CHAPTER 2 – RECRUITING - jpecarin/36-2011 GitHub Wiki

Table of Contents

2.1. General Information.

The AFROTC recruiting mission is to recruit highly qualified candidates to meet DAF officer accession goals. AFROTC recruiting is conducted in accordance with AFMAN 36-2032 and the AFROTC National Recruiting Strategy. The OPR for this chapter is AFROTC/RR.

Section 1 – Roles and Responsibilities.

2.2. Recruiting Branch (AFROTC/RRR).

Leads recruiting efforts on a strategic level for AFROTC. AFROTC/RRR:

2.2.1. Publishes the AFROTC National Recruiting Strategy.
2.2.2. Provides staff guidance and assistance to RDAs.
2.2.3. Directs the national marketing and advertising plan, national recruiting efforts, and the development of recruiting methods.
2.2.4. Coordinates with USAFA and Air Force Recruiting Service (AFRS) to maximize overall Air Force recruiting effectiveness.
2.2.5. Manages recruiting Operations and Maintenance (O&M) budget.
2.2.6. Provides detailed market analysis, including top high schools, to each RO.
2.2.7. Provides initial recruiter training for newly assigned RDAs, GBRs and cadre in coordination with AFROTC/CCT.
2.2.8. Provides functional area expertise for staff visits and AFROTC inspection teams.

2.3. National Call Center (RRRN).

Provides accurate and timely information to multi-media national inquiries. Manages the website.

2.4. Targeted Recruiting Section (RRRT).

Develops recruiting strategies through market research and guidance from Air Force leadership. Coordinates with Air Force agencies to determine target markets, including those based on diversity, skills, education or other goals. Obtains American College Test (ACT) and Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) results to identify quality prospects.

2.5. Advertising Section (RRRM).

Oversees AFROTC marketing and advertising efforts. Develops print and multi-media ads, software, video and policy. Reviews locally developed ads and print media annually. Maintains and approves special promotional items (SPIs) and A&P funds to provide AFROTC recruiting materials.

2.6. Regional Director of Admissions (RDA).

Leads recruiting efforts within their regions:

2.6.1. Liaises with region detachments to support national AFROTC objectives.
2.6.2. Recruits students within their geographic area regardless of where the student chooses to attend AFROTC.
2.6.3. Ensures AFROTC participation at national and regional college fairs and conventions.
2.6.4. Review, and approve, detachment recruiting plans.
2.6.5. Maintains a relationship with other recruiting agencies in the region.
2.6.6. RDAs will coordinate with USAFA Regional Directors and perform ALO additional duty when trained and necessary to support AFROTC and USAFA recruiting mission.
2.6.7. Manages region recruiting funds in coordination with AFROTC/RRR.
2.6.8. Supervises Gold Bar Diversity Recruiters.
2.6.9. Document and evaluate all recruiting activities in standardized AAR and submit quarterly report on all region recruiting activities to AFROTC/RRR.
2.6.10. Provides initial and refresher training to ROs in coordination with AFROTC/CCVT.

2.7. Gold Bar Diversity Recruiters (GBR).

GBRs are newly commissioned second lieutenants who support the AFROTC effort to recruit high quality, diverse officer candidates.

2.7.1. Contacts all nationally ranked high schools, as determined by US News and World Report, within a 3-hour radius of their assigned metropolitan statistical area (MSA) with emphasis on the schools with the most diverse population.
2.7.2. Maintains contact (visit, email, phone, virtual platforms) with high schools within their AOR to identify and recruit high-quality, diverse applicants, to promote the benefits of AFROTC and to identify and dispel any misconceptions about the program or DAF service.
2.7.3. Develops and maintains relationships with key influencers in targeted high schools to promote the benefits of AFROTC and to identify and dispel and misconceptions about the program or DAF service.
2.7.4. Participate in and support local and national college fairs to attract, inspire, and recruit high-quality diverse applicants for the AFROTC program.
2.7.5. Partner, coordinate, and de-conflict AFROTC recruiting efforts as much as possible with other AF recruiting assets within assigned MSA.
2.7.6. Document and evaluate all recruiting activities in standardized AAR and submit to assigned RDA.

2.8. Recruiting Officer (RO).

Lead detachment initiatives to recruit in-college, high school, and enlisted members in their geographic area. ROs will:

2.8.1. Generate annual recruiting plans.
2.8.2. Ensure a cadre member is present at all times during off-campus recruiting events. Cadets are not allowed to recruit off-campus or virtually unsupervised. Cadre/Cadets will maintain a professional appearance IAW AFI 36-2903 for all recruiting events. All in-person and virtual recruiting events will be conducted in blues unless waived by the Det/CC. It is the Det/CC’s responsibility to ensure professionalism regardless of the recruiting medium and shall designate the authorized uniform combination for each event. When conducting virtual recruiting, cadre/cadets will ensure their virtual background is professional and their area is free of distractions/interruptions. Virtual name blocks will include Detachment--Rank, First Name and Last Name (i.e. "Det 123--Capt John Doe", "Det 123--Cadet Jane Doe").
2.8.3. Establish and maintain a detachment website on their host institution server IAW AFI 35-107, Public Web and Social Communication, if allowed by the institution. Websites must be approved annually by Air University Public Affairs (AU/PA) through AFROTC/RRRM. Establish and maintain a virtual recruiting space (e.g. Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Facetime, etc.) IAW AFI 35-107. Ensure audio/video checks are conducted prior to event start (recommended 30 minutes prior).
2.8.4. Document and evaluate all recruiting activities in standardized AAR and submit to assigned RDA.
2.8.5. Ensure all recruiting events are conducted in Blues uniforms. Det/CC is the waiver authority on a rare, case-by-case basis (e.g. Air Shows, Field Events, Sporting Events).

Section 2 – Recruiting Operations

2.9. Lead Management.

IAW AFMAN 36-2032 “leads” are defined as individuals who appear to possess, or may in the future possess, the potential and qualifications for enlistment or appointment as a commissioned officer. AFROTC personnel who perform recruiting functions must maintain leads IAW the National Recruiting Strategy.

2.10. Recruiting O&M Funds.

RDAs are authorized to use allocated recruiting funds within their region and must comply with all applicable regulatory and HQ AFROTC/RRR guidance.

2.11. Recruiting Advertising & Promotion (A&P) Funds.

Recruiting A&P funds are used primarily to support detachment recruiting needs. ROs may purchase detachment promotional items utilizing allocated A&P funding. ROs should not pay taxes on purchases. If vendor does not exempt federal purchases from taxes, include them as a separate line item in the request. To place an order, ROs will:

2.11.1 Coordinate with the vendor and arrange for services.
2.11.2. Obtain a proof of the product before AFROTC/RRRM purchases the product in quantity. ROs must proof all promotional items prior to ordering in final quantity.
2.11.3. Ensure work is not started by the vendor until AFROTC/RRRM authorizes purchase.

2.12. Funding Restrictions.

Recruiting A&P and O&M funds cannot be used to purchase the following: awards, uniforms for cadets or cadre, computers and computer accessories, or any single item valued at over $25 without AFROTC/RRRM approval. Recruiting funds not obligated by the detachments or regions will be recovered by AFROTC/RRR for use in support of national recruiting and marketing initiatives.

2.13. Center of Influence (COI) Events.

A COI event is a planned event where meals or snacks appropriate for the occasion are served to provide a setting for DAF personnel to make a recruiting presentation to highly qualified leads or key influencers of highly qualified leads and/or applicants. COI events will be conducted in accordance with the Joint Travel Regulation and AFIs 65-114, Travel-Policy in Procedures for Financial Services Offices and Finance Offices-Reserve Component, and AFMAN 36-2032. COI events must be approved by RDAs and reviewed by HQ AFROTC/RRR.

2.14. Printing Sources.

Printing must be procured through the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Printing Services, unless a waiver is granted. IAW AFI 64-117, Air Force Government-Wide Purchase Card (GPC) Program, if a waiver is granted, printing may be obtained locally using the GPC. All projects must comply with institution policy and be approved by AFROTC/RRRM before printing. Send printed copy with changes, text copy, or a rough layout to AFROTC/RRRM.

2.15. Travel and Temporary Duty (TDY) Management.

RDA must pre-approve detachment cadre travel to support recruiting that requires reimbursement.

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