
Get stats while inside the box:
$ vmstat -s # memory among other thigs
$ lscpu # virtual cpu
Snapshoting is a common hypervisor capability. It is possible to take a snapshot of the box, do some tests and then roll back.
$ vagrant up
# Save a snapshot
$ vagrant snapshot save NAME
# do some changes
$ vagrant shapshot save ANOTHER_NAME
# List available snapshots
$ vagrant snapshot list
# Restore previous state
# --no-provision ensures provisioners do not run
$ vagrant snapshot restore NAME --no-provision
Suspend VM and resume (similar as sleep mode for laptop) that is RAM contents are saved to disk and VM is ready to start from the same state.
$ vagrant suspend
$ vagrant resume