7. Hotkeys - jwoodruff40/Mjolnir-Forge-Editor GitHub Wiki
Common Blender hotkeys, not required but very useful.
Middle Mouse
- Orbit/pan cameraShift + Middle Mouse
- Move cameraAlt + Middle Mouse
- Center camera on 2D cursorNumpad .
- Center camera on selectionShift + ~
- 1st person flying camera modeWASD
- StrafeQE
- Up/down
- Grab/move selectionR
- Rotate selectionTab
- Toggle edit mode (for curves)S
- Scale selectionE
- Extend/extrude selection
All of these controls can be limited to certain axes:
- Constrain to an axisShift + X, Y, Z
- Exclude an axisX X
,Y Y
,Z Z
- Toggle between global (default) and local object axis (R X X
to rotate on every object's local X axis)