Execution - josdem/vetlog-spring-boot GitHub Wiki
To Run
Make sure you have nodeJS dependencies:
cd ${PROJECT_HOME}/src/main/resources/static/assets/servizi-dog-theme
npm install
Then to run this project you need to execute this Gradle command:
./gradlew -Dspring.config.location=$HOME/.vetlog/application-development.yml -Dflyway.user=${username} -Dflyway.password=${password} bootRun
is you MySQL vetlog database user${password}
is you MySQL vetlog database password
To run tests
./gradlew -Dspring.config.location=$HOME/.vetlog/application-development.yml jacocoTestReport test
To run a specific test
./gradlew -Dspring.config.location=$HOME/.vetlog/application-development.yml test --tests ${testName}
is test name you want to run