Examples (completion) - junegunn/fzf GitHub Wiki

Custom completion API is experimental and subject to change

Writing custom fuzzy completion

See https://github.com/junegunn/fzf#custom-fuzzy-completion

[ZSH] Complete hg update/hg merge

If you need to add branch name completion for a subset of hg commands, e.g. hg up, hg merge, you can use technique as follows (zsh completion):

_fzf_complete_hg() {
  if [ $ARGS == 'hg merge'* ]] ](/junegunn/fzf/wiki/|-[[-$ARGS-==-'hg-up'*-); then
    _fzf_complete --no-sort -- "$@" < <(
      { hg branches & hg tags }
    eval "zle ${fzf_default_completion:-expand-or-complete}"

_fzf_complete_hg_post() {
  cut -f1 -d' '

[ZSH] Complete git co (for example)

You can use the same approach as above to complete any git command. In the example below, completion is triggered on git co (usual alias for git checkout):

_fzf_complete_git() {
    local branches
    branches=$(git branch -vv --all)
    if [ $ARGS == 'git co'* ](/junegunn/fzf/wiki/-$ARGS-==-'git-co'*-); then
        _fzf_complete --reverse --multi -- "$@" < <(
            echo $branches
        eval "zle ${fzf_default_completion:-expand-or-complete}"

_fzf_complete_git_post() {
    awk '{print $1}'

[ZSH] pass

_fzf_complete_pass() {
  _fzf_complete +m -- "$@" < <(
    local prefix
    command find -L "$prefix" \
      -name "*.gpg" -type f | \
      sed -e "s#${prefix}/\{0,1\}##" -e 's#\.gpg##' -e 's#\\#\\\\#' | sort

[BASH] Custom trigger-less completion

If you want to remove the ** trigger just for certain completions, you can achieve this like so:

_fzf_complete_ssh_notrigger() {
    FZF_COMPLETION_TRIGGER='' _fzf_host_completion

complete -o bashdefault -o default -F _fzf_complete_ssh_notrigger ssh
complete -o bashdefault -o default -F _fzf_complete_ssh_notrigger mosh
complete -o bashdefault -o default -F _fzf_complete_ssh_notrigger ss

[BASH] Use bfs instead of fd for more ergonomic results

Uses bfs to put shallow-depth paths closer to the top of results, while also leveraging bfs' superior performance over fd.

Based on: https://github.com/tavianator/bfs/discussions/119

See also: bfs vs fd vs find benchmark

FZF_CTRL_T_COMMAND="bfs -color -mindepth 1 -exclude \( -name .git \) -printf '%P\n' 2>/dev/null"
FZF_ALT_C_COMMAND="bfs -color -mindepth 1 -exclude \( -name .git \) -type d -printf '%P\n' 2>/dev/null"

_fzf_compgen_path() {
    bfs -H "$1" -color -exclude \( -name .git \) 2>/dev/null

_fzf_compgen_dir() {
    bfs -H "$1" -color -exclude \( -name .git \) -type d 2>/dev/null