CHAPTER 7 – CADET ACTIONS - jpecarin/36-2011 GitHub Wiki
The OPR for this chapter is AFROTC/RR.
- 7.2.1. Manages cadet life-cycle personnel actions to include medical, physical, enlistment, categorization, waiver processing, disenrollment, and commissioning.
- 7.2.2. Manages personnel records for cadre, Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT), SL ECP and NECP students.
- 7.2.3. Accomplishes unit support administration.
- 7.2.4. Gains SL ECP and NECP students into WINGS and accomplishes appropriate administrative actions.
- 7.2.5. Monitors and updates cadet pay and scholarship actions.
- 7.2.6. Manages publications and forms, GPC, and information technology (IT) resources.
A CRR is the Det/CC’s preliminary examination of a cadet’s failure(s) to maintain standards. Det/CCs may forego a CRR altogether and initiate disenrollment actions IAW Chapter 16, should the situation dictate. Det/CCs will collect known information regarding the cadet’s situation and coordinate findings and recommendation with the Region/CC, who will in turn determine whether the CRR will result in retention, probation, or disenrollment action.
Det/CCs may request a waiver for cadets and applicants who fail to meet eligibility requirements or for contract cadets who fail to maintain retention standards.
- 7.4.1. AFROTC/RRFP will maintain a waiver processing guide on the Registrar section of the current AFROTC intranet.
- 7.4.2. Appeals. A waiver can be appealed to the next Commander in the chain. Ensure the original correspondence, any additional information, and the justification for the appeal is included in the package.
- 7.4.3. Cadet Notification. Cadets must be counseled in writing on results of all waiver requests.
PNA is a period of authorized absence from school or AS classes and LLAB. PNA is “No Pay” unless the cadet is contracted and working towards degree requirements. Det/CCs may authorize PNA and dual enrollment in AS classes for one term. Longer PNAs require Region/CC approval. If it requires a DOC change, AFROTC/RR approval is required. Detachments will counsel the cadet in writing to maintain standards and contact with the detachment for duration of the PNA.
- 7.5.1. PNA for academic purposes. Scholarship costs are capped at those costs the cadet would have had at the host institution and are paid through the host institution. The student is responsible for any other costs. There is no Air Force allowance for travel, room, board, or any other costs incurred by the PNA. The student shall complete a statement of understanding in the WINGS counseling module.
- 7.5.2. Cadets are not authorized a PNA in their final term prior to commissioning without Region/CC approval.
- 7.6.1. Det drop any non-contracted cadet who transfers to Army or Navy ROTC.
- 7.6.2. AFROTC/RR must approve conditional release of contract cadets to Army ROTC (AROTC) or Navy ROTC (NROTC). Submit requests for conditional release waiver and include the written letter of acceptance from sister service ROTC. If approved, the cadet may enlist and terminate their AFROTC scholarship. The detachment will complete a non-investigative disenrollment.
- 7.6.3. For contract cadets accepted to USAFA, Det/CC may approve a conditional release from AFROTC via Memorandum for Record (MFR). Upon verification of USAFA enlistment, the detachment will complete a non-investigative disenrollment.
- 7.6.4. AFROTC Transfer. Cadets may transfer to another AFROTC detachment. The gaining detachment will request all pertinent cadet records and a recommendation for continued membership. The losing detachment completes the transfer by updating WINGS.
- 7.6.5. Cadet Transfers. Cadets or selectees may not transfer between institutions without prior approval of the losing Det/CC and acceptance by the gaining Det/CC.
- For technical majors, the cadet must transfer into the same major or have prior approval to change majors.
- If the transfer moves the DOC into a different fiscal year, the losing Det/CC must receive approval prior to the transfer.
- If a transfer is approved, an activated scholarship will be capped at the tuition rate of the lower cost school regardless of the scholarship type. Exception: If the scholarship is dependent upon the status of the 2-year institution (e.g., HBCU), and the 4-year institution is not the same status, then the scholarship will be lost upon transfer.
- If a transfer is approved, the losing detachment will:
- Prepare a statement of scholarship and subsistence entitlements received and include it with the records forwarded to the gaining detachment.
- Forward the cadet’s record to the gaining detachment. Do not allow the cadet to hand carry records.
- Ensure WINGS is updated to reflect the transfer.
- Write-off cadet uniforms from the detachment inventory as a donation. The losing detachment must accomplish all WINGS uniform management actions prior to the cadet’s transfer to the gaining detachment.
- If notified by the gaining detachment that the cadet did not enroll in AS classes, initiate a CRR or det drop.
- When notified of a pending transfer, the gaining detachment will:
- Notify the losing detachment when the cadet is gained in WINGS.
- Update WINGS. Ensure “School of Primary Attendance” is updated.
- Gain the cadet’s uniforms with the “Receive Items” feature found in WINGS Logistics.
- Ensure that the transferred cadet is receiving scholarship money at the properly capped amount.
- Notify AFPC/DP2LT if an AFROTC Form 53, Cadet Assignment Preference Worksheet, has been submitted.