BPNVG V2.1 - justcallmekoko/BPNVG GitHub Wiki


This is the BPNVG 2.1 project for the integration of the FLCOS display to minimize size, weigth and improve display resolution.

The concept is pretty much the same as the original BPNVG. The great improvement will be better display resolution as well as a smaller formfactor with reduced weight.

Planned versions are:

additional models might be:

  • Binocular NV with a fixed bridge (i.e. RNVG)
  • Fused NV/Thermal

First designs, concepts and builds:

The major improvement to be made to the project is an articulating version that will add better modularity and adaptibility. As a template we selected the Nocturn Kata because it is the first 3D printed intensifier tube NV and offers a great design to build upon.


The first model for the articulating bridge of the BPNVG V2.1:
