Adding Custom GFs and or BFs - kadedevteam/Kade-Engine-Offical GitHub Wiki
Adding Custom GFs/BFs
To add custom bfs or gfs you will need to have the ability to compile the game from the source code! Info for compiling the game can be found here!
Custom Boyfriends!
adding custom bfs are really simple actually!
create a folder in 'assets/shared/images/' this folder will hold your custom bfs and or gfs. drag and drop png and xml files in then add them in characterList.txt in 'assets/preload/images/' make sure to start it with "bf" or else it will be registerd as player2. ex: "bf-remasterd"
then head over to characters.hx and copy bfs code and paste it! beacuse its bf the xml assets should be the same! so just change the sprite sheet location it should be something like ('custom-p1/BOYFRIEND', 'shared');
now compile your game and in the chart editors assets tab change your bf into the bf name you gave it and it should work!
Custom Gfs
adding custom gfs are a bit diffrent then adding custom bfs!
create a folder in 'assets/shared/images' same as before and drag and drop your gfs png and xml files in! then add them in gfList located in 'asssets/preload/images' make sure it starts with "gf". ex: "gf-remasterd"
then head over to character.hx and copy the gf character code now you will need to do some changes in the character code or you can just leave the animations as blank and not put them into use! then just change the location of the sprite sheet into where you saved your new gfs sprite sheet!
Go to PlayState.hx, Ctrl+F and type in "var curGF:String" and in the switch below add a new case for your new girlfriend. the "case" number after is the week number in witch gf is added so in our case we should put case 7:
then after gfCheck =
then the name of your gf that you put in gfList.txt (lowercase) then after scroll down 1 time and you should see curGf String right under gfVersion create a case statement and then the name of your gf. ex: case 'gf-remasterd':
then right under put curGf =
name of your gf (again!) and save it then compile it and it should work!
if (SONG.gfVersion == null) {
case 4: gfCheck = 'gf-car';
case 5: gfCheck = 'gf-christmas';
case 6: gfCheck = 'gf-pixel';
} else {gfCheck = SONG.gfVersion;}
var curGf:String = '';
switch (gfCheck)
case 'gf-car':
curGf = 'gf-car';
case 'gf-christmas':
curGf = 'gf-christmas';
case 'gf-pixel':
curGf = 'gf-pixel';
curGf = 'gf';