Moderation Commands - kabiiQ/FBK GitHub Wiki

🔨 Moderation Utility Commands

FBK does not have a focus on server moderation commands, but some utility commands are available.

Mass Drag Users in Voice Channels with /drag

🔐 Requires the Move Members permission.

/drag all can be used to drag all users in voice channels into a specific voice channel.

/drag between can be used to drag users from one specific voice channel into another.

Randomizing a Role's Color with /randomizecolor

🔐 Requires the Manage Role permission.

If you would like some help picking a new color for a role, see /randomizecolor!

Removing Empty/Unused Roles

🔐 Requires the Manage Roles permission.

The /cleanroles helps to find and remove roles which do not have any members.

You will be asked to confirm before the roles are deleted.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️