245 Controller Unit Interfacing - k3ng/k3ng_rotator_controller GitHub Wiki
Details on Interfacing with Various Commercial Controller Units
This guide from EA4TX can provide useful information on interfacing with rotator control units that lack an external control port.
Yaesu G1000DXA
Interface to the External Control port on the back.
ground to go R (CW) - relay/transistor switching from Arduino cw pin
ground to go L (CCW) - relay/transistor switching from Arduino cw pin
speed control - tie to +5V for max speed or interface to Arduino azimuth_speed_voltage pin with cap and resistor per project schematic
voltage for azimuth heading - goes into Arduino rotator_analog_az pin
+5V out (can tie to pin 3 for max speed)
Yaesu G-450XL
There is no external control port to directly interface with. Consult the EA4TX guide.