Feature List - jrchew15/nah-sana GitHub Wiki

MVP List



1. New account creation, log in, log out, and guest/demo login

  • Users can sign up, log in, and log out.
  • Users can use a demo log in to try the site.
  • Users can't use any features without logging in
  • Logged in users are directed to their workspace home page which displays their tasks, projects, and team members.
  • Logged out users are directed to a the splash page.

2. Projects (Full CRUD)

  • Logged in users can create a new project
  • Logged in users can edit any project in the workspace
  • Logged in users can delete any project in the workspace
  • Logged in users can view any project in the workspace

3. Tasks (Full CRUD)

  • Logged in users can create a new task
  • Logged in users can edit any task
  • Logged in users can delete any task
  • Logged in users can view tasks related to a project or in their private task list

4. Profile for each user (Partial CRUD)

  • New users can create a profile (Part of the new account creation feature)
  • Logged in users can view a profile for a member of the workspace or project
  • Logged in users can update their own profile information

5. Workspace (Partial CRUD)

  • Logged in users can add other users to a workspace
  • Logged in users can view users in a workspace that they are a part of
  • Logged in users can remove other users from a workspace
  • Logged in users can create a workspace
  • Logged in users can update a workspace name