Page 009 Expanding 1IN1OUT Example - johnmholmes/Arduino-CBUS--Introduction-Series GitHub Wiki
Page updated 5/10/24
The series of examples in my repository are based on the mINnOUT from Martins example, which came from Duncan's 1IN1OUT version in the CBUS2515 Library example. it is here so I can experiment with the Arduino Nano and small readily available can modules. This would not be possible with out the great work of the original sketch creators.
- I have only altered a number of lines of code from his original version.
- I have a different approach so my examples may end up out of step with Martin's versions here.
- The 1IN1OUT example can be found here.
- If any issues are found I will take the steps required to correct them in my versions to save the team having to deal with them.
- There is a another version of Martins which is being worked on for the VLCB project. here
- To assist people who have dyslexia and struggle with complicated documentation, I create short videos to try to show the different steps required.
- To help member of MERG, who find it very difficult to solder up the various MERG kits. By offering them an affordable alternative to use CBUS. Which was the way many MERG members did this original before the MERG kit 110 was produced.
- The sketch remains the copy write of the original creators, and should if used give them the credit as required by the license granted.
- The original documentation in Martins example is excellent, I will be just be showing some of the setup with FCU and JMRI, This is for my own benefit, as I am just getting started with Arduino CBUS.
- I have had the permission Martin to share my version of his code through my public YouTube channel. Model railway the easy way
- Extra sketches maybe added to save people having to alter the sketch in the future.
- I will be revisiting this project again due to my involvement with the Merseyside area group & the CBUS User group of MERG and will see how far I can take this in the future.
My sketches versions
- 6 in 6 out added
- 12 in 0 out added
- 0 in 12 out added
Extra Libraries required
These sketches use an external libraries called
- Bounce2 to control the debounce of the switches. The library needs to be installed separately using the Arduino IDE library manager.
- Streaming The library needs to be installed separately using the Arduino IDE library manager.
- LEDControl This library is supplied in the folder for the sketch and contains 2 files.