B.Day3 - junnie082/Awsome-HighSpeaking GitHub Wiki


1교시. Unscramble! (16 min)

  1. yesterday did you What do ?
  2. ? breakfast you did have for What
  3. do Where live you ?
  4. time what it is Now ?

=> unscramble first, and then we'll answer to that question.

2교시. image talk (20 min)


How would you feel if you were the diver in the picture?

3교시. What's Wrong (5 min)

They is playing soccer. We was at the park yesterday. She don't like pizza. My mom and dad has a new car.

=> What is wrong with this sentence?

4교시. Tongue Twister (15 min)

She sells seashells by the seashore.
How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?
A big black bear sat on a big black rug.
