gseaNb - junjunlab/GseaVis GitHub Wiki


You can put the clusterProfiler GSEA/gseGO/gseKEGG enrichment results as input, here just use GSEA function returned result as input to be test data.

Load test data

let's load our test data:

# load data
test_data <- system.file("extdata", "gseaRes.RDS", package = "GseaVis")
gseaRes <- readRDS(test_data)
# Gene Set Enrichment Analysis
#...@organism 	 UNKNOWN
#...@setType 	 UNKNOWN
#...@geneList 	 Named num [1:27970] 6.02 5.96 5.84 5.8 5.72 ...
 - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:27970] "Ecscr" "Gm32341" "B130034C11Rik" "Hkdc1" ...
#...pvalues adjusted by 'BH' with cutoff <1
#...4917 enriched terms found
'data.frame':	4917 obs. of  11 variables:
 $ setSize        : int  14 382 106 110 322 209 228 278 11 34 ...
 $ enrichmentScore: num  0.803 -0.345 -0.461 -0.456 -0.346 ...
 $ NES            : num  1.85 -1.39 -1.61 -1.58 -1.36 ...
 $ pvalue         : num  0.000273 0.00051 0.000528 0.000543 0.000853 ...
 $ p.adjust       : num  0.667 0.667 0.667 0.667 0.686 ...
 $ qvalues        : num  0.667 0.667 0.667 0.667 0.686 ...
 $ rank           : num  1515 7626 6611 7802 7751 ...
 $ leading_edge   : chr  "tags=29%, list=5%, signal=27%" "tags=36%, list=27%, signal=27%" "tags=39%, list=24%, signal=30%" "tags=42%, list=28%, signal=30%" ...
 $ core_enrichment: chr  "Adm/Ramp2/Hey2/Asb4" "Akap12/Ceacam1/Zeb2/Foxp1/Efnb2/Tpbg/Hyal1/Mmp9/Slc8a1/Pfn2/Ltb4r2/Ilk/Bcar1/Gipc1/Plpp3/Arhgef7/Prkx/Epha2/Hda"| __truncated__ "Ddr2/Ifitm5/S1pr1/Tgfb1/Intu/Sox11/Bmp7/Bmpr2/Mdk/Smad3/Fbn2/Tent5a/Adgrv1/Calca/Matn1/Enpp1/Twist1/Alox5/Ccn1/"| __truncated__ "Sparc/Tgfbr3/Ift172/Flt1/Sfrp2/Ceacam1/Pex2/Cdkn1b/Maged1/Efnb2/Klf9/Sfn/Nupr1/Aqp11/Tgfb2/Robo1/Tgfb1/Nr2f2/Rb"| __truncated__ ...
T Wu, E Hu, S Xu, M Chen, P Guo, Z Dai, T Feng, L Zhou, W Tang, L Zhan, X Fu, S Liu, X Bo, and G Yu.
 clusterProfiler 4.0: A universal enrichment tool for interpreting omics data.
 The Innovation. 2021, 2(3):100141

classic plot

Give a specific term name to plot:

# all plot
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,

Only retain curve:

# retain curve
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
       subPlot = 1)

Retain curve and heatmap:

# retain curve and heatmap
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
       subPlot = 2)

Wrap the term name if it is so long:

# wrap the term title
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
       subPlot = 2,
       termWidth = 30)

Mark your gene in this pathway:

# add gene in specific pathway
mygene <- c("Entpd8","Htr2a","Nt5e","Actn3","Entpd1",
            "Pfkp", "Tpi1","Igf1","Ddit4","Ak9")

# plot
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
       subPlot = 2,
       addGene = mygene)

Change gene name color and arrow type:

# change gene color and arrow type
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
       subPlot = 2,
       addGene = mygene,
       arrowType = 'open',
       geneCol = 'black')

Retain all plot:

# all plot
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
       subPlot = 3,
       addGene = mygene,
       rmSegment = TRUE)

New style GSEA

Let's see new style plot:

# new style GSEA
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
       newGsea = T)

Remove point:

# new style GSEA remove point
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
       newGsea = T,
       addPoint = F)

You can change heatmap color:

# change heatmap color
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
       newGsea = T,
       addPoint = F,
       newHtCol = c("blue","white", "red"))

Add gene name:

# new style GSEA with gene name
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
       newGsea = T,
       addGene = mygene)

Remove segment line:

# remove red segment
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
       newGsea = T,
       rmSegment = T,
       addGene = mygene)

Remove heatmap:

# remove heatmap
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
       newGsea = T,
       rmSegment = T,
       rmHt = T,
       addGene = mygene)

Add NES and Pvalue

You can also add NES scores and Pvalue:

# add pvalue and NES
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
       newGsea = T,
       addGene = mygene,
       addPval = T)

Control pvalue label position and color:

# control label ajustment
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
       newGsea = T,
       addGene = mygene,
       addPval = T,
       pvalX = 0.75,pvalY = 0.8,
       pCol = 'black',
       pHjust = 0)

Classic plot with pvalue label:

# clsaasic with pvalue
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
       addGene = mygene,
       addPval = T,
       pvalX = 0.75,pvalY = 0.8,
       pCol = 'black',
       pHjust = 0)

Multiple GSEA plot

You can use loop function to plot multiple GSEA plots:

# bacth plot

# plot
lapply(terms, function(x){
  gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
         geneSetID = x,
         addPval = T,
         pvalX = 0.75,pvalY = 0.75,
         pCol = 'black',
         pHjust = 0)
}) -> gseaList

# combine
cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = gseaList,ncol = 2,align = 'hv')


Retain curve and heatmap:

# retain curve and heatmap
# plot
lapply(terms, function(x){
  gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
         geneSetID = x,
         addPval = T,
         pvalX = 0.75,pvalY = 0.75,
         pCol = 'black',
         pHjust = 0,
         subPlot = 2)
}) -> gseaList1

# combine
cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = gseaList1,ncol = 2,align = 'hv')

New style plot:

# new style plot
# plot
lapply(terms, function(x){
  gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
         geneSetID = x,
         newGsea = T,
         addPval = T,
         pvalX = 0.75,pvalY = 0.75,
         pCol = 'black',
         pHjust = 0,
         subPlot = 2)
}) -> gseaList1

# combine
cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = gseaList1,ncol = 2,align = 'hv')

More parameters

More parameters pleas refer to:
