Software Requirements Specification (SRS) - jubairzaman/E-repair GitHub Wiki



1.Introduction :

Most of the time there are some most used technologies like laptop ,television ,computer being damaged. There is no option to go outside to repair them. Sometimes this things remain unrepaired for not going to the technicians. Sometimes the technologies don’t work after repairing when coming back to ourselves. For that reason we have to give it back for again repairing. For our project, we propose the online service where the technicians will be sent by the purpose of customer’s request. Besides there are some technology companies they can manage their client’s using this website. This is basically a website where user can get the home service to repair their damaged technologies. As an admin user can handle their customers by accepting the requests assign their technicians

1.1 Purpose

• To provide web based application for online course design and student’s registrations and self- paced learning • Content administration • Virtual Learning

1.2 Intended Audience

This document is mainly designed for the developers , users and the admin panel of the system. It is also for the project manager and the team which is working for marketing and the sales. This document is meant to demonstrate the features for the developers and also serve as a guide for the marketing and the sales team.

1.3 Intended Uses

• Developers and the project manager team should read it and get brief idea for developing and marketing. • Users and the admin panel can get the idea about the hardware and the software functionalities of the application. They should read it and get the ideas before using the application.

1.4 Product Scope

The product will be designed for both students and the admin panel. It will be helpful product in a very effective way that the students can learn different courses over the online. It will reduce time and the tiresome workload for both students and the admin. This increases an efficiency for making students a good result and good feedback for their study materials.

1.5 Risk definitions:

We are making an online learning platform where students can buy different course they like. So, the only risk possibility could be right payment system. Get the right course and get the payment confirmation on time could be the only risk here.

2.Overall Description

2.1 User Classes and Characteristic

There are two types of users in this website. One is customer who has to register to repair their electronic accessories. They will specify their problems. And the other is the admin. He will notice the incoming orders coming from new customers and companies. They will accept their problem request and sent it to the technician. After the repair is done the admin will sent the total bill to the customer.

2.2 Users Need

In this online service maintenance system, the UI is very much simple for the users. At first, they have to register to sign in the website. They can request for the required service by giving all the details in a form. They can view the service status. They can update their account password and after service they can give feedback about the service.

2.3 Operating Environment

In this website the admin can see the number of requests received, assigned work, technicians. They can view details form of registered clients. They also can view the list of requester clients. They can assign technician for the clients .They can view the assigned list of work order. They can delete the requests after the work. Admin can view the details form of assigned clients and print the form. In repair some things they need additional parts. So the admin can view the list of equipments and Issue the required equipment for customer with pay bill and add equipments to the list. Admin can update/delete equipments from the list. They can view the list of technicians and add/update/delete the technicians list. They can view work report.

2.4 Constraints:

Administrative costs and setup time: Learning how to implement a Repairing system may take a considerable amount of time. Converting all of your Technicians to software will require a transitional period Requires IT and programming knowledge: Unfortunately, many of Our Technicians or Our client don't have the simple computer knowledge that's why we have to train them how to use and maintain the request of our software. May lack features: As This is our first version of the software, we may face some bugs problem or it can need some changes on the features to maintain the software A limited amount of features is available to us.

2.5 Assumption :

Right now we are not facing anything avoidance.

3. Requirements

3.1 Functional Requirements

User Module


● User Has To Register himself to this Software. ● If the user is registered then he will be logged in by entering the username and password.

Service Request : ● View Request From ● Request For a Service

View Request status : • View the request status

Admin Module

Assign Technicians :

● Admin Can approve and Assign Technician to a request ● View Assigned List Of Work Order. ● Close Assigned Work Details

Technician List :

● Admin Can Add Technician ● View The List Of Technicians ● Delete Technician ● Edit Technician

Equipment Store :

● Admin Can Add Equipment ● View The List Of Equipments ● Delete Equipment ● Edit equipment

Work Report :

• Admin can select the list of one date to another date • View the work orders to the selected dates

3.2 Non-Functional Requirements

For this Software, we need the following requirements

● High-speed Hosting. ● PHP as our server-side or backend ● HTML CSS Java script and Bootstrap for Frontend development. ● A Domain to make our software live in the search engine. ● SSL certificate and data privacy policy for security