How to Play Mods - jonaeru/perfect_dark GitHub Wiki


Mod List

Artifacts link changes with each update and I would delete the old version.
Download expires in 90 days by GitHub. If it has expired, you will need to build it yourself.

Perfect Dark Plus + All Solos in Multi + GoldenEye X 5e Multi Mod

Last Updated: September 29, 2024

Differences From the Original Mod

  • Perfect Dark Plus by Wreck
    • Fixed Skedar left arm, Dr. Carroll left arm hitbox. (Thank you so much, Wreck)
    • Fixed Skedar and Dr. Carroll blood color, added injury sounds
    • Presidents Clone body can be selected
  • All Solos in Multi by 00dark
    • Original arena can be selected
    • Added "Random Multi" and "Random Solo"
    • Fixes for multiplayer do not affect solo
    • Fixed the collision in Carrington Villa Multi (can climb roof). (Thank you so much, Atari-Dude)
  • GoldenEye X
    • Combat Simulator Arena only (Partially broken)
      • Caverns (broken water texture)
      • Fac Backzone (broken texture white wall)
      • Train (broken texture white floor)

Step-by-Step Instruction

  1. Download either the Windows or Linux artifact (Github login required)
    URL changes with each update. (Expires in 90 days by GitHub)


    I would delete the old version. If it has been deleted, please click on the latest link below.


  2. Add your pd.ntsc-final ROM to the data folder

  3. The following mod folders are required (Version may have been updated)

  4. Place folders (once unzipped, called mod_pdplus_solomulti_v4 and mod_gex_mp_v3) into the same folder as pd.exe

  5. Create a bat file
    pd.exe --moddir mod_pdplus_solomulti_v4 --gexmoddir mod_gex_mp_v3

    Copy the text above and hit Save As, then select All Files, type PD.bat
    When you save, the file extension needs to be .bat
    You can use this to launch the game.

  6. Output pd.log (Optional)
    Add --log option
    pd.exe --moddir mod_pdplus_solomulti_v4 --gexmoddir mod_gex_mp_v3 --log

    No problem if the following are output. If not loaded, mod dir:, gex mod dir: will not be output.
    b6d0575 is the latest version.

    version: port-custom b6d0575 (i686-windows)
     mod dir: ./mod_pdplus_solomulti_v4
     gex mod dir: ./mod_gex_mp_v3