execution - josdem/vetlog-spring-boot GitHub Wiki

To Run

Make sure you have nodeJS dependencies:

cd ${PROJECT_HOME}/src/main/resources/static/assets/servizi-dog-theme
npm install

Then to run this project you need to execute this Gradle command:

./gradlew -Dspring.config.location=$HOME/.vetlog/application-development.yml -Dflyway.user=${username} -Dflyway.password=${password} bootRun


  • ${username} is you MySQL vetlog database user
  • ${password} is you MySQL vetlog database password

Note: If it will be the very first time you will create the database, make sure to run this command

./gradlew -Dflyway.user=${username} -Dflyway.password=${password} -Dflyway.baselineOnMigrate=true flywayMigrate -i

To run tests

./gradlew -Dspring.config.location=$HOME/.vetlog/application-development.yml jacocoTestReport test

To run a specific test

./gradlew -Dspring.config.location=$HOME/.vetlog/application-development.yml test --tests ${testName}


  • ${testName} is test name you want to run
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