Azure_DevOps - kamialie/knowledge_corner GitHub Wiki
Azure DevOps service:
- Boards
- Repositories
- Pipelines
- Test plans
- Artifacts
Support Agile, Scrum, Basic, CMMI project management methodologies.
Some parts can be omitted. If there is only a single stage, stages
can be
omitted. Same with jobs
- Replace Token - replaces variables with values inside custom declared variable
tags (f.r.
); can specify root directory and match pattern for files to consider
Templates can be used for repeatable steps. Save common tasks in steps block in
separate yaml file and include it in main pipeline file using template
Agent pools are configured on organization level. It is possible to add local
machine to the pool (default->add agent
). Need to pass access token, which
can be created for account (top right corner, security
Agent root directory organization:
|-- 1
|-- a
|-- b
|-- s
- stands for build numbera
- artifacts directoryb
- binaries directory, can be specified to be used as a placement for binary filess
- source files directory
To be able to specify particular agent directly add custom variable to the agent (agent pool -> particular agent -> Capabilities -> Add new capability). System capability can be used too, but it could be present in another one as well. Set variable value to true. Now refer to this agent as follows (no equals part would check just the existence of a variable):
name: default
demands: VARIABLE_NAME -equals true
- repository
- resource
- scheduled
Disable triggers:
trigger: none
Trigger path filter in UI - start with /
to specify based on root. Wildcards
are not supported.
Stored as strings and are mutable. Scoped to root, stage, or job-level, depending where defined. System variables are read-only. Pipeline variables are created in pipeline UI (top-right corner) and can be stored as secret as well. Better idea to use variable groups for storing secret data.
Variable syntax (accessing):
- macro
- used during runtime, after template expansion - template expression
${{ variable.var }}
- processed at compile time and replaced before runtime starts - runtime
- expanded at runtime
Output variables - ?
Run on an agent in a pool; can use dependsOn
and condition to control run;
can be used to specify if job failure is pipeline failure.
By default jobs run in parallel.
Build-in tasks:
- Build - .NET, Ruby, Java, Docker
- Utility - Archiving, Scripts, Bash
- Test - App Center, Visual Studio Test
- Packaging - containers, .NET Core package, Ant
- Deployment - Azure ARM, AWS
- Other - install 3rd party tools, like Docker CLI, Helm, Go
Logical grouping of jobs. Can manage parallel execution or execution on a specific agent. May run on a different agent than a previous stage.
- stage: string
displayName: string
dependsOn: string | [ string ]
condition: string
variables: # several syntaxes
jobs: [ job | templateReference ]