gseaNb - junjunlab/GseaVis GitHub Wiki
You can put the clusterProfiler GSEA
enrichment results as input, here just use GSEA
function returned result as input to be test data.
Load test data
let's load our test data:
# load data
test_data <- system.file("extdata", "gseaRes.RDS", package = "GseaVis")
gseaRes <- readRDS(test_data)
# Gene Set Enrichment Analysis
#...@organism UNKNOWN
#...@setType UNKNOWN
#...@geneList Named num [1:27970] 6.02 5.96 5.84 5.8 5.72 ...
- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:27970] "Ecscr" "Gm32341" "B130034C11Rik" "Hkdc1" ...
#...pvalues adjusted by 'BH' with cutoff <1
#...4917 enriched terms found
'data.frame': 4917 obs. of 11 variables:
$ setSize : int 14 382 106 110 322 209 228 278 11 34 ...
$ enrichmentScore: num 0.803 -0.345 -0.461 -0.456 -0.346 ...
$ NES : num 1.85 -1.39 -1.61 -1.58 -1.36 ...
$ pvalue : num 0.000273 0.00051 0.000528 0.000543 0.000853 ...
$ p.adjust : num 0.667 0.667 0.667 0.667 0.686 ...
$ qvalues : num 0.667 0.667 0.667 0.667 0.686 ...
$ rank : num 1515 7626 6611 7802 7751 ...
$ leading_edge : chr "tags=29%, list=5%, signal=27%" "tags=36%, list=27%, signal=27%" "tags=39%, list=24%, signal=30%" "tags=42%, list=28%, signal=30%" ...
$ core_enrichment: chr "Adm/Ramp2/Hey2/Asb4" "Akap12/Ceacam1/Zeb2/Foxp1/Efnb2/Tpbg/Hyal1/Mmp9/Slc8a1/Pfn2/Ltb4r2/Ilk/Bcar1/Gipc1/Plpp3/Arhgef7/Prkx/Epha2/Hda"| __truncated__ "Ddr2/Ifitm5/S1pr1/Tgfb1/Intu/Sox11/Bmp7/Bmpr2/Mdk/Smad3/Fbn2/Tent5a/Adgrv1/Calca/Matn1/Enpp1/Twist1/Alox5/Ccn1/"| __truncated__ "Sparc/Tgfbr3/Ift172/Flt1/Sfrp2/Ceacam1/Pex2/Cdkn1b/Maged1/Efnb2/Klf9/Sfn/Nupr1/Aqp11/Tgfb2/Robo1/Tgfb1/Nr2f2/Rb"| __truncated__ ...
T Wu, E Hu, S Xu, M Chen, P Guo, Z Dai, T Feng, L Zhou, W Tang, L Zhan, X Fu, S Liu, X Bo, and G Yu.
clusterProfiler 4.0: A universal enrichment tool for interpreting omics data.
The Innovation. 2021, 2(3):100141
classic plot
Give a specific term name to plot:
# all plot
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
Only retain curve:
# retain curve
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
subPlot = 1)
Retain curve and heatmap:
# retain curve and heatmap
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
subPlot = 2)
Wrap the term name if it is so long:
# wrap the term title
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
subPlot = 2,
termWidth = 30)
Mark your gene in this pathway:
# add gene in specific pathway
mygene <- c("Entpd8","Htr2a","Nt5e","Actn3","Entpd1",
"Pfkp", "Tpi1","Igf1","Ddit4","Ak9")
# plot
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
subPlot = 2,
addGene = mygene)
Change gene name color and arrow type:
# change gene color and arrow type
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
subPlot = 2,
addGene = mygene,
arrowType = 'open',
geneCol = 'black')
Retain all plot:
# all plot
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
subPlot = 3,
addGene = mygene,
rmSegment = TRUE)
New style GSEA
Let's see new style plot:
# new style GSEA
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
newGsea = T)
Remove point:
# new style GSEA remove point
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
newGsea = T,
addPoint = F)
You can change heatmap color:
# change heatmap color
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
newGsea = T,
addPoint = F,
newHtCol = c("blue","white", "red"))
Add gene name:
# new style GSEA with gene name
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
newGsea = T,
addGene = mygene)
Remove segment line:
# remove red segment
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
newGsea = T,
rmSegment = T,
addGene = mygene)
Remove heatmap:
# remove heatmap
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
newGsea = T,
rmSegment = T,
rmHt = T,
addGene = mygene)
Add NES and Pvalue
You can also add NES scores and Pvalue:
# add pvalue and NES
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
newGsea = T,
addGene = mygene,
addPval = T)
Control pvalue label position and color:
# control label ajustment
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
newGsea = T,
addGene = mygene,
addPval = T,
pvalX = 0.75,pvalY = 0.8,
pCol = 'black',
pHjust = 0)
Classic plot with pvalue label:
# clsaasic with pvalue
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
addGene = mygene,
addPval = T,
pvalX = 0.75,pvalY = 0.8,
pCol = 'black',
pHjust = 0)
Multiple GSEA plot
You can use loop function to plot multiple GSEA plots:
# bacth plot
# plot
lapply(terms, function(x){
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
geneSetID = x,
addPval = T,
pvalX = 0.75,pvalY = 0.75,
pCol = 'black',
pHjust = 0)
}) -> gseaList
# combine
cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = gseaList,ncol = 2,align = 'hv')
Retain curve and heatmap:
# retain curve and heatmap
# plot
lapply(terms, function(x){
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
geneSetID = x,
addPval = T,
pvalX = 0.75,pvalY = 0.75,
pCol = 'black',
pHjust = 0,
subPlot = 2)
}) -> gseaList1
# combine
cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = gseaList1,ncol = 2,align = 'hv')
New style plot:
# new style plot
# plot
lapply(terms, function(x){
gseaNb(object = gseaRes,
geneSetID = x,
newGsea = T,
addPval = T,
pvalX = 0.75,pvalY = 0.75,
pCol = 'black',
pHjust = 0,
subPlot = 2)
}) -> gseaList1
# combine
cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = gseaList1,ncol = 2,align = 'hv')
More parameters
More parameters pleas refer to: