Adding Custom Characters - kadedevteam/Kade-Engine-Offical GitHub Wiki

Adding Custom Characters

To add custom characters you will need to have the ability to compile the game from the source code! Info for compiling the game can be found here!

go into 'assets' and create a folder and call it whatever you want. ex:'week0'

open the file once created and create another file and name it 'images' then in 'images' if you want create another folder for your characters png and xml file!

now go to characterList.txt located in 'assets/preload/data' and add your new characters name in (inLowercase)

Now open source/Character.hx and copy the "dad" case statement, change it to your new character's name (same as in characterList.txt) and change the location to your sprite sheet and xml file name. Example:

Change the animation names accordingly to your xml file. The animation's name is the one in the second space inside the brackets like “Dad idle dance”. Or vice versa and make the xml animations names the same as the ones in Character.hx.

Now Compile the game, go into a song, press "7" and in the data tab of the chart editor in the player2 box select your character and press enter! if your new character has any offsets you like jitter press "8" to open the offset positioner, use WASD to change through animations and on the top you can find the y and x axis and adjust them accordingly!

Now go to 'source/HealthIcon.hx' and add a new line for your character. Example:

(‘tankman’, <- that's the name of the character. (lowercase)

‘[8,9 ]’, <- that's the location of the icon in ‘assets/preload/images/iconGrid.png’ the icons are ordered by starting at 0 and going from left to right.

To add a new icon in iconGrid just draw one aligned to the other ones OR use adobe animate and copy your characters head into the iconGrid and then export the iconGrid.png.

The rest of the line of code leave it like how you copied it.