Installing curses gem - junegunn/fzf GitHub Wiki

Since Ruby 2.1, curses was removed from Ruby standard library. :worried: If you have trouble installing curses gem, follow the instructions below.

Arch Linux

pacman -S base-devel
gem install curses

MSYS2 (Windows)

pacman -S base-devel gcc gmp-devel libcrypt-devel ncurses-devel
gem install curses

DevKit (Windows)

  1. Download ncurses Windows port. x86
  2. Unzip to anywhere, for example C:\ncurses.
  3. Run gem install curses --platform=ruby -- --with-ncurses-dir="C:\ncurses" (Replace C:\ncurses with wherever you extracted it).
  4. Now when we require 'curses' we get The specified module could not be found because libncursesw6.dll can't be found.
  5. To fix this copy the contents of C:\ncurses\bin to somewhere in your path.
  6. Done!