Processing Exercise Set B - johnfraserss/ICS2O9 GitHub Wiki

Exercise Set (B)

For all of these exercises, do not hand them in, just ensure your teacher sees the work, and that you can communicate your understanding of the work related to the learning goals.

It is highly suggested that you complete these exercises prior to attempting Processing - Assignment 2

Exercise 5

Estimated time to complete: 2-3 classes

  1. Recreate the image below. Each set of shapes is created with for loops. For example, there is only one triangle line of code, but the for loop draws multiple triangles.


Exercise 6

Estimated time to complete: 1-3 classes

  1. Recreate the image below. Use while loops to complete this task. You can technically complete this task using for loops, but it is expected that you practice using while loops.


Exercise 7 (AP)

Estimated time to complete: 2-3 classes

  1. Recreate this image. Use only two FloatLists to complete this task. Trees are added one at a time with a right mouse click, and taken away one at a time with a left mouse click.

Exercise 8 (AP)

Estimated time to complete: 1-2 classes

  1. Make a copy of Assignment 1. Organize your code using functions, rather than having everything in the draw() function. For example you can have functions to draw certain parts of your sketch, or to perform certain checks.

Try to include the use of parameters in at least one function (similar to the stickFigure(float x, float y) function we made in class).

Exercise 9 (AP)

Estimated time to complete: 2-3 classes

  1. Recreate this image. There will be one function that assigns the colour to each randomly drawn square.

color squareColour(float xPos, float yPos)

  • Parameters are the x and y position of a square
  • Returns a colour based on the distance of the mouse cursor to the centre of the square

Learning Goals and Success Criteria

The Overarching Learning Goal for this is Programming Concepts. The specific Learning Goal(s) for this include:

  • We are learning to explain programming concepts and constructs.
  • We are learning to plan, write, and maintain simple programs.
Success Criteria for
We are learning to explain programming concepts and constructs
Met Not Met Learning and Improvement Comments
I can use correct terminology to describe programming concepts
I can describe the types of data that computers can process and store
I can explain the difference between constants and variables used in programming
I can determine the expressions and instructions to use in a programming statement, taking into account the order of operations
I can identify situations in which decision structures are required
I can appropriately use decision structures
I can identify situations in which looping structures are required
I can appropriately use looping structures
I can describe the function of Boolean, comparison, and arithmetic operators
Success Criteria for
We are learning to plan, write, and maintain simple programs
Met Not Met Learning and Improvement Comments
I can use variables, expressions, and assignment statements to store and manipulate numbers and text in a program
I can write a program that includes input and output
I can write clear and maintainable code using proper programming standards
I can write clear and maintainable internal documentation to a specific set of standards
I can write a program that includes a decision structure for two or more choices
I can write a program that uses looping structures effectively
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