Kibana - kamialie/knowledge_corner GitHub Wiki



Home directory is /usr/share/kibana. Any files in pipeline directory will be read and merged (most likely). Default settings configuration is located at config/kibana.yml file or specify with path.settings parameter.

Set ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS environment variable to an IP address of ES host.


Spaces is a management tool to group selected services under one group. Top left corner to switch between spaces.

# Get info about a space
$ curl host_name:port/api/spaces/space/name_of_space


Workpad is a workspace where graphical representations are placed. It can be composed of a single or multiple pages (page can be viewed as a dashboard). Each page can contain multiple elements, such as charts, shapes, images, and other supporting elements.

Canvas sources can be ES SQL queries, timelion expressions and raw documents.

Dev tools

Console accepts queries to ES in the following form, where verb is GET, PUT, etc, URL is part after hostname, JSON is the body of request:

verb URL
optional JSON


PUT /new_index/_mapping

	"properties": {
		"title": {
			"type": "text",
			"analyzer": "autocomplete"