110 Features - k3ng/k3ng_rotator_controller GitHub Wiki
Azimuth only and azimuth / elevation rotator support
Serial interface using the standard Arduino USB port
Control Port Protocol Support:
Yaesu GS-232A
Yaesu GS-232B
Support for position sensors:
Potentiometers / Analog Voltage
Rotary Encoders
Pulse Ouput
HMC5883L digital compass
ADXL345 accelerometer
LSM303 digital compass and accelerometer support under development
LCD display (2 x 20 preferred, but any LCD over 15 columns supported)
Can be interfaced with non-Yaesu rotators, including homebrew systems
Directional indication on LCD display (North, South, North Northwest, etc.) along with degrees
Intelligent automatic rotation (utilizes overlap on 450 degree rotators)
Support for both 360 degree and 450 degree azimuth rotators or any rotation capability up to 719 degrees
North Center and South Center support
Support for any starting point (fully clockwise)
Optional automatic azimuthal rotation slowdown feature when reaching target azimuth
Optional rotation slow start (now with smooth ramp up)
Optional brake engage/disengage lines for azimuth and elevation
Buttons for manual rotation
Command timeout
Timed interval rotation
Overlap LED Indicator
Help screen
Speed Control, both single PWM output (compatible with Yaesu controllers) and dual PWM rotate CW and rotate CCW outputs and dual elevate up and elevate down outputs
Variable frequency outputs
Preset Control using either potentiometers or rotary encoders with optional preset start button
Speed Potentiometer
Manual Rotation Limits
Classic 4 bit, Adafruit I2C LCD, and Yourduino.com Display Support
Optional tenth of a degree support with Easycom protocol (i.e. 123.4 degrees)
Park button
Azimuth and elevation calibration tables
Host unit and Remote unit operation for remotely located sensors using two Arduinos or ATMega chips
Works with hamlib rotctl/rotcltd
Moon and sun tracking
GPS Synchronization
Realtime Clock Module Support
Ethernet Shield Support
This unit can be interfaced with Yaesu rotator controller using the standard 6 pin DIN port on the back. Older controllers may not have the DIN interface and will require opening and soldered connections. This unit does not disable the rotator controller and all controls on it can continue to be used (although it is advisable not to attempt to control the rotator with manual controls and with the interface simultaneously.) Other rotator controllers can be interfaced as well with a little research and design.