Default advanced.yml - jpenilla/squaremap GitHub Wiki

This file is for editing advanced things with the map. Most users should never need to edit this file.

# this is for internal use - do not change it!
config-version: 1

# global settings which apply across the entire plugin/server

  # These are event listeners to trigger automatic updates on
  # the map. When an event happens, the chunk it was in will
  # be added to the queue to be re-rendered in the background.
  # Some of these events can be rather heavy/laggy, so are
  # disabled by default.

    # This triggers when a player breaks a block
    BlockBreakEvent: true

    # This triggers when a block fades, melts or disappears based on world conditions 
    BlockFadeEvent: true

    # This triggers when a block is destroyed by fire
    BlockBurnEvent: true

    # This triggers when a block is destroyed by an explosion
    BlockExplodeEvent: true

    # This triggers when a block forms from world conditions
    # (snow forming from snowfall, ice forming from cold,
    # obsidian/cobblestone forming from contact with water,
    # concrete forming from contact with water)
    BlockFormEvent: true

    # This triggers when a block moves/spreads from block to
    # another (water/lava flowing, teleporting dragon eggs)
    BlockFromToEvent: false

    # This triggers when a growable block grows
    # (wheat, sugar cane, cactus, watermelon, pumpkin, turtle egg)
    BlockGrowEvent: true

    # This triggers when a block physics check is called. This
    # event is a high frequency event, it may be called thousands
    # of times per a second on a busy server. It is advised to
    # enable the event with caution.
    BlockPhysicsEvent: false

    # This event triggers when a piston head extends (pushes)
    BlockPistonExtendEvent: false

    # This event triggers when a piston head retracts (pulls)
    BlockPistonRetractEvent: false

    # This triggers when a player places a block
    BlockPlaceEvent: true

    # This triggers when a block spreads to a new block
    # (mushrooms spreading, fire spreading)
    BlockSpreadEvent: true

    # This triggers when a chunk loads
    ChunkLoadEvent: false

    # This triggers when a chunk generates
    ChunkPopulateEvent: true

    # This triggers when a block forms from entities
    # (snowman leaving snow trail, frostwalker enchant forming ice)
    EntityBlockFormEvent: true

    # This triggers when an entity changes a block and a more
    # specific event is not available
    EntityChangeBlockEvent: true

    # This triggers when an entity explodes
    EntityExplodeEvent: true

    # This triggers when a fluid's level changes
    FluidLevelChangeEvent: true

    # This triggers when leaves decay naturally
    LeavesDecayEvent: true

    # This triggers when a player joins the server
    PlayerJoinEvent: false

    # This triggers when a player moves or looks around
    PlayerMoveEvent: false

    # This triggers when a player leaves the server
    # (quit, kicked, timed out, etc)
    PlayerQuitEvent: false

    # This is triggered when an organic structure attempts to
    # grow naturally or using bonemeal
    # (sapling -> tree, mushroom -> huge mushroom)
    StructureGrowEvent: true

    # Triggers when a player loads a chunk by moving into range of it
    PlayerChunkLoadEvent: false

# world specific settings

  # default settings to be applied to all loaded worlds

    # list of blocks for iterating upwards (see config.yml)
    # the scan stops at the first block found then turns around
    # to scan downward for a valid block. All blocks _not_ in this
    # list are skipped on the scan up.
    # (this default is an example for the nether world)
    - minecraft:netherrack
    - minecraft:glowstone
    - minecraft:soul_sand
    - minecraft:soul_soil
    - minecraft:gravel
    - minecraft:warped_nylium
    - minecraft:crimson_nylium
    - minecraft:nether_gold_ore
    - minecraft:ancient_debris
    - minecraft:nether_quartz_ore
    - minecraft:magma_block
    - minecraft:basalt

    # a list of blocks which will not be drawn on the map
    - minecraft:tall_grass
    - minecraft:fern
    - minecraft:grass
    - minecraft:large_fern

    # override mojang's colors

      # each block has a specific color assigned to it. you can
      # pick your own color here for any blocks you want to change.
      # any blocks _not_ in this map will use mojang's color.
        minecraft:blue_orchid: '#2ABFFD'
        minecraft:lava: '#EA5C0F'
        minecraft:red_tulip: '#9B221A'
        minecraft:allium: '#B878ED'
        minecraft:mycelium: '#6F6265'
        minecraft:lily_pad: '#208030'
        minecraft:oxeye_daisy: '#D6E8E8'
        minecraft:dandelion: '#FFEC4F'
        minecraft:glass: '#FFFFFF'
        minecraft:attached_melon_stem: '#E0C71C'
        minecraft:pink_tulip: '#EBC5FD'
        minecraft:terracotta: '#9E6246'
        minecraft:attached_pumpkin_stem: '#E0C71C'
        minecraft:orange_tulip: '#BD6A22'
        minecraft:birch_leaves: '#80A755'
        minecraft:peony: '#EBC5FD'
        minecraft:rose_bush: '#9B221A'
        minecraft:spruce_leaves: '#619961'
        minecraft:lilac: '#B66BB2'
        minecraft:cornflower: '#466AEB'
        minecraft:azure_bluet: '#F7F7F7'
        minecraft:lily_of_the_valley: '#FFFFFF'
        minecraft:poppy: '#ED302C'
        minecraft:white_tulip: '#D6E8E8'
        minecraft:wither_rose: '#211A16'
        minecraft:sunflower: '#FFEC4F'
        minecraft:pink_petals: '#FFB4DB'

      # biome specific color overrides

        # map of biomes and their grass colors
        grass: {}

        # map of biomes and their water colors
        water: {}

        # map of biomes and their foliage (plant) colors
          minecraft:bamboo_jungle: '#1f8907'
          minecraft:jungle: '#1f8907'
          minecraft:dark_forest: '#1c7b07'
          minecraft:sparse_jungle: '#1f8907'
          minecraft:mangrove_swamp: '#6f9623'