Table of Contents

Section 1 – Policy

1.1. General.

The Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) program educates, trains, and motivates cadets for Department of the Air Force (DAF) commissioned service (required by U.S.C. Title 10). This instruction provides guidance for AFROTC staff, regions, and detachments to execute the AFROTC mission.

1.1.1. Cadre and staff must conduct education and training in a professional and mutually respectful environment free of harassment, discrimination, hazing, and any other unacceptable conduct, actions, or circumstances inappropriate for cadets IAW AFMAN 36-2032 and AETCI 36-2909.
1.1.2. The AFROTC Commander (AFROTC/CC) will take action against any violations of the above standards.

1.2. Professional Relations.

Cadre will abide by Department of Defense (DoD) Instruction (DoDI) 1304.33, Protecting Against Inappropriate Relations During Recruiting and Entry Level Training; Air Force Instruction (AFI) 36-2909, Professional and Unprofessional Relationships; AETCI 36-2909, Recruiting, Education, and Training Standards of Conduct; and AFI 36-2909_HOLMCENTERGM2020-01. Any discrepancy between guidance in the DODI guidance and AETCI guidance and Holm Center Supplement will be resolved by following the AETCI and Holm Center Supplement. Unprofessional relationships are those interpersonal relationships that erode good order, discipline, respect for authority, unit cohesion, and mission accomplishment.

1.3. Recruit, Recruiter, Trainer, and Trainee.

In AFROTC, a recruit is any applicant; a trainee is a cadet; a recruiter is a Regional Director of Admissions (RDA), Gold Bar Recruiter (GBR), an Admissions Liaison Officer (ALO), and all cadre members; and a trainer is any cadre member or a staff member who has direct contact with trainees for the purpose of planning, organizing, or conducting initial military training. Within the first 30 days of arrival or before any direct engagement with cadets and recruits, whichever comes first, every cadre member or staff member, guest instructor, RDA and GBR will have a DD Form 2982, Recruiter/Trainer Prohibited Activities Acknowledgment, signed and certified. Cadre must re-accomplish the DD Form 2982 annually and maintain this file at the detachment as directed by the Operations Flight Commander (OFC). If a cadre member or staff member who has a current and signed DD Form 2982 on file is physically present at a cadet event, non-cadre members (ex. Non-AFROTC CGOs visiting the detachment for career day) do not need to complete a DD Form 2982 unless they are instructing as part of the AFROTC curriculum. AFROTC/RRR will maintain RDA and GBR forms. Reference the Glossary for the definition of a Guest Instructor. The United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) is responsible for ensuring their ALOs maintain current and signed forms.

1.4. Cadets and Applicants.

Cadets and applicants will complete a DD Form 2983, Recruiter/Trainee Prohibited Activities Acknowledgement, no later than (NLT) the first official event with the detachment, e.g. during Orientation Week, first Leadership Laboratory (LLAB), or first Aerospace Studies (AS) class, whichever occurs first. Detachments will maintain these forms until the individual enters Extended Active Duty (EAD), drops, or is disenrolled from the program.

1.5. Cadet Relations with Subordinates.

Cadets are specifically forbidden from using their rank or position to take, or be perceived as taking, undue advantage of subordinates. Cadets are prohibited from hazing, maltraining, maltreatment, and any other unacceptable conduct towards others IAW AETCI 36-2909 and AFMAN 36-2032.

1.6. Fundraising events.

Cadre and cadets must avoid appearances of sponsorship or fundraising as part of AFROTC activities IAW AFI 34-223, Private Organizations. Cadets participating in university events do not require coordination with AFROTC.

1.7. Military Decorum.

Cadets who have been trained may practice military decorum rules IAW Holm Center T-203, AFROTC Field Training (FT) Manual (FTMAN). For example, cadets preparing for Field Training (FT) may use the seven basic responses, square corners, greetings, come to attention with heels to the wall. This practice will be restricted to Practical Military Training (PMT) in specified locations and as a role-playing exercise rather than a standing policy.

1.8. Prohibitions.

1.8.1. Arnold Air Society (AAS) and cadet booster clubs. These activities are not considered PMT. Since AAS and Silver Wings (SW) have a connection to AFROTC, Detachment Commanders (Det/CCs) must report to AFROTC/CC, through their respective regions, any issues of maltraining, maltreatment, hazing, academic integrity violations, unprofessional relations, and any other unacceptable conduct, actions, or circumstances inappropriate for cadets IAW AETCI 36-2909 and AFMAN 36-2032.
1.8.2. Cadets can participate as private citizens in university, community, or civilian-sponsored events provided they do not wear a uniform or create the appearance of representing AFROTC (except for AAS and non-cadet wing honor/color guards). Cadets who participate do so voluntarily with the understanding that the activity is not sponsored by AFROTC, is not PMT, and injuries could result in loss of AFROTC status and benefits. Reference Chapter 10 for the definition of PMT events.
1.8.3. FT Preparation. FT preparation is designed to teach specific skills and knowledge from Holm Center T-203. Activities/exercises with the intention of simulating the stresses of the FT environment/experience are expressly prohibited. Prohibitions in the context of FT preparation activities include, but are not limited to: Direct individual feedback with raised voices. Using a merit/demerit system. AETC Form 341, Excellence/Discrepancy Report, may be used as a visual aid for instructional purposes only. Any form of physical discipline. Actions including but not limited to sleep deprivation, uniform “superman” (quickly change uniforms) drills, performing time compressed activities (eating), etc.

Section 2 – Roles and Responsibilities

1.9. AFROTC Commander (AFROTC/CC).

Commanders hold the authority and responsibility to act and to lead their unit to accomplish the mission.

1.9.1. May disenroll any contract cadet at any time with or without cause (Authority: 10 United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 2105, DODI 1215.08, Senior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) Programs, and AFI 36- 2011, AFROTC Program.
1.9.2. Directs implementation of AFROTC programs.
1.9.3. Initiates actions to establish Field Training Unit (FTU) and manage host-installation support agreements IAW AFMAN 36-2302, Military Recruiting and Accessions.

1.10. AFROTC Director of Operations (AFROTC/DO).

1.10.1. Establishes and executes policies and procedures governing cadet field training, Professional Development Training (PDT), awards, and logistical support.
1.10.2. Provides oversight and maintains overall responsibility for the FT program, to include, determines and assigns region staff requirements, produces annual guidance, and conducts planning and review processes.
1.10.3. Develops comprehensive PDT strategy to progress cadets from academic experience to operational application and understanding.
1.10.4. Manages centralized logistics support for Detachments and Regions, field training contracts, and develops cadet awards program.
1.10.5. Collaborates with Standardization and Evaluation to validate the effectiveness of cadet training.
1.10.6. Partners with Holm Center Academic Affairs to align curriculum with AFROTC program objectives.

1.11. AFROTC Registrar (AFROTC/RR).

1.11.1. Establishes and executes policies and procedures governing AFROTC accessions.
1.11.2. Manages the Professional Officer Course (POC) Selection Process (PSP) and Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) categorization process.
1.11.3. Establishes procedures and policies that govern scholarship programs.
1.11.4. Manages procedures, policies, and selection boards for Enlisted Commissioning Programs (ECPs).
1.11.5. Manages accession requirements, to include eligibility, enlistment, commissioning, and disenrollment.
1.11.6. Provides strategic direction and guidance for the AFROTC recruiting mission.

1.12. Region Commander (Region/CC).

Commanders hold the authority and responsibility to act and to lead their unit to accomplish the mission.

1.12.1. Executes tasks and ensures adherence to policies, procedures, and guidance in their region.
1.12.2. Directs region and detachment administration, operations, and policy compliance.
1.12.3. Coordinates detachment waiver and Commander Retention Review (CRR) packages.
1.12.4. Identifies and validates host institutions in their region that qualify for Senior Military College (SMC) status.
1.12.5. Selects recipients for awards and recognition.
1.12.6. Manages FT staff assignments based on AFROTC/DO guidance.

1.13. Detachment Commander (Det/CC).

Commanders hold the authority and responsibility to act and to lead their detachments to accomplish the mission.

1.13.1. May drop (“det-drop”) any non-contract cadet at any time, with valid basis.
1.13.2. Directs administration, operations, recruiting, and compliance at their detachment.
1.13.3. Ensures cadre manage personnel records for participants, applicants, and cadets.
1.13.4. Ensures every detachment Professor of Aerospace Studies (PAS) and Assistant PAS (APAS) serves as a primary instructor for at least one AS course each term.
1.13.5. Approves substitute AS class activities, tutorial instruction, and summer classes.
1.13.6. Ensures each instructor is evaluated IAW HCI 36-2601, Faculty Development and Master Instructor Programs, and para 9.13 of this instruction.
1.13.7. Directs safety program, risk management, determination of high-risk activities IAW AFI 90-802, Risk Management (RM), and AFI 91-202, US Air Force Mishap Prevention Program.
1.13.8. Approves high-risk PMT activities and sends RM plan to Region/CC prior to the event.
1.13.9. Serves as or designates a liaison or advisor to AFROTC-associated student organizations and non-federal entities (NFE).
1.13.10. Appoints an officer as the Operations Flight Commander (OFC), Education Officer (EO), and Recruiting Officer (RO).
1.13.11. Nominates cadets or select recipients for awards and recognition.
1.13.12. As required, appoints the Test Control Officer (TCO) and Test Examiner (TE) IAW AFMAN 36-2664, Personnel Assessment Program, and the AFROTC Supplement.
1.13.13. Commands active duty ECP students.
1.13.14. Verifies and provides institution tuition rates to AFROTC/RR.
1.13.15. Ensures scholarship estimates are entered into Web Intensive New Gain System (WINGS) and timely submissions of tuition invoices are entered into WINGS.
1.13.16. Provides oversight of the High School Scholarship Program (HSSP) interview process.
1.13.17. Ranks cadets for each term for PSP, categorization, scholarships, and awards boards.
1.13.18. Reviews locally produced advertising and promotional (A&P) materials.
1.13.19. Reviews and approves the detachment recruiting plans.
1.13.20. Ensures applicants and cadets comply with accessions guidance, including AFMAN 36-2032, Military Recruiting and Accessions, and AFI 36-2903, Dress and Appearance of Air Force Personnel, to include compliance with tattoo and body piercing guidance.
1.13.21. Manages ROTC Monthly Status and Payment Report IAW HOLM CENTERI 65-101, The AFROTC Cadet Payment Programs.
1.13.22. Authorizes travel for cadets IAW DoDI 4515.13, Air Transportation Eligibility.
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