Architecture description - just-imagine/Doctor_Appointment_Booking GitHub Wiki
Architecture description
The doctor appointment booking is based on two software architectures which are the client-server architecture and the event driven architectures.
The application relies on a database which has stored information about different days and the relevant bookings for the day.The application acts as a client and the mysql based database acts as a server.The database waits for a query from the application. The calendar triggers a database query when one of the following actions occurs, a day is selected to view a daily schedule ,viewing of time slots , cancellation of a booking or blocking of a time slot. The database then tries the query and returns the output to the client the output varies depending on the trigger event.A picture is attached below
The application has event driven architecture, the event driven architecture lies in the interaction of the application with user, the calendar has event listeners such as on click listener, on scroll listener which trigger certain app reactions when they occur.